What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
He's just trying to make us think. And its working.
That make me go hmmm
Seriously, I doubt its true. Noone can be that stupid.
Every single black person is a future Hall of Famer and a decent comedian. None of them can be dentists. That's what he meant.
90% chance that "white man" dentist is a Jew.
And who is he?
So he wants more black people living near him?
thanks UA
>rich black man still complaining about white privilege
This'll really make me think when i'm taking the bus to my McJob.
>implying being a hall of famer is related to inventing anything
Try harder, nigger.
>Black people can't actually do anything of objective use to society and can only gain wealth by being performing monkeys
>White people can attain similar levels of wealth by being really good at a useful job.
For you britbongs a dentist is someone who helps you clean and maintain your teeth so the don't rot.
He meant that in America our teeth don't rot because we take care of them. That's why he chose to live next to a dentist. That's why he is smiling at the end.
quality bants tyrone
I really cant recognize your flag, but your post is good.
Reginald gets it
He saying black people need to get better educations and better jobs. I'm kidding, he is saying these neighborhoods need section 8 housing.
I lived in a trailer park for a few months and all my neighbors were white people.
The person who owned the trailer park was black.
What does it all mean?
"just a dentist"
Black people cannot comprehend financial success outside the entertainment industry, be it music, movies, or sports. "if I don't know his name then how can he be rich??" The dentist probably owns a dental practice with a dozen locations to afford a home there. But he's "just a dentist". What a retard.
I hate this fucking spade so much
i'm lead to believe being a dentist in the US requires you to be even more qualified than a medical doctor, and it's very highly paid.
>Plays with balls
>Plays with balls
>Tells jokes
>Performs complex medical work
Niggers arent smart enough to become dentists... being a successful dentist is just out of the question.
>There's three or four black people in my neighborhood.
>They all got scholarships and I didn't.
>They didn't invent anything. They're just black.
>only knows how to yell and say "fuck" and "nigger" a lot
>decent comedian
That the most talented Black people in the country are still not on par with the most talented white people in terms of wealth.
I'm going to say he's being disingenuous, because for a Dentist to live next to those people, it probably means he's a professor at a highly regarded dental school
Disparaging whites who didn't suck Jewish cock to get where they are.
That the only person in your community who would lower themselves to being the landlord of a trailer park was a nigger?
Precisely. An infected tooth can kill me; never knowing who those 4 are might mean I miss out on a few entertainment pieces.
Clearly the solution is more black dentists.
i thought he was based ? doesnt he have some redpilled quotes ?
Median home value in Alpine is over $4 million. Yes, a regular dentist makes a very good living in the US, but not $4 million home good. There is no way he is just a dentist. At minimum he owns his own practice.
If you have enough money to buy a home in that area, then you buy a home. Maybe niggers should contribute to society and make more money so they can live in that area?
Dentist > overrated comedian.
>he didn't invent anything
It appears that none of the people living in that area invented anything.
2 of them threw a plastic ball into a hoop for a living, one of them sang for a living, and another told terrible jokes for a living
the white man actually helped people with their health
Whites=hard work dedication and education
Blacks=crap shoot talent/dancing monkey
I don't get it really I could live my while life not knowing who the black people are. Meanwhile the whites actually make my life better. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be what I take from it, but it is.
I think he means niggers can't be dentists. He might be right, I've never seen one.
>me, Gary Sheffield, Mary J. Blige, and Patrick Ewing
>high school graduate, high school graduate, high school graduate, bachelor of arts degree
>science degree
He's just a dentist. That's what America is.
>Cites black singers and athletes
>They totes invented stuff
>cites academic white guy
>He din do no inventions
>Chris Rock being relevant
This. Comparing entertainers to people who take care of people's health.
Nice standards for the black men.
Niggers think that being a good singer or playing Apehoop is more important that medical professionals
I've fucking had it up to here *indicates a height*
I'm coming out: I'm a #CruzMissile!!!
>h-hello, i need to remove a tooth~
So why don't more black people become dentists?
>acknowledging he got rich without learning a trade
>is offended someone has as much money as him after getting a DDS and working really hard
Opinion discarded.
You slavs are rather wise on this board.
In all the millennia they had to established civilized societies, they never managed to succeed. So it is no surprise that they cannot understand what holds a society together at its core, and that it is not overpaid clowns.
Muh dick and coon hoop > Dentistry obviously
>black people
>play sports and talk shit down a mic
>white people
>actually get an education and work in a real field which helps others
>space niggers come back to earth to pick slaves
>see modern blacks and whites
>blacks are useless
>take whitey
You can inherit too. If his father was reasonably successful he could have gotten half the money right there.
Beyond that, a 4 million dollar house is a $20,000 mortgage. You can totally swing thst with two strong incomes.
Didn't MLK want us to judge people by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin? So when schools give special privileges and advantages to minorities, they are doing it based not on their ability or character, but the basis of their skin color. Sounds like racism to me.
>it's white people's fault that famous black people are bad with their money!!!!!!
Hm...this actually made me think.
And I think I got the answer. Those niggers finally moved in a rich white neighbourhood.
Dentists that do famous people's teeth are fucking loaded.
Said it before, will say it again.
> WILL make money.
> a LOT of money.
All of those people are essentially glorified advertisements for the dental industry.
> Good teeth.
> That's what America is.
They remind us of this all the time.
>90% chance that the dentist (which is difficult and requires a lot of studying to become) is a member of the most intelligent race.
I don't disagree. That sounds about right.
As soon as his fucking mouth starts to bleed for no reason he'll surely ask his Hall of Famers for help.
means niggers are only good for sports and singing
What is it with nigger celebrities and their impression that they are renaissance men?
Kanye West makes generic pop hip-hop and an occasional spin on Jordans shoes and he unironically thinks he's the new Picasso and that he's helping people on a fundamental level. Lots of others seem to have this mentality.
Gary Sheffield was a violent egotistical brat with nothing more than a high school diploma who hated Latinos and blamed every dollar he didn't get on racism. A dentist goes through years of schooling to provide a service that everyone needs. They both live in the same neighborhood.
Chris Rock makes a great point here, but it's the exact opposite of what he's trying to convey. Typical nigger.
I think its... Belarus? No, that doesn't sound right
Idk, is this a real flag?
Being a dentist is a great baseline income. From there you can make dividends with proper investment. Probably inherited a lot of money as well because his parents were white. All the niggers are nouveau riche and aren't quite sure what to do with all that cash.
What he meant by this:
Singers, athletes and comedians are more important than dentists
The BEST niggers end up at the same place as just slightly better than average Whites.
Why does the US have dentistry apartheid? Why cant blacks be dentists? Do you hate the idea of black people having their hands in your mouths?
I do.
why did he run away to the white neighborhood in the first place?
Because white people actually have the IQs to do well at useful jobs that require thought. The only way niggers can get ahead is through sports or sometimes other entertainment. If they aren't lucky enough to be rappers or runners or basketball players they just work a shit job or collect a govt check
>he jus a dentist nigga
Oh really? Name one fucking nigger like 100% non mixed nigger with no white genes who has done anything even remotely on par with "just sum dentiss n sheeeit"
>that flag.
>asking what a dentist is.
Now it all makes sense.
What did Will Smith ever do? Besides give birth to the greatest philosopher of our time?
nice bantz
He means he is shittalking his neighbor for no reason. This is why nobody wants to live next to a nigger, they might start talking shit about you to the entire country behind your back.
all niggers are rappists and only 1 white guy has a stable professional job actually helping people's lives.
This in a nutshell.
It's also possible that the dentist just didn't want to be famous and carry the baggage of that fame.
Are there any actual dentists in this thread?
He's saying one of two things:
1. Athletes, singers and comedians are more important than dentists (which they are based on the amounts of money paid to these blacks to be circus clowns).
2. There are no black dentists (which is true... There are very few... The average IQ and the suppression of those who do have the ability by their degenerate culture leads to little/no black dentists / doctors etc).
Man speaks the truth...
next time you have a toothache and see if you care about hearing urban jokes
LOL Chris Rock didnt invent anything either. either did Mary J. The dentist probably helps several people everyday, saving them from horrible tooth pain. Chris Rock is a faggot, i still think hes funny, but he is fucking delusional.
He means that comedians and dentists are the same and comedians are better than Patrick Ewing, who is a brilliant scientist.
Really makes you think.
We actually need dentists. None of this need any of that other shit.
It`s down syndrome awareness flag, you filthy ableist.
>What did he mean by this?
He meant "black, black, blackitty black black, lookit me I'm a nigger".
And you sour krauts should realize that Muslims tear a society apart
Singing, throwing and bouncing balls is more important than dental hygiene.
"but what does it all mean!?!"