*blocks your path*

>*blocks your path*
What are you doing in Lithuania foreigner?

Other urls found in this thread:


wer da wimmin at

I am on my way to Estonia. Bravo Estonia, boo Lithuania.

This isn't Lithuania anymore
t. Le russian invader

I wanted to see the Curonian Spit before I die ;_;

implementing communism

post some Lithuanian techno music please

I'm a tourist

Get out. Memelland is now ours.

Arrest this man and put him in jail.

don't come closer i got a gun
*points at Smetana
say hello to blini

Do not hurt me I am Polish!

fucking some bitches

I'm just a tourist, my friend.

Who gave you permission to use háček? Speak, mongol!


*annexes your capital*
pszz...nic osobistego...


Hello Polack, let's go around the corner really quickly I wanna show you something

Literally who.

Looks like a typical baby-faced shithuanin though.


Ah, so irrelevant like I thought.

dumb poleshit subhuman

Wilno is polish

Ash kalba Lietuvu!
Kaip Seksi?

delivering your monthly helium supplies.
what would your country do without it?


y'ain't bein' honest, this's Wilson County, not Lith-an-a

I'm on the road to Russia to fight communism