So what the fuck are we going to do?

We had another terror attacks(4 dead, 16 wounded), this time with guns instead of shitty knives.
We have tons of shitskins who are just waiting to breed us out/blow us up.
On the other side of the shit spectrum we have Dosim who will ruin this country through demographics and welfare abuse.
We have subversive leftists who would love to see this country becoming Sweden 2.0.
A two state solution will only mean more terror and a war with Palestine the nation instead of Palestine the enemy inside.
And we have tons of shitty neighbors who hated us since we conquered this land and made it prosperous.
What the fuck is the solution, my fellow Israelibros?

Diaspora are NOT welcome, do an aliyah you faggots

pls respond im scared

Arm yourself and be prepared to defend yourself, like a rational human being.


>kikes are being outbred in their own lands

Fucking stings doesn't it?

Idk if they'll give citizens weapons again with the ongoing civil war and all that

Let us annex you.

It's clear that Muslims and Jews can't handle government management: you're just not leader material.

It does but I doubt Israelis have the same interests as your Jews
As I said we have our own leftist scum
>Let us annex you.
I fucking wish.

checked again, faggot

Jews need to fuck off back to Israel.

wait, you dont keep your weapon after army?

>mfw kikes haven't learned anything from us

>Diaspora are NOT welcome

Aren't ALL Israelis diaspora to some extent

sad as it is, this is what kikes strive for everywhere

feels bad doesn't it, to see your own being replaced with brown savages?

Become humanitarian superpower.

It's your own goddamn fault for choosing to set up a state there.

Kick that ass Israel, I enjoyed watching the last curb stomp you gave them. I was chilling on the beach in Florida drinking beer watching combat videos.

>4 dead, 16 wounded)
This makes me smile :)

It's Israel's fault for not wiping out the Palestinians. You just do a few battles then both retreat and wait for the next battle.

It's like you won't destroy the Roach nest completely , but all you do is step on the roaches when they leave the nest.

It will never end until the Roach nest is completely destroyed.

In fairness before Israel Christians, Muslims, and Jews lived in harmony.

Then Britain came and ruined everything with their Zionist butt-buddies.

Can I convert and then go join the IDF?

Don't the rothschilds have enough money to arm you all?

sit back and die because tel aviv university has already been infiltrated, in a decade your primary education schools will be subverted and your identity dismantled with guilt.

>So what the fuck are we going to do?

Prepare to be culturally enriched of course!

Either help get Trump into office or start learning to suck cock really well.

You should gas all the palestinians. Make sure its all of them so the remaining wont ask for shekels.

That'll actually help a lot demographically
Idk, could not serve, unfortunately(inb4 shitstorm - i'm working on volunteering). At any case you can't just walk around with it for self protection as far as I know.
Yeah but I value Israeli nationality, not Judaism.
As I said, diaspora a shit

Fucking kill them all. Let white countries do the same to their Islamic problem.

>We have tons of shitskins who are just waiting to breed us out/blow us up.



You are on the killing list.

leave israel , it is written to be nuked / become ruins in the coming of the antichrist and fullblown revelation.exe

Your government has already announced a cease of all Muslim migration into Israel. That's the plan, and it works.

i guess youll have to take your own medicine.
Blanda up! Mixed children will not have hatred!

We can't just shoah them as long as EU's leftist eyes are on us. International legitimicy and stuff

I wish I could move to Israel. Seems the only openly fascist white-ish country on earth that doesn't have to bend over backwards for mudslides and actually cares about preserving it's culture and demographics.

Follow your meme instincts. Build a wall. Make Palestine pay for it.

Wanna hear something funny?
Just change that İsraeli flag with Turkish flag and No one will notice a diffrence, ahh jew-bro we all share the same problems so why do we hate eachother

Wait, you've got a demographics problem too? I thought you guys are getting enough kids to form a stable society. And you've got subversive leftists? I don't know whether to find it funny or sad. I suppose it's a little bit comforting to hear that we're all fucked together.

Anyway, if you guys could just control your diaspora and stop them from interfering when we're trying to fix our issues, I would be happy to let you deal with your own issues however you see fit.

nuke goyim?

Sadly you cant mix religions.

>reaping what you've sown

what an exciting, new, and totally unexpected result

And then what? A worldwide campaign against us and embargos and shit.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love to genocide them all including children and women, but it's not feasible.

Stop asking America to fight your enemies for you.

Well maybe start do something against jihadists and militants instead of killing kids?

>We have tons of shitskins who are just waiting to breed us out/blow us up.
Taste of your own medicine is bitter, isn't it?
>We have subversive leftists who would love to see this country becoming Sweden 2.0.
>A two state solution will only mean more terror and a war with Palestine the nation instead of Palestine the enemy inside.
Palestine is already a nation. You're in it. you made this pyre, now lie in it.
>And we have tons of shitty neighbors who hated us since we conquered this land and made it prosperous
You didn't conquer shit, and they hate you for good reason.

Wait 20 years for the pollacks getting into power, we'll let you do it, but you have to take back your leftist filth.

In the meantime, since you don't care about "muh holy land" use your shekels to buy Madagascar.

Because you didn't burn your shitty leader at the stake yet
I literally like syria more now that he's trying to fight them
Fucking Syria m8

Just get the shoah on the road, and if you're worried about legitimacy, just make a sizeable donation to the Clinton Foundation beforehand. That should be enough to make the world turn a blind eye to war crimes.


So? The EU and UN never stopped us from doing anything.

Was such a good plan, lot's of diamonds, island nation. It's a shame.
Also yeah Sup Forums govts are our only hope
What if it'll make you turn against us? we can't make it without allies.

Also, this guy.



Kek, if you started mass deportations the US would do exactly shit.

do any of your high commanders have nuke codes? well make him launch one and blame the commander for mental instability

>kids can't be jihadists and militants
Do you know how do I know that you've never met a Palestinian?

wew lad

I love watching you and the mudslimes kill each other

Proof that fear mongering right wing retards exist in every race and country, and that I can't escape this degenerate demographic by moving

we're not gonna nuke our future clay
>mass deportations
Someone(Jordan) needs to accept those shits

r u always this paranoid?

Why did you set up your state in that muslim-infested shithole?
Every sane kike needs to leave Israel, so then we can wipe the entire region.

Yes tree
I'm not kidding. Paranoia is almost law here.
Guess 70 years of war aren't good for mental health

It should be legal to kill jews.

They are a cancer upon humanity.

If we're going to LARP you COULD just throw them in one of the wrecks the US created. What the fuck would Iraq do?

huh. that's actually not a bad idea..

>we're not gonna nuke our future clay

Fuck you. Sort it out on your own. If you can't make it without allies, tough shit. Die out. That's what happens when you instigate war while surrounded by enemies. We're all fatigued by the Israel meme, anyway, we'll be glad to see it end.

>A fucking Christmas tree

I learned from the best.

Hey Lebanon, do you wanna accept 4.5 mil shitskins?


Fuck it nuke the muds and while you're at it nuke NY too plz

How is this even possible? You fucking kikes false flag whole fucking world, but you have problem to make some flaseflaged habbenins in your own land? And you even let other leftist jews jew behind your back?


We're not the diaspora man, we just want our own country to be ok.
Idk why we don't falseflag something to get into an extermination war 2bh

Already done, they shoot rockets and some of them work here or manage to infiltrate

>in their own lands
let me correct that for you burger. it is not their land, they stole it.

Diaspora Jews are the only evil Jews. Israeli Jews just want to not be killed in their homes.

In all fairness, this is simply wrong.

>israeli sad they're getting comeuppance for constantly fucking around with every neighbor they have in the middle east for half a century

>Paranoia is almost a law here
thank you kike, this will make me sleep better at night. no one told you to steal their lands, i hope you kys out of depression.

Can you define diaspora jews?

We got your back Israel. Palestinians are sub human pieces of garbage. Only one option..carpet bomb them.

Jews are jews you stupid fuck. We need to exterminate them to experience peace in this world.

Trump/Bennett 2016 MAIA

>We had another terror attacks(4 dead, 16 wounded)

Looks like sweet justice to me. Too bad it was only 4

>make america israel again
Well that came out wrong....... or did it?

>Can I convert and then go join the IDF?

Absolutely - your new hebrew name is 'Freier'.

Dont be so pessimistic OP.
We got things working in our favor.
1)rising antisemitism in Europe is causing European jews to immigrate to Israel.
Have you not noticed the increase in French speaking people?
2)Religious zionists are not faggots like atheist jews. They have a fighting spirit.
3)arab birth rates are going down and israeli arabs already have a low birth rate.
4)jewish secular birth rates have amazingly been going up in recent years while orthodox birth rates are going down.
5)Israel has been fighting with arabs since before it was founded and our relative situation is much better today. All our neighbors have shot themselves in the foot and have more reasons to cooperate with us than before.
We are also economically way better now.

In short, dont worry, every country has it issues but considering this shit fucking place called the middle east we are doing fantastically and are both educated and motivated.

>In all fairness, this is simply wrong.


Jews who live outside Israel.

Yeah we are literally in the best position we have ever been. I mean our worst problem is a bunch of muslims with kitchen knives. Kek. OP needs to stop reading liberal media and their demoralization tactics

>Jews making more jews
I think OP is right, we need to do something.
Can someone with nukes drop a couple of them in the Middle East?
America, I know you want to. It will be like Hiroshima again, total obidience!

Exactly right. Israel is going to be just fine. Palestinians and other sand niggers are going to end up killing themselves off over time.

>American education
Or maybe you get your views from aljazeera like a good dhimmi

Trump's model for the wall is inspired by Bibi's wall on the Egyptian border

>Muslims, and Jews lived in harmony.


Nigger-tier rewrite of facts, nice job History Channel.

>Implying paranoia is bad
lol how's not being paranoid working out for your nation?
Identifies himself as a Jew and lives in any country but Israel

Anyone think a war is coming soon? Its been a while

Oh nos Ahmed, some bite sized terrorists were BTFO, which country are you headed to btw, Sweden or Germany?