Our Lord Commander just got SLAMMED on Twitter. Will he be able to recover?
TRUMP just got BTFO
delet this!!!
Please tell me that you guys/gals don't actually support Trump. All these posts about Trump being the savior of America and western civilization are satire, right? I understand that 4 Chan has a large "troll" community, but I can't help but think that some of the post here are serious. Your actions have consequence that may be far more reaching than even you understand. It may be all fun-and-games to some of you, but there are people out there who think that the stuff posted on /Pol is real. Just look at what happened to Reddit. They have an entire subreddit (with 130k followers) dedicated, unironically, to Trump.
Trump is dangerous, yet you don't seem to care. You'd rather cash in your political influence for short term laughs than long term global stability. If Trump gets elected it will be YOUR fault. I only wish that you would put as much energy into making the world a better place as you do into meme'ing for Trump.
We are all responsible for our actions, I just wanted you to understand that.
Build wall
r8 my banter
u sound retarded
is this the same guy who has made like 7 of these shill threads?
Go back to Canada Raphael.
Solid bant leaf
How many more fucking threads are you going to make?
Trump should have said this back to her. He still should
Hillary trying to have balls.
I love this election cycle.
nice response, but...
who the fuck names their kid Tra'ell? Niggers, I'm guessing.
This just goes to prove that her media team is spending too much time on Sup Forums
Kike sjw Ben already stole from kike faggot Milo
wow how original of her. I havent seen that same comment posted to trumps page thousands of times by 12 year old never trumpers
>$0.01 has been deposited to your account
How can you not hate her just for this alone?
It's a troll account.
Is Shapiro coming around? I hope he does in time to vilify that faggot Milo
Thank you for correcting the record with your cut and paste reply.
100% that wasnt hillary tweeting but trump still got rekt desu senpai
>Is Shapiro coming around?
no. He has always attacked Hillary
>heroine from mexico kills 8000-15000 americans a year
>we dont need wallz, Twump iz evil
fuck democrats
>trumpfags this upset
How so? He blew her the fuck out. Nobody wants Ohomo 2.0
Her response was literally bot tier
Pretty yummy pasta, thanks m8
>PS: Build wall paco
thanks amigo, now I'm a #Hillarite #Clintoris
Make America Great Again!
He will vote trump just because he probably hates hillary more and not voting doesn't change your fate
Looks shopped.
So damn clever!
"Hillary, show me how to delete it, you have experience in this area/"
Trump needs to tweet this back
Good job triggering the Trumpards
and kike faggot milo stole it from /pol
Your nose is showing.
>110k RTs
>in 1 hour
>correct the record shills and twitter bots
What a cunt
The Rubicon has alredy been crossed. Trump is our champion
>everyone that disagrees with me is a bot or paid shill
why do I still browse this board
Isn't there a site that analyzes twitter bots
Are her staffers setting her up again? Trump only has to say something like 'I'll think about it when you release your emails' and she's BTFO
This is your reminder twitter is a cesspool.
Her followers are mindless, cackling, automaton hyenas without a pair of brain cells to rub together between the lot of them.
A 3-word, trite, salty non-argument from her, and they become so incensed, they're probably all flinging poo at their walls. Confused idiots.
I hope Trump wipes the floor with her.
I don't know shill, you tell me.
Just run a scan on all the retweets and prove most are from bots.
Good enough comeback imho
wow, never really gave the whole trump thing a serious thought, Thanks for challenging my views!
wall got 10 ft higher
Trump supporter here, but I'm sorry; that's fucking hilarious.
To be fair though, Hillary is a master at deleting things so maybe she knows what she is talking about.
I'm monitoring her follower count, it should considerably fall in the next coming days. Trump's follower count is pretty steady though.
Would you describe yourself as "slanted" towards hilldog? (not a real dog, do not eat)
i see both crooked hillary and bill prefers 20 years olds handling their business
>tfw you're not running trumps twitter account
I liked trump but after this tweet it looks like I'm a #cruzmissile now
try harder ahmed
the equivalent of telling trum to kill himself
oh dayum
It's refreshing to see someone serious on here for once, #shillary #feelthebern #nevretramp