Well, Sup Forums?
Lee Carroll Brooker also had drug trafficking and aggravated assault on his record.
Nobody was raped. The left is all bent-outta-shape about make-believe as unusual.
So I have been living under a rock for a few weeks what happened with this kid?
>common law
pick one
kek, anything to fit the narrative
Did it go beyond finger insertion?
Because at first I thought he was on top and spraying creampie semen or something from the press accounts.
This morning I heard part of her letter and just heard "finger".
Maybe the feminists are over-reacting.
Two drunk kids fooled around after a party and passed out, and now the left thinks the guy is Hitler x Satan.
>one grew drugs with a high chance he was selling them
>the other had consensual drunken sex behind a dumpster
Hmmmm.... Really bakes you stink, buh?
What is up with Micheal Cera now?
He fingered and that was it and he was punished for it. On top of them both being blackout drunk which feminists seem to think men are immune to.
RARE ...
but a already found you
One was part of a criminal operation and had done crimes in the past
One had consentual drunk sex with a feminist who now regrets it
>which feminists seem to think men are immune to.
If a woman is drunk and chooses to fuck (not saying that was the case here - sounds like it wasn't in fact) then the guy she fucks should not be arrested for rape the next day when she regrets cheating on her boyfriend or husband or lesbian wife or whatever.
It is like a drunk chick telling the cop that he shouldn't ticket her for DUI because she wasn't in her right mind when she got behind the wheel of the car.
Everyone, get the feminist in on this
dindu nuffin
does anybody else always feel like killing all white men?
And the negress lesbian feminist is heard from.
>I had sex with a drunk woman
>I was also drunk!
>6 months
Typical uneducated liberal
Was she black out drunk or passed out? I just learned he only fingerblasted her this morning
Is it possible that the media is trying to influence our opinion of the accused in such cases by calling things rape that would not be considered 1st Degree rape 20 years ago?
if women drink to the point of passing out, especially at a college party full of drunk guys, then its on her. I don't give a fuck if ten niggers rape that bitch, if she didn't want to be raped or molested she should have chosen her company more wisely and had more self-control.
how is this not a completely expected outcome? i'm surprised he didn't actually rape her
Where the fuck are the planes Bermuda? You and your damn triangle.
m8, that's the dumbest shit of all time
Of course you don't cuz ur a filthy man. When Hillary become president, pieces of shit like Brock will get hanged. Hope you get assraped by a pack of niggers faggot
>*straight cisgendered white man actually rapes woman*
shouldn't people have the ability to drink in mixed company without the threat of sexual assault?
she was passed out, he dragged her behind a dumpster and fingered her, put pine needles in her vagina (it's the stanford campus, lots of them around) then jerked off on her after attempting to rape her...then he got caught
>shouldn't people have the ability to drink in mixed company without the threat of sexual assault?
shouldn't people have the ability to sleep alone on a public bench at midnight without the threat of being robbed?
>pine needles
isn't pine supposed to be a disinfectant?
>she was passed out
then she woke up just in time to give the police a report
what a lightweight
yes, obviously
i mean yeah they shouldn't have to fear being robbed, just like someone who goes to a party shouldn't have to fear being assaulted she was taken to the hospital on campus i think, which is where she gave the reports
>ctrl + f 'felon'
>0 results
guy on the left had multiple prior felonies including armed robbery and drug trafficking
Ain't rape when she consented to it
or you could have just read the first reply, faggot
and criminals shouldn't commit crime, huh
it's like super mean and bad
Yeah, they shouldn't.
And when they commit rape, they should be punished. Otherwise, people will think it's okay to rape people when they are passed out
(it isn't)
actually the police found her passed out, but thanks for playing.
yeah, people who commit crimes need to face the consequences of their actions
she couldn't consent, even if she went out with the expressed desire to cheat or hook up or something, that changed the second she passed out and he continued on, that's when it becomes a crime and that's where the two dudes who witnessed it as they passed by said
Well the answer is obvious, legalize rape.
> I know nothing about the details.
There you go OP, way to shitpost. Is this done in irony? Or....what Xe.1-post?
stories like these are an interesting beast on Sup Forums, on one side you have people dropping the satire and realizing something horrible has happen to someone and they're not being helped/no justice and on the other you have people who think all women=whores and sluts who are out to get me
just read Turner's personal statement
>should of
i don't care if he's a rapist now, but i do think he's worthless vermin
how can you come from that much money and still not know your native language?
or you know, don't believe women from colleges claiming rape anymore, because you know fake after fake after fake blasted on the news, the fem's did this to them self they have broadened the definition of rape so much, that now it's not even got an effect, it has no meaning. They scour the country for these stories and get outraged at fingerbang boy not getting more time, but somehow when he got the average sentence of every convicted female rapist, it's a problem, i say good for equality equal sentences.
Why not believe them, this isn't a case of "he said, she said" she was unconscious, with both evidence and witnesses in support....the reason women who do this thing get lighter sentences is because more often than not it's a teacher, and they get jailed over the student-teacher power dynamic. In many of those cases the boys willingly consent to these things (even though legally they can't). Is it fucked up, yes. Can it sometimes have physiological repercussions later in life, yes. Are men brutally assaulted? Of course. But you can't really compare a women who was assaulted while passed out with a kid who is asked by his teach if he wants to bang and he readily agrees (not that it makes it ok AT ALL).
>implying that is the only case
>implying the media doesn't cover the majority of female sex offender
>implying lesbians don't rape and get light sentences
Why believe them? The only evidence the media has portrayed in the past decade or so has been fake or false. In fact we are to presume innocent until guilty, or does that not apply?
Second don't get pass out drunk outside of your own home, pretty fucking simple. Man or woman, do not expose yourself to danger in that manner. It's not like this nigga jump'd dis bitch on the street and beat her and stuck his dick in her, she got shit faced, he got shit faced, he finger banged her, he has sexual offender on record forever, he is a felon forever, the punishment sounded pretty standard to me.
1. He's a sexual offender because he did it while she was passed out, that's a crime. regardless of what she said or what her intentions were before. He fingered her after he dragged her outside his frat behind a dumpster, that shows pretty clear intent to me.
2. People should be able to drink in mixed company without having the threat of sexual assault on their mind, if you did you'd go crazy.
3. He should have gotten a heavier sentence, he and his family concocted some sob story design to rope in people such as yourself and see this this sexual offender as a "good boy who just innocently hooked up with a girl and that its all her fault". Read his father's open letter to the media, it drips with delusions about how its hookup culture that caused this, not his shitty kid.
>Jerked off on her
He was clothed the entire time
I'd like to see where you got your facts
The people who were there saw him humping her before they pulled him off and held him there for the police or ambulance. Also, you can jerk off on to some one who has cloths on.
I thought drunk people couldn't consent
That means they were both raped by the circumstances :^)
He was punished you simple brained manchild. Everyone agrees he is a sex offender including his record.
as far as the rest of you stupidity, You should not have an reasonable expectation of safety while consuming enough drugs or alcohol ot cause you to black or pass out. That is just stupid, you are either a good troll, a stupid woman, or the lamest white knight in history, This hardly violent "rape" is being blasted on the media, while plenty of other much more terrible rapes and crimes go unreported. why? because the left needs college rape culture. They need this made up fantasy and this fits the narrative.
>Humping her
Dry humping her
He was clothed the entire time
Again I'd like to see where you're getting your facts
From the way it looks to me it was
>Guy and girl get blasted at a party
>Guy fingers girl
>Guy gets six months
Honestly it seems like a ridiculous thing to explode in the media (almost as ridiculous as the fucking gorilla)
Especially when we ignore Muslim and black rape
gentle reminder that the stanford guy is in jail for admitting to fingering the girl. The girl remembers absolutely nothing, which makes the victim statement that's been making the rounds especially intersting.
Also don't forget the girl has a boyfriend
What if he found you passed out and fingered your butt? When you wake up will you be all like "welp, I deserved it" ?
I doubt it, I think if any of the manchilds in this thread had that happen to them they would be baying for blood
It wasn't rape
they both sound like stupid young drunks. That victim statement reeks of coaching.
Technically you're correct, but it changed once she passed out. That's when it became assault.
I think you should have a reasonable expectation to not be dragged behind a dumpster and attacked. And actually it is rape, there was penetration digital and attempted full on penetration. while i agree the left has a agenda to push, this isn't one of those times. Someone was assaulted while passed out, like I said before, it's not a he said she said. And you can't be serious, 6 moths is nothing given the servrity of the crime. THIS is why crimes like these go unreported, because people think if they come forward they won't get any justice. Remember the Steubenville case, the kids admitted to the crimes and the police has videos and pictures and people still called out the girl and backed the guys.
I don't go to frat parties get blasted and make out with strangers
I don't contend that she didn't suffer siply because she didn't remember. I'm saying the only record of what happened has been offered by guy who is now in jail and wasalso pretty fuckign drunk at the time. She has always maintained that she has no recolloection of hte event, and only last remembers going otuside with her friends.
There is no evidenceo f any penetration aside form teh guy admitting to fingering her.
Well now you're assuming he had the senses while drunk to be aware that she had passed out
Youre assuming he was in right of mind and senses
Youre victim blaming :^)
So you have never been in a situation where you have gotten drunk and passed out. What if you had something happen while you were out, you'd feel violated no?
The witnesses themselves, it's in the report man. and let me help you with that, Guy fingers girl (who is unconscious) and gets six months for sexually assaulting girl
How many times has a high profile case like this come out to be complete bullshit? Many of you are too young to remember when a stripper accused some Duke university lacrosse players of gangbanging her and it was not true. I hope I don't need to remind any of you of the even more recent and far more ridiculous case last year.
What would she do, rip up a sheet of cum stained asphalt and carry that around? Maybe she can chain the dumpster it happened behind around her neck and drag that with her everywhere
Can't wait for the self produced porno recreation
A degenerate fingered a passed out slut behind a dumpster. Naturally the Leftists push "RAPE", and Sup Forumsretards, reactionary as they are, say
>didn du nothin
Once again, showcasing how divide and conquer works. Both are degenerate filth killing civilization, and should receive charges for indecent exposure and buggery in a public area.
>Not a jew
>a jew that got a jew judge
all I know is if I found this bloke on top of my sister I would want to rip his fuckin throat out
any bloke who takes advantage of a woman is utterley pissweak.
you can say "she should not have gotten drunk" yes but you could also easily say that about him too....
you are retarded plain and simple, this isn't why people don't report cases at all, if anything IF ANYTHING it is retards like you who that prepetuate the non reporting. By widing the definition of rape so largely as to make people unsure what really is rape. By the laws definition of rape no man can be raped, she was sodimized. This is not why rapes go unreported, and if people think they wont get justice it's because of the news blasting fake cases durrrr, and then blowing cases like this so far out of proportion. blame the media, and No you DO NOT HAVE A REASONABLE EXPECTATION TO SAFETY WHEN YOU FREELY GIVE UP YOUR ABILITY TO INTERACT WITH THE WORLD AROUND YOU IN A FOREIGN SPACE WITH STRANGERS.
How about this, if i drive drunk and hit a person I can't say "you can't expect me to make good decisions, as I am clearly intoxicated)
fingering is penetration in this case, or at least how its defined in the law.
The two witnesses also said he was dry humping her
You know his side of the story didn't change at all from the police report too?
Again show me your sources
I'd had not heard about the pine needles and don't recall it at all in the police report
>So you have never been in a situation where you have gotten drunk and passed out
>all I know is if I found this bloke on top of my sister I would want to rip his fuckin throat out
ou're having an emotional response. It's understandable, but htat's all it is.
>any bloke who takes advantage of a woman is utterley pissweak.
They both got drunk of their own volition. They believed him when he told them he fingered her, why didn't they care if he also said she consented and seemed to enjoy it?
ANd kindly stop thinking that women don't enjoy getting drunk and having sex.
Honestly drunken behavior needs to be punished more severely
The whole lot of that party should be fucking fined at least
Somehow, I get the impression I'm not being told the whole story, especially when "rape" came up.
>Money preveilage... It's all over the world
In India Salman Khan a Bollywood actor walked free after running his car over 6 people in the streets
I think he should have been given a far longer sentence but what he did was literally not rape.
I don't understand why the media feels the need to keep telling that blatant lie when what he did was already heinous and wrong.
He fingered her when she was passed out drunk. It wasn't raped, it was sexual assault.
The media never lets facts or the law stand in the way of a good story though.
That's because drunk driving is an inherently sexist law that implies agency of the drunk :^)
It's victim blaming to the core
Also you don't go to jail unless it's a multiple time thing unlike "rape" where you're life is destroyed :^)
Didn't rape anyone. Just fingered some bitch who wanted it and the regretted it.
After visiting Japan and experiencing how fucking safe it is, yes, I would demand people treat each other like human beings.
i don't know how she can regret something she doesn't even recollect.
where do you get he dragged her outside, where is the source for that, where are the witnesses of that. from what I read, she left with him, even stopping to socialize with some people outside before going off with him behind the dumpster.
Helps when you don't have the blacks, the muslims, the rednecks, or the guns, not having the guns and being a tiny island really helps.
he never came anywhere, wtf are talking about
You basically are being told the whole story though
>The media never lets facts or the law stand in the way of a good story though.
Except if the perpetrators were Muslim, that is; then it all gets automatically swept under the rug, because they (the media) could potentially get called racist or Islamophobic or something.
>he also said she consented
I think the whole dragged behind the dumpster and then trying to run away when confronted repudiates that.
anyways a 6-month holiday from society will probably do him some good
What are you talking about
>Thinks it's the guns or rednecks
No it helps when you have homogeneous society that wasn't built on division through various means
What connects one American to another?
Don't kid yourself, you're not even safe around whites.
The issue is entirely cultural and they have a culture of mutual respect and expectation.
>Dragged behind dumpster
I wonder how he did that at a crowded party :^)
>homogeneous society that wasn't built on division
thats where they found them
implying those don't factor into japans, "safety". Rednecks are just as bad as niggers they are both filthy poor and stupid. Don't be retarded of course it plays a role in japan's safety, but i did not nor will i ever imply that the adverse is true in America. Different places entirely, no guns contributes greatly to safety there. Just as In many ways guns contribute to safety here.
Read "rednecks"
but you said she was dragged there
was she scuffed up
How did no one see her being dragged
Gosh they must have all been so drunk as to not notice :^)
It wasn't until I read this story until I realized I had been sexually assaulted ~9 years ago.
Me and my roomie were throwing a party and one of our friends told me her friend thought I was hot and wanted to fuck me. I didn't do anything about it because she was really quiet, barely talked, and quite frankly seemed like an autistic fun sponge. Not to mention I was way too drunk to fuck anyway.
An hour or two later, after I've pass out, I wake up to her topless in my bed giving me a handjob trying to get me up. I kinda just said fuck it and had sex with her because otherwise I figured there was no way I was getting back to sleep. I could barely even keep it up and the sex was sloppy drunk and bad.
Guess what? It wasn't traumatic, and I barely even gave it a second thought. In fact the worse thing that came out of it was her friend bitched at me the next day for not using a condom because apparently this slut wasn't on birth control.
So my question is: where do I cash in my new found victim points for special priviliges now that I've literally been raped? Or do us men not get those?
2 guys on bikes found them there
They don't
Japan has "rednecks" and Hicks they just aren't viewed as an other like we do here in America
>Entirely no guns contributes greatly to safety there
Prove it
That's not what you said though
You said she was dragged there
Now you're saying she was just found there?
Gosh you Australians are confusing :^)
Being a redneck doesn't make you a piece of shit by default
legendary aus shit posting.
I really doubt that he was actually found guilty of rape, those 6 months are probably for sexual harassment.