Has there ever been a good english anime dub?

Has there ever been a good english anime dub?

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there have been serviceable ones, none that I would call "good"


If you don't like Golden Boy's dub, you are a machine

Has there ever been a good japanese anime dub?

Cowboy Bebop


Cowboy Bebop and arguably Golden Boy.

Full Metal Alchemist is pretty top-tier as well in vocals.

Aside from that, I've really never seen one better or even really on par with the original's voicework.

Even the ones that the public seems to tote as being great, such as Baccano!, are merely tolerable rather than actually commendable.

Hellsing OVAs actually put effort into having matching accents for the characters respective home countries.

YuYu Hakusho
Rurouni Kenshin

Why did he take off his pants like that?

Did he see someone he wanted to rape?

Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion

Sgt. Frog
Samurai Pizza Cats
Ghost Stories

That's it

Black Lagoon
Panty and Stocking
Golden Boy

'Ghost Stories' was pretty okay

Panty and Stocking


Being forced to watch DBSuper in Japanese has really made me appreciate the English dubs.
That being said the only animes I've ever watched were DB and Naruto

2 nukes weren't enough



Fma dub is way better than the Japanese original
Berserk is decent also



This. The delivery on the dub is insanely good.


Ya, almost all of them

Why would I want to listen to gookspeak?

Came here to post this

Beck Mongolian Chop Squad

The Manga UK dub of Patlabor 2 is considered one of the best and one of my favorites.


There aren't any English animes, and even if there were, they wouldn't need to be dubbed because they're already in English.

I finished death note last night and thought the dub was pretty decent

Ghost Stories

>Fma dub is way better than the Japanese original

But that's not true at all

Howl's Moving Castle is legitimately better in English than in Japanese. They actually used two VAs for Sophie, one young, one old, instead of the Japanese which used one middle-aged VA.

No, I've checked out a few minutes of everyone of these so called "good anime dubs" and they're all fucking dogshit. Everyone involved with dubbing and able to listen to this shit should be tortured and then slowly killed.

Evangelion dub is pretty great

If only there was an anime board where stupid fat fucking permavirgin weebs like yourself could find answers to these questions that haunt your lonely dreams.

Ghost In the Shell, in most forms. Well Section 9 mostly, sometimes the background characters have stupid fucking VAs

William Knight as Aramaki is always the comfiest though. I've associated his voice with the character since the original PS1 game




Studio Ghibli US releases aren't bad. They usually go out and find talent, and not the same 4 voice actor used in every other anime.

no, english speaking VAs are shit.

Samurai Pizza Cats.
The English producers were given episodes that either had shit translations or no translation at all. The producers said fuck it and wrote whatever funny crap they could in every scene, often commenting on how cheap and repetitive the animation was.

Black Lagoon
Desert Punk
Big O
Samurai Champloo
Cowboy Bebop

Death Note is literally the only one

Cromartie High.

Notice how the least cringey animes have a good English dub?

Vampire Hunter D.

wrong question
>Has there ever been a good anime?
the answer is of course no

kaiba boy


>Black Lagoon

Baccano had a good English dub, it helps that the show is actually set in the United States.

>he doesn't like Eva's dubs

Ghost Stories
Patrician Taste Detected

There are certain English VAs who do a better job than the Japanese ones (the English VA girl for Spice and Wolf, the guy who plays Lelouch in Code Geass), but it's really rare for an entire show to be better in English.

I've noticed that a lot of English VAs sound way too old for their roles, while a lot of Japanese VAs sound way too young. The guy who does Kyon's voice in Haruhi sounds like he's in his 30s, while most Japanese female VAs sound like they're about 10.

Cowboy Bebop, Dragonball, and Death Note

>Has there ever been a dub?
FTFY. Also, no, dubs are for low IQ retards.

>outlaw star
>Golden Boy
>Cowboy Bebop
>Big O
>Vampire Hunter D
there's plenty.

Just learn to put up with subtitles and this shouldn't even be an issue for you to waste your little brain cells on.

Ouran High School Host Club
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Good dub>good sub>bad sub>bad dub

One thing to note is this was actually recorded in English first. The Japanese version is the dub.

Most of these "good dubs" are just the first dubbed anime these anons had watched.

They're pretty much unconditionally shit, not least because they're constrained by a time limit with each line and under that pressure none of them are able to make anything they say sound natural.


Code Geass
Cowboy Bebop
Death Note
YuYu Hakusho

The only anime I'd recommend watching the dub over the sub is Baccano, just because it takes place in America

However Bebop's dub is pretty good

Do americans really talk like their va's? I mean, i've heard good dubs and bad dubs in my language, but your dubs of anime always sound phoned in

What about the original Yu-Gi-Oh you fucking autists?

DESU yeah, even with the censorship.

I would say Berserk, but you should read the manga.

I have both the Manga UK dvds for Patlabor 1&2, I watched them so many times over the course of a week while suffering from a really bad case of the flu.

I'd say DBZ and FMA:brotherhood had good English dubs too and I'm fond of 2006 Guyver dub and Berserk's dub too.

This. I will never be able to understand why Goku and Gohan have to sound like little girls in the original wapanese. And the english soundtrack is pure gosu.


the scene in the last episode where light is yelling at matsura after being shot in the hand was great

Adding onto this I literally just finished death note yesterday, any recommendations on what to watch next? Pretty new to anime, I've really liked eva, Death note, one punch man, cowboy bebop and ghost in the shell. No moe shit pls

I'm told ruroni kenshin is good but I've never seen it


Stick to season 1, though.

Space Dandy. The dub was so good the English version premiered first.

Panty Stocking is probably the best dub in the history of anime.

I actually struggle to think of bad dubs

off the top of my head for good dubs

cowboy bebop
afro samurai
ghost in the shell
all miyazaki movies
gurren lagann (minus kamina of course)
psycho pass
evangelion is decently dubbed
shonen shit like:
one piece

all have very fitting voices for their characters

i dont understand where this "le dubs are bad" meme came from

also daily reminder that the only reason you weaboo fucks consistently think subs are superior to dubs is because of the language barrier. It's a lot easier to be forgiving of voice acting when you literally cant understand the fucking words they're speaking

I'd even go as far as to say the sub is actually bad. Dandy sounds like a grizzled samurai, qt doesnt even have a robot filter, and meow sounds like a timid old pedophile. Horrible casting.

Space Dandy
Gurren Lagann

DBZ, Bebop, FMAB

>Sgt. Frog
mein nigger

I can't stand the way the Japanese make their female characters in anime sound like retarded helium-filled children, so I try to find an english dub when it's available



FMA(both original and Brotherhood) is GOAT
GITS SAC has a soft spot in my heart for the Major's milf voice and the fact that I watched it on tv as a kid, even if the rest of it isn't that great.

>Big O

Came to post this. The Japanese is unwatchable.

Welcome to the NHK has a better dub than sub

Panty and Stocking would if they didn't change so much of the script


because they are dubbed by girls

Spanish dub was objectively superior to the english one. Also I was going to go with Yugioh.

Where are the fucking mods to delete this off topic thread?

>board is called Sup Forums
>anime is on tv

All recommendation threads belong on /wsr/

Read the rules Sup Forumsedditor

>dubbed anime


Why aren't the mods doing their job and deleting this off topic thread? Mods? Where are you?