Learning Russian

I want to learn Russian for literature/being multilingual reasons. Good idea/bad idea? And does anyone know any good resources or where to start?
(also just generally ITT: language learning experiences)

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Maybe I can help you. I'm russian. Telegram: @mivami

Russian literature is archaic and boring

I just started to learn russian like a week ago, so im pretty much in the same spot as you user

russian is a big pain in the ass, leave it when it's not too late

Yeah have fun with cirílic alphabet


I like Russian because of the lack of articles.

Hy cпacибo, дyшкa.

ты чe гoлyбoк штoлe

Кaк чтo-тo плoхoe.

which is probably the least problematic aspect when learning russian

Trying to understand our slang i guess

Russian slang worst thing in the world. Try to translate this with yandex

telegram not banned yet in russia?


I want to learn too, I'm going way too slow.

but you still have to deal with conjurations declensions and all kinds of weird agreement rules

Sorry, this is hardest part of our language.

I learned it in an hour. Not that hard.

Why would they be a problem to you?

gay anime get out

I'll help you.
Skype: slava27025

The verb endings are regular, but it's the verb tenses that get very difficult
It is no problem. I like not having to deal with 'the', 'a, an' unlike German with 'der, die, das'

Russian has sometimes a very unusual syntax for English speakers. For example, we don't say "someone has X", we use "In possession of someone's (there is) X":
У мeня ecть квapтиpa U menia yest' kvartira "I have a flat"
y/u means "at", but it also expresses possession
мeня/menia is the form of я/ya "I" in the genitive case which is used when you have to say "someone's" or "of someone"
ecть/yest' is the infinitive form of the verb "to be"

*in possession of someone

*possessed by

2ch hk

You can learn while shitposting.

Their .webm filesize limit ranges from 20mb to 40 on some boards and has sound.


Would've gladly helped ya if you weren't such a communist shill fag