Friendly reminder

>Murrica won WW2 Soviets just human waved Germans until death lmao

>"We were used to an opponent the stature of the Russians; we were amazed at the contrast. During the war, I have never saw soldiers disperse head over heels even though virtually nothing was happening."
>"Five Russians were more dangerous than thirty Americans. We already noticed that in our few days in the Western front."
>"Again the pace of the war surprised me, the Russians would never have let us have so much time! The Americans took so long to close the pocket, especially given that nobody around wanted to fight anymore. A well organized German corps could have closed the pocket in a week."

Otto Carius, German WW2 tank ace.
Read any memoir by German soldier (not butthurt high-ranking generals who lied and latter tried to pin the blame on Hitler for their failures), they considered Americans, British, Canadians and all that to be highly inferior to Soviets in combat skill.
That's right, in combat skill, not ''endless waves of Soviets rushing without weapons''.
They feared and respected Soviets, and they feared Allied artillery and aviation because it was so numerous. But they considered average Allied soldier to be inferior in combat.
And these were second-line German formations.
Best German troops fought and perished in the East.

of course, german cucks have always been put in their place by us slavs

>taking credit for Russia's accomplishments


>us slavs
Russians. We didn't really do shit, neither did Poles, besides resistance.

>implying my two grandfathers didn't die fighting you shitstains


talk about yourself, crni

>Murrica won WW2
Thanks to powerful Soviet Russia
Josef Stalin is the real hero of WW2
you murrifats just take all the credit, whiners

Man 20,000 Germans died here.
Though I saw some estimates of 100,000 and more, but still, that's nothing.
War in Yugoslavia was practically a civil war between communists and collaborators.

>I don't get memes: the post
Everyone interested in history knows that.

one died in treblinka, one in austria
so cut the shit

They didn't. They probably died like idiots waiting in a bread line.

I wonder if hitler acted a little bit nicer to the slavs. Maybe they would have allied themselves with Germany.

My grandpa was in Dachau don't get so triggered.

Many probably would.
>memories of people who fought in tactical combat
Or you're refering to Americans believing they won WW2 alone, and I assure you those are not memes.

a german nazi sniper in the forest is hardly a bread line, faggot

>Many probably would
Refering to Soviets of course.
Poles and Serbs not really, since we weren't ruled by commies.

Kind of doubt, commies where really popular at the time

Yes that's why Germans were greeted with flowers in Ukraine and Belarus.


funny how you euro fags can defend yourself from the fatherland. america fought germany AND japan at the same damn time and we supplied you and the brits at the SAME DAMN TIME. tell me again how america wouldnt win world war 3 4 5 and 6?


scared american kids that had to pop pills before every battle were the saviors?

give me a break

>pummeling starving Japanese manlets on isolated islands with superior firepower
Better make another movie about that great victory, (((Spielberg)))

kek'd in rl

Reminder that while Yugoslavia did receive western material support it has ultimately freed itself from occupation. It wasn't liberated by either eastern nor western forces. That's why it was mostly neutral after WW2.

Did the Americans really embarass themselves that much in the Wester front?
They're already an embarassment to us but damn that's next level

they embarrassed themselves everywhere, same thing in iraq, vietnam, you name it

ask any fellow brit that served iraq about the american """""""""""""soldiers"""""""""""""

a bunch of drugged up crying kids having no idea what the fuck is going on

lol m8 see how we fought on Syrmian front, and that was real combat, not gorilla warfare
without Soviets we would be brutally raped
I don't mean to say resistance of Yugoslav people wasn't impressive in many ways, but we tend to overrate it

Mostly in western Ukraine. In Belarus - far from it.

jews won WW2

i agree with Russia, fuck all of the rest of these eurocucks

Let's be real dude communists weren't really loved by people, nor were they elected to power.
If Germans treated Slavs well, they wouldn't fight so hard for preservation of communism.
But when your choice is slavery/extermination and Stalin, Stalin looks rather good.

I'm just saying that us Slavic peoples have balls, unlike the western "men".

More proof of that is how degeneracy spreads much slower in eastern countries.

Are we forgetting the not one step back decree? If you had to fear getting fragged by your own "comrades" what do you think would happen, duh? OP, what's it feel like to have your head shoved up your ass?

>A Finn
>praising Soviets
Only on Sup Forums

Germans had balls back then too.
Except that order was literally welcomed by many Soviet soldiers who were tired of retreating.
Russians are very patriotic people in their own way.
Even famed blocking detachments were just a psychological measure, and they didn't really shoot that many soldiers at all, they were laughably small detachments ''guarding'' huge units. In reality they mostly picked up stragglers and sent them back to front.
Memes and history are different things.

Reminder that the US gave the Russians a shit-ton of ammo, trucks, and gasoline before America joined and without it the Russians would've been screwed.

This truth is too obvious for thread OP to understand, and obviously goes against his confirmation bias/delusional+irrational status quo concepts.

But I am real. They weren't people favorites among western ukranians and polish people and their supporters at western Belarus, for obvious reasons. But poles, unlike ukranians, disliked germans as well, so not so many flowers.
The reason behind Soviet popularity is simple - they managed to actually improve life for poorest majority. And they had good propaganda machine.

>they managed to actually improve life for poorest majority
Is that true when talking about 30's and early 40's?
By the way, where do you live?

Yep, it's true. Better working condition, access to basic medical care and so on.

Im from Hrodna.

Looks like you're wrong again, who is surprised?

The concept was re-introduced on a large scale during theGerman–Soviet War.[3]On June 27, 1941, in response to reports of unit disintegration in battle and desertion from the ranks in the Soviet Red Army, the 3rd Department (military counterintelligence of Soviet Army) of the USSR'sNarkomatof Defense issued a directive creating mobile barrier forces composed ofNKVDpersonnel to operate on roads, railways, forests, etc. for the purpose of catching 'deserters and suspicious persons'. These forces were given the acronymSMERSH(from the RussianSmert shpionam- Death to spies).[4][5]SMERSH detachments were created fromNKVD troops, augmented with counterintelligence operatives, and were under the command of theNKVD.[4]

With the continued deterioration of the military situation in the face of the German offensive of 1941, SMERSH and other NKVD punitive detachments acquired a new mission: to prevent the unauthorized withdrawal of Red Army forces from the battle line.[4][5]The first troops of this kind were formed in theBryansk Fronton September 5, 1941.

On September 12, 1941,Joseph Stalinissued theStavkaDirective No. 1919 (Диpeктивa Cтaвки BГК №001919) concerning the creation of barrier troops inrifle divisionsof theSouthwestern Front, to suppress panic retreats. Each Red Army division was to have an anti-retreat detachment equipped with transport totalling onecompanyfor eachregiment. Their primary goal was to maintain strict military discipline and to prevent disintegration of the front line by any means, including the use of machine guns to indiscriminately shoot any personnel retreating without authorization.[6]These barrier troops were usually formed from ordinary military units, and placed under NKVD command.

Oh you're right on border with Poland.
What's your opinion on Russia?

Browse Sup Forums long enough and you will see weirder things.

In 1942, after the creation ofpenal battalionsby StavkaDirective No. 227(Диpeктивa Cтaвки BГК №227), anti-retreat detachments were used to prevent withdrawal or desertion by penal units as well. However,Penal military unitpersonnel were always rearguarded by NKVD or SMERSH anti-retreat detachments, and not by regular Red Army infantry forces.[4]As per Order No. 227 each Army should have 3–5 barrier squads up to 200 persons each.

A report to Commissar General of State SecurityLavrentiy Beriaon October 10, 1941, noted that since the beginning of the war, NKVD anti-retreat troops had detained a total of 657,364 retreating or deserting personnel, of which 25,878 were arrested (of which 10,201 were sentenced to death by court martial) and the rest were returned to active duty. Most of those arrested were later returned to active duty as well.[7]

At times barrier troops were involved in battle operations along with regular soldiers, as noted byVasilevskyin his directive N 157338 from October 1, 1942

Except nothing you copy pasted disproves my points.
Blocking detachments were several hundred men guarding armies of 50-60 thousand men.
It was a purely psychological measure, and pick up stragglers, nothing else.

>NKVD anti-retreat troops had detained a total of 657,364 retreating or deserting personnel, of which 25,878 were arrested (of which 10,201 were sentenced to death by court martial)
Doesn't that confirm my point?
Red Army was in chaotic retreat, those were desperate measures.
In time they were slowly phased out as morale and organization improved.

I'm okay with them.
I'm not agreeing with either of you, just want to make a point that

>to operate on roads, railways, forests, etc. for the purpose of catching 'deserters and suspicious persons'.

was literally their job. No "sit in 5 meters and shoot in backs" movie boolshit

Y'all been watching Enemy at the Gates too much. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Russia's war effort has been denigrated in the west as a propaganda move since the war ended. Sucks that the western allies don't give the brave Russian troops a fair shake, but... fuck it, cold war. Shit happens.

"Except that order was literally welcomed by many Soviet soldiers who were tired of retreating." -unsubstantiated claim, pending citation.

"Russians are very patriotic people in their own way."Yeah having a comrades gun pointed at your head sure makes you patriotic fast!

"Even famed blocking detachments were just a psychological measure," - Uhh, no? If this was true then no one ever was executed or arrested. Nice try though.

"and they didn't really shoot that many soldiers at all," -unsubstantiated claim disproved by wiki article/common knowledge.

" they were laughably small detachments ''guarding'' huge units. In reality they mostly picked up stragglers and sent them back to front." - wait I thought it was just a "psychological measure"?

It proves your point if you changed your wrongful opinion.

Why would someone retreat after the tide has turned?

>wow I'm so stupid I'm gonna take an unsubstantiated assertion on Sup Forums seriously
>please rape my face
>t. Bong

>unsubstantiated claim disproved by wiki article/common knowledge.
~10k deserters executed (at all, not only front line) in comparison with ~11 mil dead soldiers during war.

Your post is neither here nor there.

>i'm even dumber so i'm going to take american jewpaganda seriously

>Soviets just human waved Germans until death lmao
>implying murricans didnt do the same lmao

>mon te negro.
>Man, the negro

Shit up nigger.

Are you having fun throwing numbers around? Sure makes it look like you know what you're talking about.

>deserters being shot
Nigger how dumb are you?
>unsubstantiated claim disproved by wiki article/common knowledge
10,000 out of millions who served. Again, how fucking dumb are you?
>wait I thought it was just a "psychological measure"?
Except that doesn't invalidate my point.
Are you aware there were people shot for desertion in US Army in WW2, you dumb nigger?

What's wrong with numbers?

>of which 10,201 were sentenced to death by court martial
That's your own post you imbecile.

There was something about 20k arrests and 40-50 executions in us army during ww2, if I recall correctly.

Actually only one execution (Eddie Slovik), but 40-50 were sentenced to death.
Of course if Americans were hard pressed for survival like Soviets were, executions and sentences would be far more numerous.
But this imbecile doesn't understand that, no, it's ''common knowledge'' in America, land where half of population doesn't know Sun is a star.


The problem is that western and eastern fronts were completely different in terms of scale, ferocity and brutality and average Joe doesn't really give a shit about this. Even here people attribute the Berlin soviet rapes to 'le mongols' 'barbaric slavs' rather than the fact that these front-line troops drudged through literal hell on earth fighting for their peoples survival, not some civilized occupation consisting of your flags being replaced with Nazi flags.