The best of sci fi

What are some must-see sci fi movies?

I'm bored and need a good movie to watch

My faves:

Starship Troopers
The Martian
Edge of Tomorrow


Starship Troopers
Event Horizon
The Martian
Ghosts of Mars

Armageddon is blockbuster tier but fun.

Event Horizon.

The Fifth Element
District 9
2001: A Space Odyssey
Europa Report
Mission to Mars
Titan A.E.

1. 2001
2. The Matrix
3. Day the Earth Stood Still
4. Gattaca
5. The Terminator
6. Moon
7. Minority Report
8. Planet of the Apes
9. AI
10. Total Recall

I like Halo and Mass Effect.

Anyone else get WH40k vibes from Event Horizon?

Isn't there a fan theory about it being a prequel to WH40K or something like that?

I keep seeing people posting Ghosts of Mars as a great sci fi movie.

>4.9/10 IMDB
>21% Tomatometer

Is it good or no?

Starship troopers
The Martian
Edge of Tomorrow
District 9
Even Numbered Star trek movies.
Total Recall (The original)
Robocop I and II

The Expanse (Tv series)

Go out and watch Arrival


Literally everyone that saw it and knows even a bit about WH40K

its a b-movie. if you cant handle b-movies, just kys

I think you need to cut down on your caffeine intake

"Alien" no s, of course

"Total Recall" for a good time

to be clichè "2001: A Space Odyssey"

"The Fith Element" for sure

and that's my list for now


Depends. Do you want action movies in space or science-fiction?

>needing to specify (The original)


What an ugly, useless piece of shit.

less well known must see sci fi

time lapse
frequently asked questions about time travel

I realized what kinda scifi I like.

I was rewatching Bladerunner the other day and the way it's filmed is pretty comfy. Lot's of long shots showing off the world, Deckard going around immersing himself in the world. It felt lived in and real and exploring it and see these big long shots of the city was great.

I don't feel like we get scifi paced like this anymore. It's all quick go go go go go from here to here, this planet to this one, jump run jump run, robots explosions credits.

There's no fucking down time. I don't feel immersed in the fantastical world and there are no questions left unanswered which is part of the fun. The shit Roy talks about regarding his time in space sounds crazy but you never see that. You never even leave the city but there's this big, huge wide world to the movie out there with stuff going on you never see.

this. I want more comfy scifi with emphasis on worldbuilding and artistic cinematography and less string theory explosion fueled blockbusters

Minority report is on there twice.

Blade Runner is a mediocre neo-noir movie that the later cuts tried to mangle into something profound. Watch 'Klute' and 'The Long Goodbye' to get more of this feel.

You say you want this but you probably don't unless you can handle the autism.

>Dark Star
>Altered States
>Beyond the Black Rainbow
>Cloud Atlas
>Prometheus (BUT MUH AXE IN SPACE)
>The Red Spectacles
>Stray Dog: Kerberos Panzer Cops

>Ghost in the Shell 1 + 2
>Royal Space Force
>Jin-Roh (watch the live-action ones first)

Watch all of these and you are almost initiated. Blade Runner is a meme to trip up plebs.

several things are on there twice

>that superiority complex


is Cloud Atlas actually good? I haven't seen it. Good list otherwise

I bet you like Fury Road too, cucklord.

It's solid. I tried to make the list relatively simple. It's cool for something that can direct you towards great movies, but not a great movie. Not bad either. Tom Hanks is fun.

It's pretty pretentious. The visuals are kinda neat but the stories are meh and the half Asian future race makeup in one segment is laughable.

Sunshine is a very poetic and even fun movie but the science in it is...strange.

It takes a turn for the worse near the end but everything leading up to it makes up for it

I agree. It became Event Horizon towards the end and I hated that. But the first half is great.

I'll take blade runner over any of those. The story may be a little shallow but the visuals make up for it. It's the most beautiful scifi and that counts for a lot