>not a single white man in the entire cast except for Mads Mikkelsen


That doesn't look like star wars at all. It looks like some shitty 90s sci fi

The kikes know that nu-male neckbeards will go out and see it regardless. They don't care... they're trying to attract all of the shitskin mongrels.



Looks more like Planet Of The Apes than a Star Wars film.

Will the Robot kill them all and save the galaxy?

>being this assblasted over a fantasy movie's cast
If you need white men to enjoy movies just watch gay porn.

The first time I saw the trailer I was entirely convinced that it was one of those fanmade parody trailers. And the second time. I actually still struggle to believe it. Why is there a samurai? It's going to basically be Battlefield Earth with some Star Wars shit and teenage angst tossed in. Oh, and so much diversity. Look at all this diversity!

Is that a space-Luger?

1948 called.

female protagonist....how progressive

Thanks to JJ all Star Wars flicks from here on out are nothing more than fan flicks.

At least Lucas was "somewhat" subtle in ripping off Kurosawa/samurai

This is just a bit ham-fisted

I think Whitaker might be alright

Because its the future idiot


fucking garbage

I don't really care about the race of the actors, as long as they are good at their jobs and the writing isn't terrible.

Sadly, I think we all know the writing will indeed be terrible, so the movie will be shit regardless.

They've done a great job capturing the grungy, generic, sci-fi channel battlestar galactica feel star wars is all about.

I for one, am looking forward to the newest Space Wars movie.

The only reason to watch this shit

Fucking spot on. All you alt-right fat fucking losers will line up in droves to see this just like you did with The Buck Awakens. You'll all whine for months and then be at the midnight showings in costume, and then the next day you'll go out and start buying the toys and posters and all sorts of faggoty shit.

>tfw there will never be a star wars movie that tells the story of your rank and file imperial soldier as they gossip about shitty superiors and those weird siths

>this is a rebellion, isn't it?
>I rebel.

Jesus Christ this is fucking gay.

>dies half way through

There aren't even any Bothans on it

I saw the Force Awakens because someone else rented it.

It was a dreadful piece of shit. I wasn't even a Trek Wars fan, but I liked the original movies when I was really young. They managed to make it entirely shit.

Star Wars is now entirely shit. All of it.It wasn't that way before. Its what Disney has done.

If that's the future than just kill me now desu

Nah, that chick end up as traitor or double agent and all of the multikulti rebels gonna die

>Giving them money to support this

Space Trek has always been my favorite.

I just hope the main character is super independent and brutally kills a lot of cis scum. That way I'll know she's strong.


Dat space luger p08

Thats enough reason to watch the movie

You know for a fact that it would be garbage.

how do you go from this..

..to this

The 1 good scene of the movie

Cosplay: The Movie

>5 humanoids
>1 humanoid robot
>Zero non-humanoid aliens
>Zero humanoid aliens
this is what actually triggers me

Donnie Yen is in? Kung fu in space is not a dream anymore