Hows this movie? I really like the trope about stylish, elegant asssassins/spies like 007 or john wick...

Hows this movie? I really like the trope about stylish, elegant asssassins/spies like 007 or john wick. Is it something similar? I dont mind spoilers much

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breddy gud

It's like Kick Ass

It's like the old school Bond movies.

It´s awoseme, I haven´t seen any of the movies you mention, but its great.

It's good fun

Its fedoracore trash for imdb /r/flick goons

It's a bit cartoony but I actually enjoyed it.

Literally Chad: The movie

Depends on what you like, the thing is actually a bit misleading, its nothing like bond or john wick. Its one of the silliest movies in the genre. Theres a double leg amputee with blades on her feet who can magically dodge bullets and kills several firearms-wielding men by slashing their throats. And the bad guy's have their heads blow up into confetti when they die.

Like more than half of the movie is a training montage where only 2 guys make it into the team, theres not many action scenes in it.

But theres a fully visible pussy so I guess thats something

U.N.C.L.E is better if you want a bond film

nice projecting

Bond movies can get pretty silly

Old bonds yeah, but I wasn't talking about old bonds.

Sorry, I simply hated that girl with the bladed feet.

>But theres a fully visible pussy so I guess thats something

I don't remember this

It got cut out in some versions. But in the full movie he goes back to the Swedish princess.

Wasn't she locked in there forever? I wouldn't go near that.

Dat church fight tho

Sir Chaddus Thunderloins saves the world so the princess who was kept in captivity gave him some tail while mark strong watched

We don't really know what facilities the cells had. But I'm pretty sure he only planned to keep them there until they came around to his way of thinking, so he probably kept them happy enough.

It's so cool man one of the best

I didn't liked that scene because its the only one where we see what a fully powered kingsman can actually do, and yet he does it on completely innocent people on a literal murderous rage. Its like having john wick display his power level on handicapped children.

Also, how many people did you guys think died in the murder spree? it was active for like 6 minutes

It didn't really bug me although I think the writers thought it might happen so they made these people despicable, albeit not criminals. What did bother me is that considering the damage from being activated for just a few minutes, half the world would've probably died in the end.

I haven't watched the movie and dont intend to. but this picked my interest. what happens? like whats the endgame of the main villain?

>muh carbon footprint
>muh humans are evil

He was a bit shit desu

I know the whole movie is goofy fun, but I thought it was a little weird how everyone in the church was an adult. Going to church is very much a family thing for religious southerners, the British spy guy (Gallahad? Gawain?) should have killed at least a few kids.

It's a deliberately cheesy, Bond villain-esque motivation. "We have to save the environment, so let's wipe out a chunk of earth's population"

the bad guy is some black george soros billionaire who thinks humans are a cancer to the planet. he gives every single citizen in the world a free cellphone line, which is actually meant to broadcast a signal that makes people super homicidal so they all try to kill everyone near them.

So in one part the top kingsman (like the james bond of the film) is at a bigoted church and the bad guy triggers the signal, and everyone inside (including the kingsman) go nuts and start impaling each other and shit.

At the end of the movie the bad guy triggers the signal globally for like 10 minutes before being stopped, so there were probably millions of casualties, but this is all shrugged off by the protagonist.

>when he threatens the dog with the gun

Holy shit I can totally see what meant, would have been pretty cool to see him pulling this off on actual bad guys

Juvenile rot for teenaged boys.