>1.Do you believe there is a grand Jewish conspiracy?
There is no "grand Jewish conspiracy." BUT, and that's a big BUT(NOSE), Jews are intelligent and teach their children to be intelligent and advance themselves and go for jobs in medicine, law, politics, media, etc., so you see and hear about them in disproportionate numbers. AND they're the only group allowed to be "racist" and/or anti-"race-mixing" and allowed to encourage each other to only procreate with other Jews and help other Jews advance in their hiring practices. The only "group" allowed to get away with this.
>2.Why are so many Jews progressives?
1.) They're successful, for the most part, so they can afford it.
2.) They're smart enough to know that they wouldn't be able to get away with the above if they weren't progressive. So they encourage everyone to race-mix but, privately, they themselves get away with it because "muh persecution."
>3.Did the Holocaust happen?
Yes and no. Did 6 million Jews and 5 million gypsies, etc., die through systematic extermination? No. Did the Germans want them out? Yes. Did a lot of them die? Yes. Were there some Germans who probably took things a bit too far or had a less than laissez-faire attitude about how they were removed from their country? Yes. Particularly toward the end of the war, as it became clear that Germany was headed for defeat? Yes.
It's just not as black and white as is commonly taught.
>4.Do you think Jews are White?
There is no "race" to any "religion." However, as said previously, they're "allowed" to get away with being anti-mixing and encouraged to procreate only with other Jews.
>5.Do Sup Forumsacks ever piss you off with anti-semitism?
Again, yes and no. Some go way too far and are just as bad as the bad Nazis were and they give those of us who are trying to change all of this for the better, a bad name. I'm not anti-semitic, I just think the Jews need to be properly called out on their bullshit, not exterminated.