
worldwide edition

Canadian girls > American grils

That's just how it is

Explains why you don't have a girlfriend desu


he has a lisp

>want to apply for a FID so i can buy a gun
>need 2 references and 2 letters

what afucking joke

coming back here since /brit/ is a complete shitfest thanks to some retard burger.

American girls are numerically superior and physically superior due to their large size. They are the alpha species on the continent.

I know.

he's lying, btw

don't girls like slightly disabled things?

quitting runescape must be hard.

must be hard to give up all you items right? i got super addicted to warframe at one point, at one point i just gave all my stuff away to /vg/.

Oh I miss read it as "explain"

I fucking hate you cascadia faggots


>applying for something to buy a gun
what kind of backwards shithole do you live in??



>quitting runescape must be hard.
not really. i bought a year subscription six months ago and only played 2 weeks of it before stopping.

i made a call today where the women said she wasnt interested but i hit her with a couple of rebuttals as im obligated to for my performance reviews before she lost her shit and went "shut the fuck and listen to me user- do you have a pen at your desk??? and i said yes and she goes: "write down: THIS BITCH DOESNT WANT WHAT YOU'RE OFFERING"
and i had to just professionally say goodbye to her like a cuck because all my calls are recorded and monitored

Same I'm a refugee

Why do you say this

you shouldnt

theyre either crazy like clackmyass, or theyll ditch you


would rather die than let idaho and montana join the filthy cascadian empire

I can never stop playing DCUO for that exact reason
I've put too much time into getting my shit
serves you right wagie

you thouldnt
theyre either crathy like clackmyath, or theyll ditch you

less mass


Good point

just drive to a state with personal freedoms and buy a gun

thinking back on it, my highschool had them as a joke. there were never real drag fags there

I'm really desperate to talk to a girl right now
Might text a girl I've spoken to twice if she wants to go to the coast on Saturday.
I also really want to go to the coast.

I feel bad for bullying Placer.

from what my friends say its girls and guys from around campus who arent really drag queens, just drunk and doing it for a laugh

why are you guys called macedonia, most of historical macedonia is in greece

They're not. They're called FYROM.

>watching cartoons as a kid, Bugs Bunny dressing up as a woman as a hilarious joke
>kids watching cartoons now, dressing up as a girl is my sexuality and gender not something to be mocked
has judaism gone too far?

America is number 1

Because Macedonian Slavs used to live further south in actual historical Macedonia as well for hundreds of years until recently


good post


>Macedonian Slavs
No such thing. They're Bulgarians.

Dont give a fuck dont care

But my famaly is from that part of agean macedonia which greece has now

#1 in dumb

got an its it from the fridge

lel, too bad CHIs and jews killed based Speedy, sad!


>Macedonian Slavs
makes sense for you to be macedonian i guess, just seems like nato has a hard-on for fabricating states, kosovo being the most obvious example

nothing triggered me more than not being able to see a characters full body

I wish I were Asian

ready a room at the hotel california

Goblin Slayer is my hero

"Macedonian" Slavs are Bulgarians.

no you don't.


why? it's nothing special. be happy with urself desu. what is u

what does it mean when a guy is "circumcised"?

thoughts on these?


kys faggot
You're the second worst poster, only slightly better than FK

subhuman jew slave

Benis has been cut off.

But I do

That's not nice

I'm nigger!!!!

it means he was tortured as a baby because a jewish doctor deceived his parents, or because his parents are clueless religious dogmatists who don't even understand their own religion

6 wins 3 losses

multiple golds every match


lowest I've ever placed holy fuck

>be urkel
>be over 6ft
>be nigger so assumed hypersexual
>get gibs me dats like affirmative action
>cry rascism and get free shit
>but you have to be a nig

>be asianboi
>everyone assumes beta dicklet
>no gibs me dats
>racism is only effective when they lump themselves with blacks or browns
>but at least people think you are smart

Really makes you think...

I used to be 3991 before I uninstalled. Think I decayed down to diamond by now.

just work on your aesthetics and fashion. bring your self-view into a more positive light

people still play overwatch?

how much of /cum/ has seen the seinfeld episode about circumcision

Depends in muslim culture they also curcimsize penises


3/5 good but not great.

Look good. Can you leave one for me?

I usually place right at 2000 and then make my way to plat every season, blizz wanted to cuck me this time I guess

why are so many niggas weebs?

ok fine, but they still had one

fornication make people happy therefore i should fornicate

y/n why?

>tfw yankees won't stop posting in your general

Stop playing that game. It's awful now.

Why do the Overwatch characters look annoying?





It feels good and is fun.

>get gibs me dats like affirmative action
>cry racism and get free shit
Don't believe the memes

Everyone loves anime

I can't imagine why. Thought he was talking about Starcraft.

"competitive FPS" and Overwatch specifically are plebeian as fuck

i fall for the asians a lil bit desu

gonna stop playing any game that isn't produced by valve desu

I enjoy anime

You think you can just ignore my posts? Fine. Ignore my posts. You're the one missing out, not me. Fuck you.


How many animes have you watched? I'm pretty sure I've watched less than 100.

I also enjoy anime

>picking 2 of the worst girls from the entire show

CLASSIC conneticut

>not an argument.jpg
Even ignoring those two it seems better to be a darkie in America as long as you aren't Daquan son of single momma Markqueesha tier black.

I want to see around 20 or 30


want to say*

you already know I choose best girl Sucy, the filename just autism
