
To insult someone to no effect
To be insulted with no ill repercussions

Ever been Drumpfed before, Sup Forums?


fuck drumpf and fuck white people!!!!!!!!

is this the must punchable face in the tv?

Who the fuck is drumpf? His name is trump you Sup Forums retard

I love how his "typical british" persona is just a mask and people still buy it.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

imagine if some african or street shitter moved to the US, anglicanized his name to assimilate better and got mocked by a television presenter. dumb fucking immigrant with a funny sounding foreign name lmao

Hows the girlfriend hunt going user

haha drumpf fans only know how to act mad



Obama is the current US president, dumbass.

what if I don't like him and voted for him?
what if I like him but didn't vote for him?



it trump in germane

Trump is your destiny.

Drumpf was his immigrant name, and it sounds silly because it's not like a normal Anglo name. Drumpf. HAHAHAHAHA! It's fun to mock the cultural differences between immigrants and ourselves.


See? It's not racist or xenophobic because le current year man and a ton of progressive liberal justice activists did it, and they're the self-appointed voice of America's conscience.

>It's fun to mock the cultural differences between immigrants and ourselves.
>I don't even get the joke
The point was that Trump is against immigration, and his immediate ancestors were both immigrants.

I wonder if you're really just stupid, or if there's a block on literally anything that could be construed as criticism against Trump. This instance is obviously criticism, but you people do it constantly, with everything, all the fucking time.

>former Trump voter here

the fuck is a 'former Trump voter', you either voted for him or you didn't you retard

>hey [relevant title] here

>you people
Is that prejudice I'm seeing? Everyone's different user, you need to broaden your mind to include people of all kinds without such baseless judgement. You sound kind of like a bigot.

And Trump is against ILLEGAL immigration (as was Obama, who deported more people than any other president in history). His immediate ancestors were LEGAL immigrants. There is a fundamental difference. Thus, your accusation of hypocrisy rings hollow.

It's blatantly obvious that the primary joke here (and it was a joke - listen to the audience laughter and the snide way Oliver says his name), is that his ancestral name sounds silly. It's not a sophisticated political argument about Trump being descended from immigrants (as are 98% of Americans), or that they made an effort to integrate themselves into American society. It's that Trump's family originally had a foreign sounding name, and he's white, so it's okay to laugh at THIS foreign sounding name. Because it's okay to be generally racist/xenophobic against white people, or sexist against men.

It's just "punching up," right?

Haha yup, that's why I'm #CruzMissile now!

I'd like to buy you a steak dinner.

>this is who most liberal millenials get there political information from
no wonder theyre so fucking stupid

>not being a #JebHead

Holy shit will she ever recover?

Jeb exclamation point!

did you just get trolled? Delete your Sup Forums account immediately

It's a meme you dip

>report submitted
Sup Forums pls go back to your safe space

>Sup Forums
>safe space

Does this mean I can stop call Caithlyn Jenner a woman now?