What are over compensating white boys going to buy now to make up for their tiny dicks?
What are over compensating white boys going to buy now to make up for their tiny dicks?
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>San Francisco
>white boys
you can chaulk it up to any psychological/etc reason you wish, any reason at all
its not going to stop me carrying, nor will i ever care
don't care, any straight white male which chooses to live there deserves whatever they get
Will be taken to the supreme court where it will be immediately struck down
Which appeals court? You know this shit Is going all the way to the scotus?
I don't own a gun but why do you leftist always talk about dicks? I don't see how dicks are always relevant in all your sayings.
I live in Vegas and never even had the urge to visit this commie hell hole
Can't Conceal Carry? Open carry it is.
The court is divided right now, Leaf. If Clinton gets elected we might as well kiss goodbye to the second amendment. Which the sand niggers, nigger niggers, and spics won't abide by.
Cali needs to secede or join Mexico and stop trying to fuck things up for us sane people
>San Francisco
Oh look it's someone thinking a gun law in California is some type of victory.
>live in wyoming
>open carry is gospel
eat shit haters
> the court is divided right now
Even the more liberal leaning people on the Supreme Court would strike this down..
You think most Whites would? Put down the crack pipe, nigger.
If Clinton really get elected, then appointed liberal justices, then overturned the second amendment, she and those justices, would be dead the next day.
Can't we just push California into the ocean already?
Have literally seen the Nu Males in our Universities? They wouldn't know their cock from the trigger on a nine millimeter.
Or the difference between a magazine and a clip.
>no concealed carry for you!
So be it. Hope you like being "triggered" by my open carry, libcucks.
>gay area
christ, can cali just fall into the fucking ocean already?
The liberals in SCOTUS are still constitutional scholars and understand the implications of messing with the 2nd. Most of them have been there since dinosaurs roamed the Earth so I would be surprised if they started infringing now.
>Terrorist getting ready for the big day
>Goes around his apartment and gathers up his equipment - guns, ammo, knife, etc.
>He checks his watch; this is what he's been waiting for.
>He turns the doorknob
>Tries to step out the door, but his frozen in place by an unseen force
>"Oh no, they must have passed a law to stop people from carrying concealed weapons."
>He struggles with all his might, but can't make it through this invisible barrier
>Foiled again by liberals
At this point, were i american i would open carry just to spite the leftists.
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to look up Leeland Yee.
look up where he is from. what office he held.
what crimes he commited.
what sentence he got.
commiefornia is already dead. there is nothing but maggots left feasting on the bloated putrid corpse.
thats decided at a state level. a court in sanfranscisco doesnt get to tell people in other states what to do. even a federal court
sanctuary cities are illegal under federal law so is weed. in both cases in the entire country. but states rights are used to say they are legal in some areas. same goes for concealed carry and open carry
I'm actually just afraid for my safety. Growing up in a 20% white area will really show you the truth on how brown people think.
California is much better than Vegas. Nothing in Vegas. Boring as fuck.
Don't worry about that, worry about Tyrone and Juan's guns :^)
Plane tickets out of San Francisco
>Terrorist getting ready for the big day
>Goes around his apartment and gathers up his equipment - guns, ammo, knife, etc.
>He checks his watch; this is what he's been waiting for.
>He turns the doorknob
>Tries to step out the door, but his frozen in place by an unseen force
>"Oh no, they must have passed a law to stop people from murdering other people."
>He struggles with all his might, but can't make it through this invisible barrier
>Foiled again by liberals
No need for homicide laws!
>states rights can't let me own "farm equipment"
>states rights can be used to overturn a referendum and flood cities with brown people
I think this whole "government wouldn't use nukes during an uprising" argument is bullshit. If I was in charge I would have some ideas on what I would do.
>that maybe 2% of population left in SF that actually carries to protect themselves
I guess those guys will probably move, but then again if they haven't moved yet, nothing will probably get them out of there.
Everybody has CCW if they do the following
>dress like a self respecting human
>communicate in a respectful tone
>groom yourself
>don't carry/use or sell/buy drugs
>don't commit crime
and BOOM you'll never have issue with carrying a firearm.
Except Heller was 5-4. We BARELY won the court case confirming our right to own firearms and keep them at home.
>yfw supreme court says otherwise
Sup fellow Vegas bro?
>nothing in Vegas
Exactly. It's a fucking utopia. Free from the idiocy of the rest of the world.
>being this delusional
What happens when you get pulled over by an officer who needs to just stop and frisk one more person today to fill his quota?
You are going to tell a uniformed officer of the law that you don't consent to searches?
>live in based Arizona
>don't even need a license to conceal carry
> look i`m not wearing gun because this way my penis is bigger
One of the prerequisites for the SCOTUS to hear a case is if there hasn't been a ruling on it yet.
There have been rulings on this.
They wouldn't take the case.
The problem comes when you are attacked (like during the anti trump protester rally outside of a trump rally). If you pull your gun when they beat the crap out of you, even if it's self defense --- you'll go to jail because they will ask you what you were doing carrying a gun without a CCW. That's not right. We need to change the laws.
Serious question: Should the second amendment be rescinded, will whatever penalty there is for gun ownership imprison an overwhelming majority of blacks?
So, open carry, it is.
>What are over compensating white boys going to buy now to make up for their tiny dicks?
Yet another penis obsessed liberal.
I'll tell you what I'll do. Never visit California or spend my money in that cucked up state again!
>No right to defend yourself
>Illegals intimidating and attacking citizens
>Yet illegals still get guns
You're supposed to let the cop know you are carrying.
>SCOTUS rules that carry is a right
>carry laws all over US struck down
>Constitutional carry everywhere
Thank you for being so god damned stupid, 9th circuit! Thank you!
This is me not giving a fuck
don't imply to bash on it, but what is the point of open carry?
What's your point? That homicide and assault are already illegal, thus criminalizing tools used to commit those crimes is redundant and unnecessary?
Not an argument.
Until the left literally amends the constitution, everyone in Cali is free to carry and own arms, just as the whole nation is.
Nothing supersedes our bill of rights. You amend it, or deal with it.
Is this bait?
This has a shot at SCOTUS review because other Federal Circuit Appeals Courts struck down May issue carry laws. Now you have conflicting rulings.
The 9ths holdings flies in the face of Heller v DC, which specifically included Carry as an individually protected right.
Another reason why Hillary can't get in. She already said she disagrees with the holdings of Heller and McDonald that recognized an individual right. This cunt will pack the court with more anti gun judges.
Yes LITERALLY that. Criminals don't care about the law you fucking dipshit, and prohibition never works. It's 2016 dude, you can mill an SMG in your tool shed in two hours, this is not rocket science.
False equivalence. Laws against possessing an object are not comparable to laws against harming others.
To normalize firearms being in seen in public. The more people see firearms as just another everyday item the less likely it is further gun control measures will be passed.
Self protection, and to make a statement.
We'll be enjoying universal background checks soon, Vegas bros.
On the ballot, we have legalized recreational marijuana, and universal background checks. Better be ready for the Mexican and Black masses to give those two fat ticks for yes.
If a federal court case conflicts with 2 Supreme cases, the federal ruling will be reversed.
Further. There is a good reason why this case has potential.
After CA banned open carry of unloaded rifles a couple years ago, they effectively banned any form of carry in the state. This directly conflicts with language in Heller and McDonald.
The reason for open carry is...
1. Because it's your fucking right
2. Because it triggers leftists shits so they have another stepping stone to go after my conceal carry
t. someone who lives in a state where I can do both. I choose conceal because sometimes I am too tired to deal with crazed soccer moms calling the cops on me, even if the cop BTFO the woman.
These are the voter populations our city adds each graduating class.
Except it's one of our rights to keep and bear weapons.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Nah we're far too cucked at this point. People would just keep the guns and amp they have and say they're waiting until "things get really bad". truth is its never going to be gestapo knocking on doors to confiscate guns or whatever, it'll be the IRS raping your paycheck with fines and such until you comply.
There's zero chance of the 4 justices ruling in favor of any gun measure.
Breuer might be opposed to complete confiscation of hunting rifles from permitted owners. But the other 3 would let them take away your BB guns.
>it's a utopia
>capital of degeneracy
>willingly vote in a president that's anti-second amendment
>but they won't stand for it if she overturns the second amendment!
>African American
am I missing something, you bes sayin African American is a race?
either they're Americans or Africans
no wonder ya'll got race issues lmao even yo language broke as fuck smdh
nice argument
We gonna teach our babymamas how to open carry, how you like them apples?
>muh rights
>muh shall not be infringed
>muh activist judges
Funny thing is that activist conservative judges and scholars are the ones who completely flipped centuries of legal precedent in the 1970s and 80s.... Now the pendulum is going to swing the other way and you cucks are scared out of your mind. You call yourselves constitutional scholars. lmfao can't wait for HRC prez
So that old ladies can fight off a mugger
I had the luxury of going to del sol. Pretty sure it's over 70% Mexican now
I hope not we just took away background checks for handguns
Fucking insane that your supreme court is political
So when a monkey or arab start chimping out near you, you stand your ground, protect your property and protecr your family.
>I guess europeans will just have to let the chimp out kill them
While this is a loss I'd like to remind everyone it took California almost everything they had to make this happen, and that the initial rulings were in gun rights favor even in California.
They had to go all in in what's a very liberal circuit
tactical avoidance. shouldn't be in that situation in the first place.
It's a tourist destination, locals are normal. I'm sure you don't pose on abbey road every morning?
Entire saga in bullet by bullet form.
This only applies to commiefornia, right?
>Dressed well
>Not breaking laws
>Not carrying drugs
>Carrying concealed illegally
"I am carrying a concealed firearm officer"
This. If you fail at situational awareness you are probably too dumb to begin with.
I think many Euros are so cucked, they view any form of self defense against migrant violence is racist. The amount of white guilt is incredible.
We even have people pushing that idea here in the states. A couple months ago a Huffington Post author pushed the same idea. He said self defense is unconstitutional because it takes aways the criminal's "due process rights." Forget about the victim, he's concerned about law abiding citizens killing off his leftist voting base.
The other poster implied you can carry concealed illegally and it won't be a problem as long s you dress well, don't have drugs on you, and don't break the law.
No. It's an En Banc ruling of the 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeal. It applies to every state in the 9th Circuit.
The 9th Circuit Needs to be overthrown
really worked for cigarettes
boating accident
Yes, I am going to politely tell a uniformed officer I do not consent to searches, but thank you for your service officer.
If they proceeded without consent, and decided to charge for unlawful carry, they would have to justify how the search was legal. If one were following the rules I set out, that would be pretty tough to do.
Of course you can match the description of someone wanted in the area or something entirely random like that, but what are the chances of that happening if you're dressed well, groomed and minding your lawful business? It could happen I suppose...but there are higher probabilities events that I'd be more concerned with than that.
There's no fucking way arizona will allow this.
ya, don't do that...
wsj is behind a paywall for me. Anyways to get around it?
Confirmed for never being in Vegas outside the 2 block radius that is the strip, which allows us us to leech of the stupidity of degenerates and not have to pay income tax in this glorious state
Copy and paste that link into google and click the link through google results.
>FEDERAL Appeals Court
>Effects San Francisco only
American education everyone