Why are there white people who are drug addicts and homeless?
Why are there white people who are drug addicts and homeless?
White people
they listened to "rap" and "hip-hop" in high school.
This. Jungle music is a gateway to niggerdom.
Weaponized anthropology
jungle is a separate genre from hip hop you imbecile
You would know that, wigger
bernie said there are no poor white ppl tho
Separate but equal.
Because they're privileged and keeping black people down.
They hung out with black kids.
(and so did their parents).
DESU there have always been white degenerates and we can only really blame rampant cultural alcoholism.
I don't know whats going on in Germany, but if you want a non-white race maymay answer of what has plagued the United States, i'll give you a run down
>For years drug abuse was considered an inner-city black problem
>Early 2000's to now, big pharma has been pushing opiods on doctors because they work, they are highly addictive, and their expensive
>people get hooked on opiods in suburban neighborhoods, upper class, etc
>this in the middle class and lower upper class either cant afford the opiod medication/doctors refuse to perscribe it
>white people, mostly, start driving into the big cities and start buying heroin because its the damn same thing but for 5 bucks a hit
>rinse and repeat
Big examples: Staten Island, Sidelll, North Shore Louisiana, Charlotte, etc. Maine has also been ravaged by a heroin epidemic.
The United States has had its highest drug abuse and suicide rate since like 1979 this year.
We are not supermen, Mehmet.
And hillary right after said white people dont know how it feels to have their children die.
Left-wing induced degeneracy.
> Run interference for drug cartels by pushing police out of sink-hole estates.
> Promote drug use and "rave" culture as a new religion.
> Glorify criminality and the drug trade.
> Crap out tax money to those stuck in sink-hole estates.
> Bob "give us your money" Geldof lost both his wife and daughter to heroin.
> HA HA!
You neglected to mention they listen to Jungle music on their drives to Niggertown to score their Brown Sugar. They wouldn't have known where to score if they hadn't listened to Jungle music.
Because drugs are awesome
and money that can be used to buy a house can be used for drugs
I was born into an aloholics anonymous household. Naturally rebelled. Parents kicked me out at 17. In the six years since then I've lived in tents and under bridges. I've done every drug there is. Right now I'm in my first apartment. Which I'm about to lose because I can't afford to pay off a dui much less rent at the same time. So I'm packing up. The cops know where I live and I'm not going to let them enslave me. Financially or otherwise.
That's how it happened to me.
Some, like the people on this board, would say it's a moral failing. You didn't indoctrinate yourself enough with teachings from a desert cult book, so you're homeless and a drug user.
More intelligent people realize that it's a combination of psychological and sociocultural factors.
As a recovering Heroin addict, it's because there comes a point where drugs like heroin are the only thing in your life that can make you happy.
Why take it in the first place? Life was boring so you needed a new rush.
yeah, sure grandpa
jungle comes from breakbeats and dub and has nothing to do with hip hop you retarded faggot
Fuck you, whippersnapper. I know what I'm talking about.
Refugees need the jobs.
The Hippity Hops and Raps are derivatives of Jungle. You need to settle down.
We are the new Weimar Republic.
Also the southern Appalachian poor fucked white people. Entire white communities are over prescribed and overdosed on opioids thanx to evil shitty community doctors that receive kickbacks from big pharma for prescribing specifically to poor whites.
Every population has outliers.
t. NatSoc Jew.
Hip hop came before jungle you clown. You have literally no idea what you're talking about.
>who are drug addicts and homeless?
One is the consequence of the other.
They fell for the "just try it" meme.
They made bad choices
>t. NatSoc Jew.
mah nigga
Stop embarrassing yourself, you jive ass turkey. It all began in the Jungle.
Godspeed to you user, I lost someone very close to me about two years ago. He was in your shoes once. Definitely move on, but please stay away from rainbow senpai degenerates and squatters, they'll take you down and get you to OD just to steal your gear. Be safe, I hope you come out on top
Not sure where you're from, but in Philadelphia the poor white people are the ones who are and have always been heroin addicts.
I myself was one of those people. Poor white family, severely depressed, niggers everywhere surrounding me, dude selling heroin.
"Hey, I already want to kill myself. Maybe I'll try heroin to see if its as good as they say"
Boom. Most amazing drug. Most amazing feeling.
Almost killed me, made my shitty life worse.
Got clean 10 months ago
Hip hop started in the 70s. Jungle didn't start until the late 80s.
You know nothing about music.
A woman's stomach should not stick out or sag lower than her titties.
because they were passed over by a less qualified minority
What? Every heroin addict I know listened to alternative rock of the time and dad rock. Everyone I know that was a wigger free away from the party lifestyle and are relatively successful. While still listening to coontunes.
That is the evolution of your filthy music.
Because businesses/employers never practice what they preach.
>just not enough to give them jobs.
vets make up a good portion of homeless
Uhmn if that dude was actually a vet that shirt would be long gone. Nobody fulfills their contract or gets the boot with that shirt. They gave that to you at the recruiters. Not saying a ton of the homeless aren't vets because there are quite a few. Homeless folks like to claim they're vets simply for the sympathy when grifting.
I've been looking for the rainbow famly for years. But thanks for the heads up.
They'll probably OD before I do. I'm not sure if I can die at this point. I should be dead a hundred times over by now but I just cant.
I'm not deluded. I know one day I'll die of old age (unless I'm the man from earth) but I'm beginning to think I won't get to die early. Passive suicide just doesn't work for me.
Because they can't get welfare because white privilege. Only shitskins can collect welfare.
You sound like that nice lady who starts the "Why I don't respect welfare queens" threads.
because no one can save a shirt for an extended period of time...?
Why would I do that? I was a "welfare queen". I'm just letting you know the shirt probably came from good will. A vet would probably wear the sand colored or brown under shirt if they truly where an army of one.
Not that shirt. Unless he got booted out of basic hoped on the plane home to nothing but the clothes on his back.
Must be the Jews
lol why not THAT shirt?
what is so special about THAT shirt?
You are an idiot and you know nothing about music.
I bet you refer to all electronic music as "techno" or "dubstep"
Read the thread. It's given to anyone who showed up to the recruiters office and even feigned interest.
You're not a detective, autismo.
> he doesn't listen to djent folk liquid Armageddonstep
Not even slightly equal.
youre a fucking idiot.
i got the same damn shirt before being shipped off to basic. now, tell me why I, a combat vet, could not keep and hold on to it after completing my contract?
>homeless vet
>stop by recruiter to chat about old times
>get free t-shirt
>take nap on street
>tfw this confirms that there are other NatSoc Jews on this board
My brothers.
Drugs are cool, anyone that denies that is a beta loser.
A large amount of Drug abusers are doing it as self diagnosed treatment for childhood trauma
Why would they? If they where that fucking frugal they wouldn't be homless.
lol, that's not true, that's some Freud trash that nobody really believes anymore.
thats your answer about why that man could not be a homeless vet?
because he has a t-shirt from the military and there is no way someone would put their belongings into storage as they move around the country?
stick to your welfare queens post.
This is a fucking stupid question.
Drugs are a huge problem among heavily white states like Kentucky, West Virginia, Vermont and Maine.
A lot of poor white people in those states.
But he's European, therefore smarter than you fucking burger
>Raped as a child
>Grow up as a well adjusted person with no emotional problems
pick one
Cuz drugs are good, and life can suck? Most drug addicts were abused as children and what not.
Yeah why would anyone ever want to do something that makes them feel good and lets them escape reality and forget their shitty lives for a while
What a retarded question
Because nobody cares about disadvantaged white people. Not even white people.
You just outed yourself. Where are you actually from? And how did you change your ID? You nigger.
Can confirm, I live in Vermont. Thanks to our drug problem we have a growing nigger problem, but according to our flatlander progressives, it's really a racism problem.