That one faggot who acts up when you rest your feet on his headrest

>that one faggot who acts up when you rest your feet on his headrest

>that other faggot who doesnt throw the paper plane back when it lands near him


why would you add an unnecessary space between two lines

>That little bitch that gets mad when i speak on the phone

Oh my bad i didn't know i was in the faggot room

>pull out my phone and start recording
>some faggot tells me that I'm "obscuring his view" and that "filming is illegal"
>turn on the flash and point the camera at him
>security guard notices
>tell him that the faggot is the one causing the ruckus
>doesn't escort him but tells him just to be quiet for the rest of the flick
>just sits there like a bitch-ass nigga for the remaining one hour

fuck you for reminding me of those people. i love when they turn around to see whos talking and see you speaking on the phone and give you a sour look but are afraid to step up.

>those people that sit anywhere but the back row and act shocked when you throw the bad popcorn and black wine gums at them

>shoot up the theater

>some asshole here with someone (who actually takes someone else to sit in a dark room for 2 hours)
>"excuse me you can't drink in here"

>that one bitch who get mad when you start watching another movie on your phone when it's boring

>Throwing blacks
>Not yellows
nigga u crazy

>That one shithead who vapes outside the vapezone/backup vapezone.

kys hipster trash

>that faggot who gets buttflustered when you smoke an actual cigarette

>watching a movie on your phone

Easiest way to spot a pleb.

>not watching two flicks at the same time, on laptop with 1.5x speed (windowed) + phone

>light up a cig
>some cunt runs back from the first row

Some dude threw popcorn at me ONCE in the theatre

Dragged him out his seat and kicked him down the stairs in front of his gf

>that one creepy faggot whos always leaning over your shoulder and glancing at your screen then looks away when you catch him doing it

That didn't happen

>inject heroin in me
>go psychotic in the room
>everyone gets scared

Like seriously? stop being a bunch of bitches

>that dimwit that complains about popcorn spills

I made sure to shake my popcorn bucket extra hard during the movie just for him.

>Cum on theater cat
>It hiss at penis

>that girl behind you who rests her bare feet on the headrest next to you
>immediately retracts when you try to smell them

Every time

>rail a line of coke on my phone screen
>10/10 qt sitting alone in my row asks for some
>fug her in the theatre bathroom after the flick ends

I was 16 at the time and it was when I went to see the eye starring Jessica alba

Wouldn't do that now though, I've calmed down a bit, used to throw chairs at people n shit over the stupidest of things

the popcorn part happened the rest is real to user

>that one creepy faggot that gives you weird looks when you look over his shoulder to watch the film on his phone

Is that Alex Jones?

look at this poorfag










u jelly, bro?

- Posted from my MacBook Pro 2016

>that one loser recording the flick trying not to look suspicious as fuck.

>that lone neckbeard who always gets exposed by the Spotlight of Shame during the pre-movie warmup

I always make sure to bring along extra ripe tomatoes for these occasions

>that faggot who complains your tripod is in the way and filming is illegal

snitches get stitches

>dad takes me to hacksaw ridge
>boring af
>watching filthyfrank on my phone
>frank says says YEAS
>LMAO put loud
>some faggot behind me tells me to put my phone away
>jump on seat give him an L dad tells me how based that was

I support the removal of both blacks and yellows. Browns too for that matter.

>when you and some bitch are on the pre-show kiss-cam but her boyfriend is sitting on her other side

What about Theater Asians?

>that one guy making out with his trap gf in the back corner.

>that one faggot who acts up when you rest your feet on his head

>falcon gouges out somebodys eyeball
>they tell me to put him in his cage

you cant coop up a creature this magestic

>tfw you took a girl to the cinema for a first date

I'll never forgive myself for such a dumb fucking choice of date

>Go to see Fantastic Beasts with my 11/10 azn qt gf
>Make the theater Asian do my math homework while we make out and he cries

>that faggot who plays up when you ask for an ear when hes streaming a flick on his phone with ear plugs

The first date I ever went on was a movie date with my school crush to see Phantom Menace. Needless to say it didn't end well for anyone involved.

>want to get more general tso's chicken from the theater buffet but don't want to wait for intermission
>get up and yell for them to pause the flick
>security guard shines light on me from his tower
>flash my piece at him and he quickly pauses the movie
>that one guy who is visibly shaking with anger but doesn't say anything

Fucking pathetic.

The Phantom Menace is a good film though.

That's the dankest double Pepe I've ever seen.

I know this is a meme thread but there are just some things you don't joke about. Take it back.

I HATE judgemental coward reaching fucks like him who are always on your ass accusing you of evil intentions. They immediately jump to the worst possible conclusion and paint you as a villain.

The meme is that the prequels are inferior to the OT.

>Watching movie
>Remember a funny video i watch on youtube
>Stand up in front of everybody
>start yelling the memes and dialogue i saw from the video
>Everyone seems annoyed
>i just continued
>Nobody does anything

Get back to the designated cuck seating area faggot

>that one faggot that rest his feet on a headest like an uncivilized nigger and then got BTFO so much that even months after the incident it still haunts his bitch ass

dumb frogposter

>Theatre valet took 25 minutes to find my car
>Didn't tip
>Come back next week and my picture is on the wall and I'm refused service

About to receive a beating is a condition,tho

I fucking hate you.

>be grill
>some faggot is talking out loud during the movie
>doesn't stop when asked politely
>pour my drink on him
>cry rape if he hits me

Chads btfo, what are you gonna do?

Actually rape you. Gonna grab you by the pussy and give you the puddin pop.

>Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!

Feels bad man.

>Volunteering to do it for free

You're the type of nigga who sees his neighbor getting undressed and closes his own blinds.

I laugh at the faggots that apply every year but this place has gotten so bad that I actually did it myself

What if the neighbor's a fat dude?

>You're the type of nigga who sees his neighbor getting undressed and closes his own blinds.
Not the same guy but I jerk it to my neighbors and they don't even get undressed.

You stare at that dick until it becomes your fetish.

I know how you feel, I don't even know if there is a way to stop all this shit and revert the board back to something more or less functional.