
> conservashits

Other urls found in this thread:

>division is unamerican
>preaches diversity
you're killing your father, larry

Since when do liberals care about what it means to be American?

Shills are in full force right after Clinton won the primaries. They're going to go harder the closer the election.

0/10 not even Australia tier

> Wants no boarders
> Calls nations oppressive social construct
> Talks about being un-American

Being an illegal immigrant is the definition of being un-American.

> Liberals
> House un-American
Wew lad

America wouldn't exist if we didn't divide ourselves from Great Britain.

>all dat doublethink

wew lad

America is built on the genocide of an entire continent.

Silly Paco.

That is not how you build a wall.

We are all Americans, but some Americans are more American than others.

>ignorance is un-american

Hyphenated people are not Americans first, therefore they're not Americans.

Terrorism in un-American, therefore, muslim-Americans are un-American. Check mate.

those are popular American stereotypes actually

1: Donald Trump is against ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, illegal means they are NOT American

the rest are bullshit

>Ignorance is unAmerican

Hello kettle, you're black. The irony on Occupy Democrats is hilarious.

>OP now needs to be placed on suicide watch

So the spics and mudslimes burning the American flag are pro-American? Wow, really makes you think.

Illegal immigrants are AMERICAN

Why do they always do this? Do burgers know what illegal mean?

> implying the US was built on bigotry and division

When the fuck did Donald Trump say he hated these people? Must have missed that speech cause so far he has just shat on illegals.

Fucking shills

>Occupy Democrats


Dems think collecting welfare gibs and bitching about white people is all it takes to be an American.

The have unbound delegates that could technically not vote hor him, to prevent him from being nominated. They could easily use the rules system of the convention to push a second vote and get a better candidate. The party keeps delegates unbound for just such a situation, and has used the rules to prevent unwanted candidates in the past. If they actually nominate Trump, it will be specifically because they actually want him and his viewpoints. They have plenty of time to replace him with somebody better, and can easily do so if they wish. They know what is wrong with him, and they know he is a racist nut. If they nominate him, knowing that he is a racist, then they cannot pretend to not also be racists. They could still stop him if they wanted to. They could stop him, if they cared about America. They won't of course.

Bait detected

Only people with dual citizenship with mexican and America are Mexican-American. The rest are either American or Mexican.

These are just Americans.

Would you call a white South African a African-American? No? Shut the fuck then.

All so it should be noted that ____-American was started by the left.

What am I paying these fucking retards for?!

>Supports diversity
>Division is un-American

>Generalizes conservatives as racist bigots
>Claims to fight against bigotry

>Claims attributes are un-American
>Not illegals


>We are all american
>Except Donald Trump


>democrats are suddenly nationalist now