MIlitary hate thread

Let's get a topic going for hating on the American military.

Perhaps a veteran on Sup Forums who didn't like his time in the military can shed some light on what he didn't like? I'm sure there are some of you on here who regret serving.

Let's keep things civil and have a good debate ITT.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do you hate the military?

Those children were asking to be killed. They were helping the enemy. Probably just grow up a terrorist anyways

I did yall a favor

>Let's keep things civil and have a good debate ITT

Fuck off, the U.S. military defends us and the rest of the world. Sorry that your blue pilled ass wants to make fun of the people that protect your rights.

because he's an america hating faggot who voted for bernie

oh and fuck man now i want pancakes

A huge number of police officers are veterans, and most police departments have veterans preference when hiring.
>hey can anyone faggot who didn't like the military please reinforce my worldview???
most veterans enjoyed their service.

Lawyers protect my rights, bro.

How do people meddling around in Middle Eastern countries benefit me at all?

>Muh military protects muh rights
>accusing others of being bluepilled

top kek

i almost miss when Sup Forums was libertarian and more aware of the zionist influence in american foreign policy.

I agree with that image if you remove police from the top half.

Nah I was in NJ for high school during 9/11, knew 23 people who died, joined the Army at 19. I enjoyed killing muslims. I wish I got to kill some children, maybe I did, who knows? Saged

>couldnt get in the military

they literally let a 50-something retard in when I was active.

you should kill yourself out of embarrassment

I can't think of a single reason to hate the military if you're socially conservative.
Unless you're not, in which case, I would advise against visiting this board in the future.

But why do you hate the military

It keeps them busy so they don't come here.

Every military man I have met was either a wage cuck or some dude-bro who thinks killing unarmed civilians and fighting in jew wars makes him tough. They deserve PTSD.

>be ahmed mubarak ackbar
>fly plane into capitalist pig's building
>bigger and better than my Adobe sand nigger hut
>"hey this is righteous shit nigga"

>be Americuck
>triggered as shit after invasion of Middle East

>mfw Muslims killed thousands of people unprovoked
>mfw Americucks want to not retaliate

Finally a based American.

You know nothing of conservatism.

>think killing children makes him tough
>wife/girlfriend was probably being fucked by a jodie boy

>implying america hasn't fucked over the middle east and killed more innocent people than a 1000 9/11s

>implying clock boys should be able to terrorize the U.S. without retaliation

Why does the main man: Ron Paul, hate soldiers?

>implying burgers actually suffer terrorism and aren't just jew-tier pussies crying muh safety.

>implying 9/11 didn't happen

>Having a problem with shitskins being killed
>having a problem with killing people who would rape and kill you, your children, your wife, and everything you stand for.
>call cops "heroes"
>pic related

Firemen were the only thing you got right. It should be firemen and paramedics.

>implying they don't deserve it
>implying they are innocent
deus vult mother fucker

>Cowards who kill children in foreign countries
>little vermins that suicide-bomb for a death cult
kill yourself my man.

In my early 30s. Been wanting to enlist lately.

>implying it wasn't an inside job

Why aren't police officers "heroes"?

You are too fucking old.

>implying the Jew would blow up a FINANCIAL center

Did I say 9/11 didn't happen. God you burgers treat 9/11 like the jews treat the shoah. Only 3000 people died in 9/11.

Clinical and cultural stupidity is a crime, they aren't innocent. Inbreeding is as well.

Glass them for the sake of eugenics.

It lowers your gas prices, fuckhead.

>implying most burgers aren't shit tier genetically.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.


>implying that it was the deaths that mattered, not attacking a superior country because of its un-Sharia values

>heroes that protect murka

9000% bait

Do you really have to ask?

By the way the kid died. Cop is doing time now. Such a hero.

cops kill the blackerds. who am I to complain?

>believing it collapsed like it was demolished instead of falling over because of one small plane in each other

>implying taqiyya using third world shitskins who can't stop raping their 5 year old daughters for 5 seconds to realize they live like it was 1543 are fucking innocent

You giant cuck. Kys

some of you burgers are alright

>he doesn't realize most cops and firefighters are ex-mil
remove yourself from the gene-pool retard

>superior country
>cucks to a country of kikes that only has 14 million people
>loses the Iraq war
>loses to goat fuckers in Afghanistan
>can't even get sand-nigger oil countries to respect them
>slav niggers talk shit about you all day and you do nothing


>hate the millitary
>keeps paying taxes

Fuck you OP

Soldiers are civil servants dedicated to obeying the orders and direction of their commander in chief, an official elected every four years by United States citizens. Their actions are entirely sanctioned, controlled, and monitored by elected officials. In a purely legislative sense, they are completely innocent of any perceived wrong doing within the guidelines of their orders. The voting citizenry are at least 90% responsible for any war or deployment a soldier undertakes.

The kid didn't die. He survived.

How is one cop's actions, who was rightfully punished by the legal system, a reflection on all cop's as a whole?

You didn't think that through, did you?

>mfw comparing the temp. that steel can take while maintaining structural integrity against the temp. that jet fuel burns at

Shouldn't you be prepping the bull, Hans?

>You are too fucking old.
Not according to the army, navy, and air force.

>let's be traitors for a while
No. Go away Ben.

Yeah, we totally devastated them in Iraq and Afghanistan as mentioned in the OP, but we lost...

They're starting to beat the shit out of whites now, they always kill your dogs first
Before putting a bullet in your head in front of your overweight gf

>m-muh lawyers

spoken like a true jew

take off your proxy and fuck off

alternatively if you're a spic, get back on the right side of the border and then kill yourself

>Uphold laws that have no reason to exist
>regularly break traffic laws
>Make up bullshit laws to arrest the ignorant
>Act like top shit when not one of them but the riot squad is in shape
>Couldn't fight fair if they wanted to, even off-duty
>unnecessarily shoot nigger kids and start race riots
>Need to meet quotas, and if they do this by writing up bullshit tickets for things that never happened.

It's been a while since I heard anyone talk about old Jodie.

I can't stand people who disparage lawyers. It's only stupid people who do that.

"Wahhh, lawyers shouldn't defend people who are obviously guilty of their crimes!"

Everyone deserves a fair trial and adequate legal representation, shitheads.

Lawyers do nothing wrong. They do their jobs as expected. If any profession deserves scorn take a look at your average soldier.

Shiieeeet I got work experience and life experience in general, good times overseas, got to see the middle east with my own eyes so I can BTFO leftists about hajis, got /fit/ and saved a decent amount of money, met great people and established connections in the Veteran underground, and I get help paying off college when I get out!

Now I'm not one of those edgelords who thinks he did everyone a great service, see the way I see it the taxpayer put all this money into training me and keeping me ready for what ever might happen so naturally it's time for me to give back to the nation through hardwork and giving back to society.

Btw we pay taxes too and most of us are pretty okay guys.

>be Israel
>only exist because of the U.S. and U.K.
>mfw retard thinks we are cucked by them

The only problem with US military is that they went to fucking Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia.

>the people that protect your rights
Maybe a long time ago, but not anymore. Most people join up for 15% military discounts at most stores, free housing, GI Bill (paid college), healthcare for life, and getting to use PTSD as a get out of jail card. Bonus is fucking some tag chasers, I guess.

Military kills mudslims
Police kill our own citizens
Firefighters are always brah tier

only thing in this shit thread that I agree with

Saudis belong in the deepest parts of hell

I kinda see that as incidental tho. they're still fighting the people who fight against us.

I wish i was a little brown girl from a poor country so i could get savagely raped by sociopathic American military personnel.

>be burgler
>break into home
>cut self on knife
>lawyer can twist it up so you can sue the HOMEOWNER YOU WERE ROBBING



>implying soldiers would touch a Mudslime

Military was a blast. Got to bomb the fuck out of muds, got some good fun in, free college here in Holland, Amy job I apply for hires me instantly because I'm hot shit compared to normies. President of my campus. Hella networking prowess.

Prior to the service I was breaking onto houses to squat for a living.

libcucks immediately think that the military is bad tho, they can't be wrong. Right?

>what is a standing army that is sent abroad to gain experience

How bad is your education burger?

Nobody could possibly change their lives for the better through the military.

They are right in the regard that I'm blood thirsty as fuck for shit skins though

Just blame it on the ptsd :^)

>implying that it wasn't jews who already controlled U.S. and U.K. who created israel

why would you hate the military?

That's what makes it even more humiliating. You guys bombed the shit out of them. Ruined both the countries, and you still fucking lost.

>implying the military doesn't do illegal shit all the time that isn't hidden from the voters.

Nah, military guys are 'usually' down to earth bros. Local police are glorified dicks who always pick on targets that can't fight back and firemen are stuck up chads who get their dick sucked constantly for watching your house burn.

They lost cause of Geneva Convention.

If they just used flamethrowers, and marked everyone they would have won.

I'm actually American. I just don't dick ride muh patriotism like all the shabbos goys here.

Are paramedics the underpaid master race?

Paramedics are quacks on wheels. Fuck those faggots.

>make fun of lawyers and how they are shit
>get falsely accused of crime
>everyone assumes you are guilty and shouldn't need a trial
>complains that you aren't being tried fairly.

>Are paramedics the underpaid master race?

yes, but we are so cucked.

It's really not So much a loss as the military can't do their job,that is to totally annihilate the muds, because muh women and children, muh Geneva con, my liberal media looking for any instance to criticise you to the world for trying to do your job.

It's like fighting a war with arms tied. Believe me if we could go ham a single marine battalion would have the country bagged and tagged

>hating the military
>not realizing military is just just a tool used by government

Fucking idiot.

>implying abu-ghraib and a bunch of child rape by American and coalition forces didn't happen.

Yeah. No. The U.S. violated the Geneva conventions throughout the entire war and got away with it.

As a current serviceman told me "half the guys in the military only joined because they had no better options"

That being said I wish I signed up for a 2 year stint back in 05. Adventure of a lifetime with a super low risk of getting hurt, when compared to all of the real wars America has fought.

Speaking as a child of a United States Marine who served for thirty two years I can safely say I have more respect for some of the shit he's actually had to cope with than I do a bunch of faggots whining about the men and women who provide the blanket of freedom they sleep under and question the manner in which it's provided.

I literally love reading stories where you decide to push an actual combat veteran's buttons asking them how many children and women they've killed in the line of service and then getting punched out because you crossed a line.

Hell, you know what Jihadi John actually likes to do when they realize women soldiers are on the field? They intentionally aim for them because they know it fucks with the heads of the male grunts.

You know what happened when the sand niggers had been thought to have raped and killed an entire unit of female troops in Iraq and Kuwait? They nearly got destroyed on such a level that Mad Dog Mattis would have the survivors writing about what transpired there for 10,000 years.

Killing people because your angry makes you just as bad as school shooters.

Winning a war by killing everyone isn't really an accomplishment. Winning a war with the least amount of damage is what good generals do.

>get falsely accused of crime
How? I never leave my house.
The only crime I'll ever commit is smoking pot and blowing whatever jackass that tries to rob me away.

Not hating the us mil, but i can point out the us mil sucs at training and arming foreing forces. Take afgani, iraqui militar y as recemt examples and vetnam as a Old one. Also 4 chan should have a like button to coments.

>Military Hate Thread
>Let's keep things civil and have a good debate ITT
>OP's pic
What kind of shit bait is this?

I've interacted with a lot of military guys with this mindset. They are all complete fucking morons. They're pussies who think killing shit tier fighters and innocent civilians makes them tough.

I agree but the west is the only side agreeing to the constraints of traditional war. So we obey the rules of engagement while they use their kids as body shields.

Ifyou don't see how that could complicate things you're retarded

>muh randomly killed civi and torture

That is fucking nothing.

China gets to use what ever brutal tactic they want, while the US barely can get some napalm.

The insurgents had a field day with that limp wristed army and that terrain.

>Speaking as a child of a United States Marine who served for thirty two years I can safely say I have more respect for some of the shit he's actually had to cope with than I do a bunch of faggots whining about the men and women who provide the blanket of freedom they sleep under and question the manner in which it's provided.

AKA "My daddy is a hero and I refuse to listen to anyone else."

Your dad is a loser. The money he provided for your family came from him helping to kill innocent people.

It's the truth.