Donald Trump Would Legalize All 50 States
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after the stress of this election, burgers going to need to spend a week or two on that herb
That a weird capture of his face.
I enjoy the herb while watching this shit show. It's great
It's going to happen no matter what. The only thing in question is when it happens.
Is this not huge news? Trump just won Bernie's voter base.
As a Colorado man I thank him for this. Anything to stop the shitty transplants invading this state.
Good for him and about fucking time
Use it on the Berniebots.
That's it, I am now Feeling the Johnson .
>During a luncheon hosted by the Miami Herald in April 1990, Trump slammed U.S. drug enforcement policy as “a joke,” and argued that tax dollars from a legalized, regulated narcotics industry could be spent on programs educating Americans about the dangers of drugs and addiction.
>“We’re losing badly the war on drugs,” he said, rightly so, to the crowd of 700 people. “You have to legalize drugs to win that war. You have to take the profit away from these drug czars.”
what do you think the don's favorite strain is?
its the current year so im not allowed to say that sounds gay as fuck... but that sounds gay as fuck
Guess I'm a #CruzMissile now.
well from a business standpoint it's a good idea, legalize it, and you can sell liceneses and tax the fuck out of it.
What about the 51st?
G13 cause you know hes got the hook up.
what a badass mofo
Kings Candy for sure
Which one Jefferson, Mexico or Alberta after we clean up that south african mess.
he should go all out to beat Hillary
He certainly doesn't smoke. But he's compassionate and knows that ruining lives isn't helping anyone and that better educating the public about drugs will lead to fewer drug users.
But if he has a favorite strain it's probably one that's only useful for medical purposes.
damn guess I'm voting Trump now
Make America High Again.
Didn't he start out as anti weed?
If it gets lefties to vote for him, then I guess that's what it'll take.
This will guarantee the vote of pretty much every western state
demoncrats BTFO
I've been waiting for this to happen. If anyone had bothered looking up his long-held positions it's no surprise at all.
Wait is this real? Source. This is huge.
black vote confirmed
I love Trump even more
I searched the terms on Google but all that came up was reposts on Facebook.
Seems pretty shopped desu
>degenerate pot smokers still going to vote hillary
Lmao how useless are they
He actually respects that states can have some sort of autonomy. I'd assume based on his actions he's personally against it though.
Good lad.
I'm OK with this if it helps close the deal.
>"I don't care if @realDonaldTrump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigration policy paper."
>- Ann Coulter
Didn't Colorado want to give a free tax return to everybody in the state since all the money they made from taxing marijuana numbered so much they simply didn't have anything else to spend it on?
Seriously it's a huge economical advantage to legalize pot then tax it
>mfw usa will legalize weed before canada
Fuck you justcuck
Wow I'll finally be able to try weed, is it as good as everyone says?
>degeneracy is ok only if muh Trump accepts it
kek, I love the hypocrisy of Trumpfags.
how long until h-dawg comes out saying she always been for legalization and has had a strong pro-marijuana record.
Maybe. but he has publicly stated it should be a states rights issue.
Lol, if this is true he just became president...
He's got the DUDE WEED LMAO vote, which, if Canada can be referenced, accounts for quite a bit.
Make All Ganja Available
Will liberals begin saying that the drug war is working now?
>post yfw the Don legalizes cocaine and synth pop clubs explode in popularity
>he won't be able to buy beans for his fat spic wife because he can't traffic weed into america anymore
I can't find a source for that quote in OPs picture either. I know that he's in favor of medical marijuana, but I haven't heard a full-on dude weed stance this election cycle.
>sitting at home and collecting your weed bucks
Marijuana should have never been made illegal in the first place. Such a fucking stupid subject
>the US gets legal weed before Canada
wasnt that the reason Trudeau got elected?
context was specifically medical; but his opponents are shit with context
>I'm gonna use insults instead of making a proper response
>"I think its arrible what the war on drugs has done to the black population in America. Look, it didn't work. The war on drugs was a massive failure for this country. Make it legal for those it helps medicinally and put a tax on it. The states that want it completely legal.. look.. fine. I have no problem signing a bill that allows a state to legalize weed if thats what the people want."
what did he mean by this
That's why he said it. He knows Bernie's audience.
How can Cucknadians even compete?
wow....guess #ImWithHer now
He said before he would leave it up to the states.
Ok guys, let's rep up the meme machine and win Donald the stoner vote.
That's what I assumed, but I agree with that position 100%. I don't expect it to become legal but states' rights a best.
Never assume historical inevitability. Western Liberalism is literally a flash in the pan, and it is already receding. I fully expect Right Wing Authoritarianism (probably with an Islamic slant in many cases) to be the future political zeitgeist.
its good for watching tv and playing video games
Shouldn't be too hard. Just state "DONALD TRUMP WILL MAKE WEED LEGAL"
govt revenue should come from vice tariffs, including cigarettes, prostitution, alcohol, mexican foreigners (for the wall), muslim foreigners (for the war)
Trump is the new ayylmao weedman?
>post yfw trump legalizes marijuana in america before le weedman does in canada
Omg i can't support him after this
I am a #cruzader now
>Didn't Colorado want to give a free tax return to everybody in the state since all the money they made from taxing marijuana numbered so much they simply didn't have anything else to spend it on?
they did, everyone got weed $$$ after they maxed out the money they gave to schools.
i honestly think all welfare recipients should be given government grown marijuana instead of ebt cards. it will sedate them, make them less prone to violence, and create a barter economy someone seperated from fiscal inflation.
Make America Indica Again
5-Dimensional chess, senpai.
He's beating the liberals at their own game.
Whatever happened to Weedman's promise?
Yeah and it makes anime bearable to watch
Fine, I don't smoke the shit but get it over with.
I see no issue with this. Let degenerates get high.
Social issues aren't worth fighting over until we can start the demographic shift which is way more dangerous compared to any Mudslimes or potsmokers.
Trump had me at build wall.
"Degeneracy" is any hedonistic behavior that is taken to an extreme such that it damages society.
It literally isn't degeneracy when Donald Trump does it because he A: Isn't a stoner who wants the entire country blitzed out of its mind so that Socialism sounds like a good idea, and B: Explains succinctly and correctly how doing this would help our society materially.
I oppose Marijuana legalization because Dudeweed never rides alone, it rides with Dudecollege and Dudehealthcare and Dudetaxeslmao. It is literally a case of who's offering, and if it's Trump, it's good.