i just want to be normal edition

>ch*canos are the new hapas
what a time to be alive

please reply



tell me other fun websites or forums. i cant stand Sup Forums anymore

I don't know any really besides like wiz which is basically just /r9k/

Op you're such a self hating nigger; you deserve to loathe yourself. Have some self respect. Be a man.

i hate myself what do you want me to do?

Don't hate yourself. You can choose to be a better version of yourself today and so on for each day that goes by.


>I suffer in America as the dominant minority group.

no one here likes us

The normie train has passed. I have been trying to come to terms with that fact but it's far too bitter to accept.

I know what you mean even though I try to accept my fate I still try to hold on to some hope

I'm a soon-to-be student at the US.

Will be disrespected and looked down upon as the filthy Chicanos?

Stop being a NEET and go to college.

Didn't get into business school, I take it

yes, even worse actually since you're salvadorian they will probably look at you better if you say you're mexican

Yep, I dun fucked up like I usually do. I think the field is fairly interesting, there are jobs but most importantly I see university as a chance of turning my life around. But what's another year of this empty existance, just a drop in the bucket r-right? Maybe I should go study some nonsense subject in uni that has no jobs, atleast I could get 5 maybe good years out of that. Though there are no guarantees anything would change even if I did get into uni. It is still the only way I can realistically see anything changing for me, atleast changing for the better. Things can always change for the worse.

you can also try living somewhere else. isn't it easy for you to just move to another country? try a sunny place like spain or some shit

If it makes you feel even slightly better, I didn't get accepted either, applied to study law in Helsinki. There's always next year, we'll get there. The most important thing is to not wallow in self pity.

I am quite a long way mentally from being able to do that. Also moving with no real marketable skills would ruin me financially, the ability to save a little money and have a longer trip abroad as a pipe dream is by far my biggest positive prospect at the moment. A little sunshine is not what will "fix" my situation.
I'm not wallowing in self-pity as deeply as I did some time ago. Though I can't help but feel a little sorry for myself but I know it doesn't change a thing. I think I should try to take very small steps for self-improvement, you know the kind of easy things that are in the realm of actual possibility. The misery comes naturally, I am trying to avoid it not wallow in it anymore than I "have" to. Still it's not the end of the world, the world never ends even if it does seem to get a little worse with time. As you said there is always next year.

take a trip then just do it for like a weekend or something

You seriously overestimate my mental fortitude, that is not something I can do on a whim. I would have to plan and prepare and before doing that I would actually have to make up my mind which is not that simple for me. It's pathetic, no need to tell me that since I know.

you don't act on impulse? if I was in your shoes and could actually go somewhere I would just do it with out thinking

Pretty much every single time I have done things without thinking I have regretted it since it tends to turn out badly for me. That has made me more and more timid over the years. Also just having a change of scenery for a second is not what I am looking for, though I don't actually really know what I would be looking for. I just want to feel like I am doing something and enjoy myself for a while. But as I said it's not that simple for me. Also it is something for me to look forward to, actually it would really be the only thing before next years test to really look forward to. I need something to look forward to, that is one reason along with my indecisiveness to not just pack up and go. I'll probably find my spine from somewhere and go do something this year.

do you no longer find enjoyment in things you use to ? thats how I am I usually really like a bunch of stuff and was really into them but not anymore

What is a chi?


>mami found the warrant of deportation

There are things that I still enjoy, though I am more prone to becoming miserable and when I become like that my day might as well be over. Still I can usually find some enjoyment in life.

i'm at the point where I don't know what to do anymore i just sit in my room all day doing nothing

What do mestizos want? what on earth will make you happy? living among your own and living among white people is not working out for you

no one here likes us though imagine living somewhere where u are hated by everyone wouldn't be so fun would it

You didnt like living in latin America either it seems

I love your women.

I didn't have a choice

Just go back to Mexico then
I didnt like being born here either so I'm moving to Europe.

can't im at war with myself currently

Bolivia is not located in Europe

Why are leafs so unfunny?

this is a bully free zone



Chicanos will be the new normal soon, whites are abnormal

Lol chicanos

? es there a prolebm ese

based maine

I miss Hitler
There was another crime spree in a neighboring city last night. The perpetrators were somalis, but the jewish owned media is doing everything in their power to suppress this information
Anyway OP. Remember that your problems can be blamed on the jews.

I just realized the USA has the demographic distribution of Buenos Aires, the south is full shitskin with the south east having more Niggers and the south west and west having more Latino niggers, NY is literally villa 31 being a latino enclave surrounded by whites.
Holy shit the more I think about it the more it makes sense

if hilter was alive do you think he would love chicanos?

Were the jews responsible for mass immigration in Argentina too?
I know there is a large jewish contingent in Chile who advocates for mass immigration from Peru

Jews are cucked as hell, their most iconic neighborhood is flooded by shitskins and the other day I went to pick up my little brother in law in the most prestigious school in argentina so naturally all the kids were white but then came a jewish woman with an adopted nigglet and he looked retarded too because he had the size of a 9 yo but was being carried by one of those baby carriages.

Also by adopted nigglet I dont mean a puerto rican looking nigglet but a full charchoal probably haitian nigglet

I doubt he would have much love for any group of people these days because most people are uneducated on the JQ.
The Muslims dislike jews, but their reasons are different from ours, and Muslims are agents of destruction used by Jews to oppress European peoples. Toledo in the 712, the Ottoman Empire, modern western society, Jews have a long history of collaborating with Muslims. One of my biggest criticisms of Hitler was he was too friendly to the Muslims.
Even many westerners who dislike jews have incomplete lines of reasoning for their beliefs, usually solely justifying their antisemitism by citing jewish dominance in finance.
It's why I think For My Legionaries should be read by everyone. It was written in the 1930s and the narrative takes places in the 1910s and 1920s, but it's still relevant today.
Codreanu was certainly the most redpilled man to walk this Earth.

hmmmmmmmmmm interesting

Go read For my Legionaries.

>that pic
>wanting to be white in 2k17 when they'll soon be living on reservations.

Will you guys kill me when you complete your take over of the United States? Pic related is me

you're a chi

I'm not actually, can non CHI stay in the new Mexican States of America

You look related to greekgodx

I'm a terrone so that makes sense

yes you're stop denying it

Here's my 23 and me

You look colombian tbqh

you're brown as shit stop

No I'm not
How do I get a cirllio Colombian gf ?

yeah you are. are you one of those chicanos that try to pretend hes not mexican?

I literally just showed you my 23 and both sides of my family come from Italy, I have no amerindian genes. Why do you insist I'm Mexican?

You don't look like an Italian you look like a quadroon/colombian

jajajajajajja you're not Italian

The CHI fears the dago

Why can't CHIs and Anglos just get along?