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For one they put that huge outlier poll up on RCP, second Trump had a shit awful week because he kept going on and on about the judge.
Polls are biased against Republicans. Don't trust them.
>Trump isn't really running, Trump can't win a primary, Trump can't win by May, Trump won't get 1237, Trump won't beat Hillary...
There is more democrats then there is republicans in the US. With all the recent interviews with other republicans shitting on Trump because they are fucking brain dead it has actually affected some peoples opinions.
Because Hillary just clinched the nomination essentially. Everyone here who isn't a retard Trump bootlicker told you she would get a boost from that. Anyways, worrying about shit like this is retarded so many months before election.
They're not braindead, a lot of them are up for re-election and have to be wishy washy on Trump so they stand a chance of being re-elected.
Because you won't kill.
Regardless of what Trump says, every establishment republican will be toast. Wouldn't surprise me if Paul Nehlen beats Paul Ryan this coming August.
wait for the debates. Hillary doesn't stand a chance against his pure shamelessness and charisma.
>le national polls meme
Trust me if he's tying Hillary in fucking PA and up by 1 (statistical tie) in FL, that's fucking good.
Whites are a soon-to-be minority and republicans and conservative philosophy is demonized by the mainstream. Liberals and democrats successfully infiltrated and destroyed America through controlling pop culture and academia.
I was watching Fox News the other day and they had a segment on about how Georgia might flip blue in presidential elections and they attributed the change entirely to changing demographics. Why don't they ever say that the changing demographics is bad? They just accept that the demographics are inevitably going to be changed. America will turn into a socialist shitpile that bans guns and white people soon enough.
>The Judge stuff
>Outlier poll from Reuters
>Shillary clines nomination
I think this will all change with the democratic convention due to the high chance it will feel the bern
Dude hes winning in Oregon
The whole thing is rigged so Hillary wins
Trump was a plant to cuck the GOP
He will rollover now and lose just as planned
I've been telling you idiots this the whole time
Just wait for Monday, we'll see what happens.
Trump is controlled opposition
>Le Hillary Mastermind meme
So does that mean that Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz had a better chance at beating Hillary?
How the fuck?
>Reuters/Ipsos poll
>44% Dems 32% Reps polled
>Thinking Hillary masterminded anything
It's the Globalists you cuck
You fucking weak faggot.
Glorious Trump isn't falling, he's just growing in opposite direction.
The wall foundations just got ten feet deeper.
These polls do not take in consideration third parties candidates.
God, the girl in the red shirt is ASKING to have her footpussy fucc.
>ignoring the rest of my post
So are you saying that the globalists did not want Jeb or Cruz to be nominated?
The whole Mexican judge thing. Despite what Sup Forums might tell you it was a pretty stupid move. He had just managed to unite most of the Republican party and gotten many high profile Republicans to endorse him, which I admit he did far faster than I expected, and then he fucks up and gives them an excuse to call him racist. Hopefully Trump learns from it and starts acting more presidential.
he didn't have to say "bleeding from wherever"
he didn't have to say "mexican judge"
His own words are in every Hillary commercial 24/7 till November.
Trump was provided as an alternative to Sanders for the Anti-Globalist voters
Aint even close to over yet bruh.
The polls have been pretty useless this election cycle.
All Trump needs to do is shut the fuck up for a day and he's good.
No he fucking isn't.
>Why don't they ever say that the changing demographics is bad?
Because it isn't bad for them. They want Whites dead. That is what they want.
But the key point is very, very simple: You don't kill those who want you dead. You have surrendered. You stay loyal to institutions and rules that murder you. You have surrendered.
He only got a bump from winning the nomination. Now that Clinton secure hers, she's back out in front. His gaffe about Curiel isn't helping, either. Expect HRC to be about +7, maybe +8 come October.
dont worry. Monday he has that big speech about Hillary, hes going to call her an ugly face and say she isnt hot at all and he totally wouldnt tap that
So won't that mean he is going to win since more people hate globalists?
This. Literally the most retarded thing he could have done. Why did he keep calling the judge Mexican when he could have easily linked him to La Raza? My faith in the God Emporer is being shaken, lads
The media has figured out his act and will not report the speech or carry it.
The media has dropped off coverage ...last ditch attempt to take him down
in last 8 months every other word coming out of media mouth was was "trump" ...last 3 weeks..not so much
The inevitability of Bernie losing is settling in and people are still spooked about Trump. Give it some time and do your civil duty, expel the irrational fear your women feel.
I seem to recall seeing polls showing Reagan massively beaten shortly before the election where he won in a massive landslide.
Polls are really often an apples vs. oranges kind of sampling when compared to election day turnout.
It is odd because I have never ever wavered between two parties in choosing a candidate so to think so many people could vacillate strikes me as unrealistic.
I am absolutely stupefied and find it utterly inconceivable anyone at all could actually regard Clinton as a worthy POTUS..
It must be driven largely by the absurd popular notion of her sex and "making history" which is so appallingly ridiculous it leaves me hopeless and despondent about the world in which I am forced to live..
Eight years under a gay communist muslim halfrican was already beyond toleration.. if this country is so depraved and degenerated that we elect this creature as president I will have no choice but to simply forsake it .
>scale set from 34 to 53
Could you zoom in on that a little more for an even more dramatic effect?
m8 you say he isnt but hes up by 2 in one of the two polls.
they were both small sample sizes and a month old anyway
>media won't report a major Trump speech
>Polls are biased against Republicans. Don't trust them.
Not only is it the "le history" meme that drives her numbers, its that most people voting for her just see Trump as so erratic they vote for Hillary who is basically that retarded kid you let join your games.
She does no harm in their eyes because she isn't going to do a damn thing. Little do they know she is a traitor
And the one where he's leading is more recent. Kek
Either way it would get out, camera phones, etc.. so why would they pass up the viewer count?
can anyone tell me why california is one of the states he's focusing on? it seems like a definite lost cause. there are other states that need it
I think he's honestly trying to copy Reagan's map. Probably impossible these days but the rest of his campaign has been reminiscent of Reagan too so no reason to think this isn't a part of the plan. I think he will see the writing on the wall eventually and start to focus on FL, PA and OH.
Because trump is sabotaging his own campaign. Why wouldn't he go out and raise as much money as he can even if he doesn't need it? It's illogical. He should get as much money as he can so that he has it in case he needs it. He's not a serious candidate. He may be a plant for Hillary because he is making errors a normal person would never have made.
Because he's a Hillary plant.
Hillary just locked it up so she looks good right now.
this is an entertaining notion but he's not really a plant, he's just legitimately retarded. he is truly the product of a spoiled/sheltered upbringing where he has never had to suffer the consequences of poor decisions.
>believing what the main stream media tells you
Stop pushing the meme that Trump University and the judge """"""controversy"""""" are significantly hurting him in the polls because it's not true at all.
What you're witnessing is pure fabrication of a narrative. They're pushing shill polls and ignoring polls that go against the narrative they're building. They're ignoring pic related for example, and another poll where he's leading by 1%.
Don't fall for the lies of the Juden.
Chill out. It's only early June and its not Trump vs Hillary.
This whole Judge thing will be in the past
Trump hasn't even begun to attack Clinton
At this point he is basically tied with her.
He will be fund raising and get help from the RNC when he is officially the candidate
excited to be voting in babby's first election?
Because Trump is executing the second phase of Hillary's plan. He is going to go to completely mental and turn off all but the most hard core GOP base voters.
Just watch, Trump is going to go full retard after the convention. While Hillary adopts a bland center position on everything.
Its a fabricated poll
Typo: now instead of not in first sentence
real clear politics has gotten it wrong so many times in the past including the previous mid terms that its a non issue
they compile every ones polls to for a aggregated poll but democrats produce more polls to show alleged support but come voting time its non existent
the previous mid terms realclearpolitics forecasted a sweep for democrats and they lost seats
Hilldog got her bump and will sink soon enough.
I'm still hoping it's all part of his plan, but seriously. The news was all about the San Jose attacks and the new stuff about Hillary. He had to go and whine to the media about something stupid, and completely hijack everything. It's like Trump can't stand the media talking about anybody but himself.
He did this same shit with the Brussels attacks. All the media was focused on the attacks, which benefited his narrative, and legitimized his criticism of the city. Then he did something I can't remember, but it completely took over the news cycles and everyone forgot about Brussels and Trumps accurate criticism.
That's the most frustrating thing abou this whole thing. What does Hillary stand for? Equality, bettering the middle class, improving education, fixing the economy. She always gives speeches with no specifics on how she is going to achieve these things. Trump is giving specifics on what he would do as president. Trump as an ideology and argument, Hillary stands for generic axioms.
Hillary stands for Hillary.
She would be be the most pro gun candidate ever. If she thought it would win her the election. Which it actually would. But she already burned that bridge in the primary.
Trump never stood a chance in the general election.
Obama and Romney were virtually tied before the 2012 election, then Obama won by a landslide. It goes both ways.
There's virtually no way Trump could win California or New York. Even some people here think he could win both.
Should've been more specific, I meant a landslide based on electoral votes, not popular vote.
remember the rest of the graph is not shown.
still 5 months to do. I wouldn't worry user.
t. Obvious goon concern troll thread
He's campaigning in Cali to troll Hillary into defending it, and also to cause more riots which help him in Midwestern white states like Iowa and Wisconsin
we need an amendment to fix the California problem , in the electoral college.
Just state that a state can not have more than 1/6th of the electoral votes needed to reach victory.
It would cut votes from just california and redistribute them to low pop red states.
Because the Democrats basically start closer to 270 with just California, NY, and Pennsylvania.