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google.com/?ion=1&espv=2#q=scientists stunned at phoenician DNA



They already Analyzed Phoenician DNA and confirmed that they are White Europeans. Not even fucking Lebanese as we once thought.

These faggots are delusional. Pic very related. It shows a reconstruction of what an Ancient Phoenician would have looked like based on the DNA evidence that we have assembled.

>blacks bragging about the fact they have not evolved in 3000 years

is this real? jesus christ

I'm proud of you Sup Forums.
But can you count to 5?

no we can't, sorry

Wut you say, nigger?

that guy looks ((( ))) af.

I know man. What is VERY weird is that the Carthaginians were a people that had a SEMITIC religion. The worshipped Baal and sacrificed children to him (not even kidding). The leaked emails from Hillary Clinton had someone actually joking that they were going to be sacrificing a chicken in their Back Yard to the God of Moloch (which is a similar representation of Baal Amon).

I legit think there is a connection between Judea and the Carthaginians. Jews are also heavily triggered by Romans because of their involvement in wiping out their precious temple (see related pic).




> foxnews.com/science/2016/05/27/dna-from-ancient-phoenician-stuns-scientists.html
> phys.org/news/2016-05-ancient-dna-phoenician-carthage-european.html
> itechpost.com/articles/19609/20160531/science-history-collides-dna-phoenician-bewilders-world.htm

bump for major butt-hurt and KANGZ AND SHEEIT



we took your women now we're taking your history

what u gonna do bout it white boi


Also this:

google.com/?ion=1&espv=2#q=scientists stunned at phoenician DNA

We Wuz Founding Fathers too

Do any of these niggers ever have an explanation for how all of these hyper advanced kangz got overran by primitive whitey and reduced to slaves and spear chuckers?


Really makes you thank.

niggers can't read, add or reason, so reality doesn't matter to them
they will believe anything that makes them feel better

I don't remember Basketball in Morrowind

Isn't Baal that god who lived on mount Lel?

I don't believe it, the work of lying white scientists.


kek'd and check'd

How can we even compete


Kys, you're just as bad the the blacks

>tfw tickets for Hamilton are so expensive niggers could never afford it


Looks like the Phoenicians made fun of kangz too

Dude, I couldn't care less what they were but the DNA evidence is conclusive. The strangest part of course is the fact that their DNA posses a strain that (and I am not shitting when I say this) is only found in...wait for it.....FINNISH PEOPLE! I don't know how that is possible but what is what they discovered.

Science and reality are always stranger than fiction.

>The man's MATERNAL lineage is believed to have come from the north Mediterranean

>Isn't Baal that god who lived on mount Lel?

> Baal Hammon, properly Baʿal Hammon or Hamon (Punic: lbʻl ḥmn),[1] was the chief god of Carthage. He was a weather god considered responsible for the fertility of vegetation and esteemed as King of the Gods. He was depicted as a bearded older man with curling ram's horns.[2] Baʿal Hammon's female cult partner was Tanit.[3]

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baal_Hammon

And his ancestors are in Portugal, so obviously not white, but not a nigger either.

> 100 years > we wuz first world

They have goldfish memory. Sooner or later they are going to Claim that Ronald Reagan was African American.


can't wait till we have dozens of ancient skeletons analyzed in each area of Europe, more specifically YDNA. Really lacking a lot of information in some eras and locations around Europe.

The butt-hurt alone from the results will be worth it, regardless of how much money it may cost.

Biggest cost is the dig and preventing contamination. Actual DNA testing has dropped by magnitudes in past few years.


Kangz, huh?

Take Central African Republic, a small country in Africa. Abbreviate it to "CAR". It's pronounced "tsar" in slavic languages, which means "king".

Meme magic at play again?

>mfw on ancient aliens they consider these to be depictions of a non human species because their features are so fucked up


Pic look more like an Ashkenazim Jew white than European white, wich makes sense since Phoenicians were a merchant empire

Literally the Eternal Merchant. They were a people practicing a semitic religion. Could be heavily related to the old Jews of Judea.

See my earlier post:



In a sick, twisted way I actually feel sorry for the niggers. They are so undeveloped and tribal that, in over 100,000 years, they never developed a sophisticated society. It must feel like shit to reach 2016 knowing full well that your race has not contributed to planet earth in any way, shape or form.

No wonder they are stealing legacies and history from other nations and people, but then again has a nigger been good at anything except stealing, murdering and destroying?

AYYYYOOOO HOL' UP, GORBACHOP! Tear down dis mu'fuggin' wall, nigga!


I think it really grates on the type of person living a shitty life who needs the external validation that they're part of something greater than themselves. What drives that type of black person so crazy is that all they've produced as a people is shitty pop culture aimed at 14 year olds. It has to suck being in that situation where you're forced to make knowingly false claims about your ancestors. Everyone knows that you're full of shit, but if they call you on it, you have to get defensive. And if they don't call you on it, you have to know that they're just humoring you like a child.

> reconstruction is of a clean shaven sand nigger
> white european

>my ancestor's son

He has no relation to arabs though so he is not a sand-nigger.

Makes sense they'd capture European women for breeding purposes.

Why is it so fucking important to these people to "prove" that ancient civilizations were black? I don't understand

There was the peanut butter guy. Oh, wait...

beat me to it that was the first thing that came to mind when i saw the bust

Except ours is actually backed up by facts, while their is made up bullshit.

This dude literally said a dark skinned Indian was White

I actually think hes a bit retarded, leave him alone guys

So they can feel like they accomplished something by yelling WE WUZ KANGS.

Sup Forums experts aren't exactly the best authority on facts, comprehension here is about nigger tier to be honest.




Yeah and where are your facts, dumbass? See, this shit goes both ways, finny faggot.

Well, they had a European origin, but they lived in Europe before the Indoeuropeans came. Imo Basques are related to them.

it also helps that phonetician is literally Old Hebrew. They are indistinguishable. Also the phoneticians basically sailed around the med merchantin n'sheit


But fact is RAYCIS ya know

is there actually people from africa who push this we wuz kings shit because it only ever seems to be black americans who do so?

holy sheeeeit


I don't have facts because they don't exist. Some Phoenician guy was maybe descended from a European sex slave woman but that doesn't really say a whole lot about the overall genetic type of Phoenicians.

Don't be too hard on them guys. They're actually partly right about the Roman thing, I mean all those people in Pompeii got pretty black.


>An ancient statue has anything but a slit for a mouth
>dem lips be African yo!!! we wuz kings!

Do they realise how utterly pathetic they look? They are looking at a bashed in statue from thousands of years ago while squinting and saying "Yeah, he's black, maybe."

Semi rare?

Shit....I thought you were Morocco at first.