This album will have a winter/christmas theme. Make songs about the season or with that wintery vibe. The theme is very loose so if you have a song in mind already, don't let the theme deter you from contributing it.
So let's get things started! We're gonna start by rolling for names >The number of tracks on the album will be 8+the last digit of the OP >Dubs decide track name >42 decides album name >69 decides album cover (then its fair game for different anons to edit it; one with the best response will be used) >Trips decides artist name
Kayden Cook
Easton Nguyen
John Hernandez
Also, do people want to continue making albums through December? I know I'll finally be on break after next week, so I'll be busy doing fun things. We could take some time off. But of course if people still want albums I can start the thread and make the album so long as someone can help keep the threads organized if I can't check in
Jordan Cruz
Fuck that, I'm not making my long post an album name again
Matthew Cox
Luis Green
Parker Harris
Soylent Meme
Luis Lewis
Nolan Gray
Juan Butler
Noah Smith
Soy-lent Meme
Cooper Harris
Happy birthday Action Bronson!
Isaac Ward
alt right
Jose Anderson
Nathan Jenkins
Camden Williams
Artist Name: Happy birthday Action Bronson! Album Name:
1. bazinga 2. dammit 3. MAAAAAAAN IS THE ANIMAAAAAL 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Cameron Gutierrez
if this is cover art, album name will be WHICH ARE YOU?
Benjamin Bailey
>69 decides album cover
Zachary Myers
Jace Jenkins
>tfw 69 didn't post album cover what now?
Gabriel Peterson
no i was just sayin if that comes cover art
Jonathan Wood
I Am Not A Christian, Grandma (Thats All You Need To Know)
Michael Wright
Jacob Davis
Blake Walker
it's christmas but I'm jewish
Luis Scott
Jaxon Brooks
This Song Is Dedicated To All The Children All Around The World
Jose Lewis
No Snow On This Winter
Juan Nguyen
Eli Jackson
Brody Green
aaaayyyyy I got it!!!
Wyatt Edwards
This is a shit cover
Adam Harris
Blake Roberts
Blackest Bile pt. 2
Matthew Evans
haha i get it, the big trees behind the building looks like a poop, yes i also thought that when i saw it haha :D
Michael Kelly
Nathan Cook
rerolling. I want to make this.
Jackson Ramirez
I'd give my right ball if I could dunk a fucking lung just one time
Jaxon James
Ayden Baker
My husband and I are burning big drugs and we hit the bull
Nathaniel Lee
Conflict is necessary for the survival of our species.
Daniel Howard
Action Bronson in the winter
Levi Bailey
shut the fuck, it's getting cold in here
Alexander Stewart
Alexander White
language n' langour
Henry James
William Russell
Artist Name: Happy birthday Action Bronson! Album Name: 1. bazinga 2. dammit 3. MAAAAAAAN IS THE ANIMAAAAAL 4. Developmentalism 5. My husband and I are burning big drugs and we hit the bull 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Adrian Gonzalez
Xavier Gomez
ding dong
Isaiah Martin
Tyler Sanders
White Chips 12/2
Luis Anderson
big dong
James Wood
Big Hogs (Bronson Winter Remix)
Jack Wright
Kayden Cooper
I have no mouth and I must eat yellow snow.
Oliver Morales
Hidden in the Desolate Frostbitten Tundra of Norway
Robert Roberts
happy holidays
Luke Morris
Mr. Wonderful
Tyler Kelly
who is the informer / The Informant
Adrian Peterson
African-American Friday
rerolling for cover
Owen Robinson
i wish we were said
Wyatt Peterson
They got the cover already
Lincoln Hill
ELF BOY CLIQUE (LiL Peep Tribute)
David Miller
Christopher Bennett
now you rolled this trash name
Dylan Hall
Make sure you spread my blood on a BMW
Jackson Collins
A Very Special Death Grips Christmas
Gavin Foster
I didn't mean to, Coop can leave it off if he wants to
Matthew Rogers
(Grandma Got Run Over By A) 1999 Dodge Neon
Dylan Barnes
Action has lost that hunger
Camden Collins
Grandma Got Run Over By Action Bronson!
Ethan Gomez
Jingle Fuck
Oliver Lopez
Lost in Minneapolis in the Middle of a Blizzard
Evan Moore
but in the South hemisphere is summer...
Juan Perry
do I get artist name?
Jace Bennett
Nolan Carter
A Christmas Eve Xanax Overdose
Nolan Garcia
niggas kill everyone while baked on bath salts
James Martin
I Killed Santa Claus
Carson Brown
This shit falling from da sky ain't snow, it's fucking cocaine nigga
Aaron Watson
everything has been rolled already
Asher Sanchez
Jesus Didn't Die For This Shit
Jose Allen
Connor Lopez
Hitler was a socialist
Jaxson Peterson
This is unironically true though. He just wasn't a marxist.
Elijah Sanchez
The Elf Knows Himself (Chapters I - CXI)
Anthony Smith
William Collins
I know, I was just posting it for the meme
Lucas Lee
B A L D bald
Adam Reyes
John Bennett
Leo Parker
Ryan Allen
rerolling for a future album title
Jason Rivera
rerollin baby
Connor Gomez
i made this, do you like it? if not just ignore
Austin Lopez
Gavin Nguyen
The Glow Pt. 3
Jack Rivera
God Hates Jews Because They Don't Celebrate Christmas
Gavin Sanders
Album Name: A Very Special Death Grips Christmas
1. bazinga 2. dammit 3. MAAAAAAAN IS THE ANIMAAAAAL 4. Developmentalism 5. My husband and I are burning big drugs and we hit the bull 6. ding dong 7. big dong 8. Hidden in the Desolate Frostbitten Tundra of Norway 9. They got the cover already 10. Grandma Got Run Over By Action Bronson! 11. I know, I was just posting it for the meme 12. Jesus Didn't Die For This Shit 13.
One song left and then people can start claiming, and working on the album cover too