Patton "Rolfe Slayer" Oswald is calling for terroristic attacks on trump properties!
Are you #withhim?
Patton "Rolfe Slayer" Oswald is calling for terroristic attacks on trump properties!
Are you #withhim?
He literally follows terrorists on twitter. What the hell is wrong with leftists? Fucking mental disorder.
what the fuck?
Wow, the man has gone off the deep end.
Liberals are so loving and tolerant
He's a fucking uber-faggot.
Also, his name is in your damn screenshot op, wtf spell it right
Damn what a cuck, maybe his dead wife could have saved him but now he is just gone.
>supports Sam Hyde
>supports A. Wyatt Mann
>supports ISIS
He just likes to watch the world burn.
Why does twitter allow this hate mongering??
>attacking the personal property of the PoTUS
What a terrible idea. That is the 100% fastest way to get your whole family killed.
this. literally our guy
Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated a president.
I think I just created a meme.
>it's another thinly veiled Sup Forums hick thread
>backtracked as soon as he started getting shit on just like in#rolfegate
>oh I mean, terrorist attacks would be bad, dont come and get it! pls!
he is the ultimate cuck
Trumps 1st executive order in office should be a full on Drone Strike on Oswalts fat whiny ass.
It's just banter retards.
What a hypocritical piece of shit, fuck this faggot
>he is the ultimate cuck
Is he our guy?
>Patsy Oswald
Lee Harvey Crisis Actor more like.
From now on I'm just gonna rewatch Ratatouille in French, like it should be. Fuck this guy.
it's not hate if it's directed at anything white or western
He should be drug out into the street and shot.
>That is the 100% fastest way to get your whole family killed...
..and a random wedding party ... and first responders.
get used to it :^)
American education.
American knee jerk reaction.
>comedian makes an racist comment against the African American or LGBTQ community
>comedian makes a hilarious quip insulting a dumb racist orangutan
Why are alt-right fags so thin-skinned?
It's knee-jerk, faggot.
he has since deleted it and been backpedaling calling this ironic
>advocating terrorism around the globe is "insulting the U.S flag"
Yes, user. Everyone you don't like is a racist.
You guys do realize that this is the kind of fear and hate that Donald Trump spews out every day right? We have gold star families who are afraid to leave their homes because of Trump's hateful rhetoric. Patton Oswalt is just giving Donald Dump a taste of his own medicine.
I forget, who were the ones burning down half of Portland and physically attacking people for voting for their candidate again?
It's faget, faget.
>fear and hate
There's a very real justification for Islamophobia though.
>burning down Portland
Obviously a false-flag sponsored by the Russians.
>Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated a president
user pls
D'you think Negan was a Nam vet. He smashed that gook's brains out good.
best thing about the leftists is that they have become so extreme that they're having an opposite effect on people and bringing more people over to the right
You do realize that throwing around terms like "racist" so casually is the reason Emperor Donald has the opportunity to save the western world again, right?
They are even attacking white women now for voting Trump. These people are legit insane.
>You do realize that Russia hacking the election is the reason Emperor Donald has the opportunity to start WW3, right?
Hillary won the popular vote and she would have won the EC too if it weren't for rigging.
>muh Russians
You have no idea how pathetic you look
Who's he going to start WW3 with again? Russia? I thought he was a Russian plant? At least you acknowledged Trump as your Emperor.
Reminder of this cucks previous antics
You're got your conspiracy theories mixed up there, buddy. With whom would Trump start WW3 if Russia wanted him elected?
gen z gives me hope. they sound like some good kids
>what the hell have we done?
wow he is clutching at straws
we shouldn't elect anybody whos name is on a building bro
What the fuck is the Q for? What did I miss now?
where's the tweet of him getting BTFO savage in response to that?
>if you were able to recognize a gravely ill woman you wouldn't be a widower right now
>liberals 3 weeks ago
>the elections aren't rigged, Drumpfkin, you're just losing. Stop it with the conspiracy theories and grow the fuck up and accept the outcome like adults.
>liberals now
>Russia was hacking the election!!! We don't need proof, it's all rigged! #notmypresident! #stillwithher REEEEEEEE
they added an "AI" after the Q, get with the times m8.
"With" as in "alongside" as in "allied with", as in "puppet of", moron.
@pattonoswalt If you knew how to recognize a gravely sick woman you wouldn't be a widower now.
So who are they going to war with and why? Please go on and name the nations that will be fighting against America and Russia in the upcoming WW3. You american liberals have a fucking hilarious understanding of how the world works.
It's not my conspiracy theory, I was just explaining the obvious to a retard.
Also, not 'murikan, or a liberal.
I know you're talking out your ass, but I hope you're right. This truly would be a great empire.
>Implying trump is not financing the terrorists
t. angry bitter numale liberal loser
Do you mean Obongo, who actually is financing terrorists?
fucking albanian scum, we let these fuckheads into america
Kinda makes you feel Not sorry that his wife died
Or realize he probably had something to do with her death
>tfw realising Trump is Russia's manchurian candidate
Triggered the Sup Forumsditors, can't make fun of your daddy, get your little rose buds well lubed, he's cumming for you with his 4 incher.
This election has revealed how leftists are full of shit.
>if you were able to recognize a gravely ill woman you wouldn't be a widower right now
You can't distinguish left from, right, faggot.
>it's a pol triggers redditcucks episode
my favourite.
>Triggered the Sup Forumsditors
I wasn't the one crying his heart out on election night my balding nu-male loser
>Still falling for the Left Vs Right bullshit.
Enjoy getting reamed whoever the POTUS is, user.
>embracing slavs ever
Get out of here vatnik, no one cares about you and your lust for hairy, sunflower seed scented sub-human slav slits.
Fair enough. I should probably have said democrats.
You aren't making fun of him though, you made an incredibly idiotic statement and were being called out on it.
>spic white knighting a billionaire
Why do latinos love corruption?
What's a leppo?
Why are liberals so racist?
>being this paranoid
You are legit insane. Seek help my friend.
I dunno, gotta ask the 60% who voted for Hillary.
Slavs look like primordial men, before cuckoldry and faggotism took effect. They are the people that will save us.
>balding nu-male
Keep projecting, friend.
>N-n-nooo you're a p-pussy
Fuck LIBKEKS are sad
>implying I'm a statist bootlick
Go back to jacking off to your Adidas catalogue, you degenerate. America is coming for you filthly slav shits soon enough.
>""""""covertly"""""" invading Ukraine in 2014
>assassinating the entire Polish political leadership in 2010
>attempt to invade America through nigga filled Georgia in 2008
You think we've forgotten the shit you've done just because our president at the time was a bonobo chimp? No fucking way. Now that we have a proper president coming in, your shit ends soon.
No I just hurt you little faggy feelings.
Cry more, faggot, your presidents are nothing but terrorist enablers.
Have you ever noticed how so many nu-males are jews?
>people actually supporting terrorism now
what the actual fuck
These subhuman Putin worship, Communism rivalist attacked Georgia. GEORGIA! What used to be the pride of the South before we let it be whored out to the melanin enriched. Just because the old grey mare ain't what she used to be means we should allow Slavs to attack her and think they can get away with it.
You still made an idiotic statement and got called out on it.
>nu-males are jews
You sound like one to me, oy gevalt.
Stay mad, redditor.
How did he respond?
More like harpooned and dragged out of the sea.
When will Oswalt apologize?
>this hardcore projection
you being a fat faggot isnt justfication dickhead
I mean, you can keep calling anyone who is pointing out what happened in the reply chain a redditor but you still aren't saying anything of substance or refuting that it happened.
Terrorism has always been the path to defend truth, justice, and the American way.
Without terrorism we would have lost our oil fields in Mexico to a progressive beaner trying to purge corruption and nationalize its resources.
Without terrorism we wouldn't have been able to deter Russia moving into Afghanistan.
Terrorism makes us safe, you limp wristed libcuck.