SA firefighters in Canada go on strike amid fiery pay dispute

>SA firefighters in Canada go on strike amid fiery pay dispute

>After less than a week on the job, a group of 300 South African firefighters sent to Canada to assist in stopping the Fort Mcmurray wildfire have gone on strike over a pay dispute.

>The firefighters garnered international media attention when they touched down in Canada last month singing and dancing as they landed.

>The group are part of more than 2,000 firefighters working to extinguish the wildfires - and without their assistance, it’s understood there is insufficient staff.

>Working On Fire says it is dispatching it’s senior management team this evening to bring the firefighters home.

>While the firefighters gained much support for their assistance in Canada, they say they are only receiving an allowance of just under R225 a day, which is in addition to their South African salaries.

>They say they were promised more, however Working on Fire disputes this.

>The Canadian Authorities are covering their accommodation and meals, while Working On Fire says a further out-of-country allowance will be paid to them when they return.

>The firefighters were only on the fifth day of a work cycle that was scheduled to last 14 days, followed by three days of rest.

Top kek

We could have told you this was going to happen Canada, it's what they do back home too.

Nigs gonna nig

Other urls found in this thread:

Throw them in the fire...

>We could have told you this was going to happen Canada, it's what they do back home too.
We all knew this was going to happen. I pray this will be a thorn in the side of the retarded, incompetent liberals who brought them in.

>they worked 5 days
Unexpected. I thought they'd run off by the 2nd night.

> that pic



Don't worry. General Trump will free your country soon enough.

Please enjoy our professional working class in action. I am surprised it took them this long before they started toi-toi'ing.

My fucking sides!

>Trudeau showers the poor Africans in wealth, apologising and praising them for standing up to racist discrimination in wages no matter the circumstances

> 5 days
Did they at least have any success at all?

>which is in addition to their South African salaries
>The Canadian Authorities are covering their accommodation and meals
>still bitch and demand more money

Found the vid

Really Canada, you are lucky you got five days of work out of them. That has to be some sort of record.

You just know they orchestrated that whole song and dance they did for the press. "Only brown people could put out the fire and save our Country!"

What's funny, is that there are loads of Firefighters in the US that would've done it for meals. But NOOOOO JT has to bring in
Firefighters from a 3rd world country, half the world away. Because why? I'm tired of Canada burning, why doesn't this fucker do something about it? I bet his approval rating is at an all time high right now too. Pull yourselves together, Canada.


Also the updated version

Did you see the dance they did at airport, so multi cultural!

Alberta is a conservative stronghold, he probably enjoys watching it burn.

Now if they pay them more I would presume they will be back to striking in a week?


And then JT's endgame was revealed.
>Assistance from Africa.
God dammit Canada. I'm sorry but JT is making you guys look like fools. Why is he doing this to you guys? Is there anything you can do to stop him from doing it? I'm embarrassed for my northern friends.

Fly them to northern Canada and leave them there.

>If you pay them, they win.

absolute madman

Oh ffs, this shit can't be real. What the fuck? Why does everyone break their neck to thank some stupid fucking niggers? What did these asshole say when JT turned down help from US, Russia, Mexico, and multiple asian countries? Were they thanking him for not letting the evil bad non niggers in?

I'm hotter than that fucking fire right now.

>I'm embarrassed for my northern friends.
Don't be, we all deserve this, every bit of horrible suffering that radiates from this government upon the degenerate people of this nation is deserved.


I still can't stop laughing about this. Only saw it bc I went to check if SA's credit rating had been downgraded on Fri
>worst wildfire in your history
>refuse help of yanks, russians, aussies
>being in niggers who sing and dance, world media is enthralled, tape is all over BBC and Sky
>Now weedman is just sending all 300 of them back (a 24 hour flight, literally around the world) so as not to embarrass himself any further.

Ah man there was a great time in this land. We were the power house of Africa. Then we got completely cucked by liberals.

They put nigs in power now we can hardly keep this country afloat economically.

Even nigs are saying they had it better during Aparthied.

No, the liberal stronghold cities deserve this. Not the working people.

Well.. it's not like a strike is anything new.
From Nurses to Bus drivers. Fucking eveyone has had a strike to raise pay and bonuses in this fucked up country.

Get out while you still can. You are literally Zimbabwe now.

HEre are the niggers singing. IF they had IQs above 70, maybe someone could explain to them that this is the worst fire in Canada's history, it make them and South Africa look awful, Weed Man must have paid hundreds of thousands to charter the plane and fly their nigger asses to canada.

Also, they are making 10x what they make in ZA. You cannot reason with them. These same niggers will end up being Zim 2.0 bc they just can't help themselves:

Anyone feel like doing some trolling on twatter, claiming weedman was not paying the niggers the same as Whites?

Would love to get this story into the MSM somehow for normies to read how niggers act during natural disasters..

Anyone with even the slightest experience dealing with niggers realizes that they are not modern humans.
They're a primitive hominid species that is incompatible with modern civilization.

They said typical brainwashed Canadian things.

USA is awful! We don't want help from them!
Russia will just want favors for awful things they'll do, probably take another small country over, can't accept help from them!

Seriously... Don't even take us over. Just Operation Firestorm 2.0 us and burn the entire fucking north down.

>tfw when you hate what your nation has become but still love it so much it hurts

Any opportunity to apologize or publicly demonstrate white guilt seems to arouse him, so i doubt he would mind

When will apartheid come back to teach those lazy guys a lesson?

Can't blame them, really. At least they dindu nuffin.

>it's not like a strike is anything new
lol, I don't think you quite get the difference my friend...the Kafs are ALWAYS, repeat ALWAYS on strike for something or another.

IF people die over it? Too bad, it's their "right." Can't get to work? Too bad, their "right." Highway blocked? you get the idea.

People joke about strikes being the national sport of France. Can you imagine embarrassing your nation this way after weed man paid to fly you there?

Worse than children, and of course MS Media won't touch it...

I hate this fucking country right now.


>literally importing 2000 "firefighters" to protest

My sides are gone

> muh slavery

Didn't America and Russia offer to help for free?

>live on an upper middle-class white street
>kids are absolute little pricks who flick you off and throw their shoes at you


>my best friend (who's white) lives in the ghetto
>all the black kids are nice
>all the blacks say hello, how are you etc
>no disrespect at all

Idk man, I think you're the one who hasn't gotten out of the house.

>doubt he would mind
This was on Canadian nightly news all over country. For the avg canadian to hear that they are striking and they are flying their nigger asses home (at Canada's expense) after a week would have to wake some of them up..


R225, which I assume the R stands for the SA currency Rand, is something like $20 a day. Which is $140 a week assuming they work 7 days a week. I wouldn't fight a fucking fire for $140 a week either.

We employ about 100 southies a year at the carnival I work at and they get paid $400 a week to do nothing but work in the fucking games. They also get 2 days off (rare for carnivals) and company payed for trips. Although 90% of our southies are the white kind and not cuffers

"foreign abuse of labour?" These niggers had never seen a fire hose, they were there to get paid and to fucking learn!

It was a free trip and a paid internship! MY god, Canada is fucked. And for them to pull this with fire still going.

How can Canada seriously not provide enough firefighters for itself?

Better yet get some American firefighters up there

I don't like the idea of Africans in the New World

True. I'd hate to actually normalize this behavior, I don't condone it in the slightest. I believe they all deserve a slap across the face with a heavy rough fire fighter's glove honestly.

Mexico, and multiple Asian countries as well.

>Weedman wants firefighters to work for free weed
>Honourable firemen do the right thing and leave
>Sup Forums defends Weedman

So in other words, you live in Bizarro World.


I'm not defending shit. This is fucking hilarious



Without meaning it personally, beginning to really despise Canada. Do they honestly think they have anything there the Americans don't already know about and couldn't access if they wanted?

So instead of bringing in White guys from the Us who actually know how to the job, they bring in niggers to make a political statement, and this is what they get.

It's hilarious but feel bad for people who might lose their houses over this shit.

Weedman will have no trouble lighting his blunt now.

>Now weedman is just sending all 300 of them back (a 24 hour flight, literally around the world) so as not to embarrass himself any further.

Is Trudeau really sending them all back?

(here is something I almost got fired for argueing about because women are fucking retarded and get too heated in debate making it personal, they will never tell you about this)

I was refused volunteer. I did volunteer work as a fire-fighter in NS, i'm living in BC. MANY friends of mine that LIVED in Fort Mack volunteered (same shit, they did it in NS) and were told to just leave that the government services would handle it.

We were fucking told, "No you can't fight for your own property or let your friends fight for it." while the property burnt to the ground and literally minimal effort was put in (friends on the ground confirmed my supsicions, I wish they would take video of fire-fighters standing around just as confused as the public for hours).

The whole thing is fucked. I'v got no idea why it's so fucked. But it's fucked.

Symbolism is far more important to leftists than results.

Trudeau would rather have dancing monkeys than trained firemen as we've seen.

Trudeau isn't personally trying to but the government is trying to send them back for being worthless.

They never even put out fires with hoses before, they literally put them out with buckets in South Africa. Apparently they were afraid of our fires because they're like 50 meters high and they're used to fighting smaller fires.

Is it to prevent retarded lawsuits?

This country is a joke, i wish USA would just invade us. Fuck.


>might lose
They have lossed.

The fire is easily hundreds of times the size it should have ever been. Many civilians say we should have got your help from the get go.

We live in a subverted nation. I do not disagree with your hatred for it. There of those of us in here that would rather it crash so we could start over. The "Diversity is Strength" propaganda dribble that was shoved down our throats since Trudeau Senior has seriously poisoned our ability to mobilize as a country. In WW2 we went from 10s of ships, to a Navy that rivaled Great Britain. What the fuck happened to our mobility....

Oh shit the pay dispute thing is a cover story? These fucking doofuses thought they were getting on a plane and flying around the world to fight a house fire.

Don't they have a plane? Anything? What was the plan originally?

The names of these magical neighorhoods so I can look up their crime statistics? It's somewhere near Narnia, correct?

Hey, the Coast Guard should have gone on strike during Hurricane Katrina and left the niggers atop their houses until the gub-ment agreed to double their pay.

I and many of those I know were prepaired to sign waivers. (You might get burnt 1st, 2nd, 3rd degrees, might die from smoke inhaltion, from heat exhaustion, all that jazz) We know what the fuck we'd get into, we'd sign a waiver to prevent the following retardation.

Just like I sign a waiver when I do boxing and MMA on weekends.

It's not a cover story, but it's definitely not the whole story, they are completely untrained in fighting fires with hoses, which means they are completely untrained in fighting Canadian forest fires which are impossible to fight with buckets.

What about dancing the fires out with a rain dance?

I don't know what equipment they have, but they are supposed to be on the ground fighting the fires helping our firemen, but they don't know how to use fire hoses properly and are literally scared of our fires.

Native's always try that. Never works.

Chief leaf has made Canada into a meme

"This was discussed with firefighters before their departure to Canada and everyone signed this agreement," the Working on Fire statement said.
"We want to emphasize the intended beneficial experience of this deployment for these young South Africans," the organization said.

>translation- it was a paid internship for the niggers to learn about fighting fires, they knew exactly what they signed (well, assuming they can read), and still pulled this shit.

This is what pisses me off the most.

Ground fighting the fire.

I was told there were too many men on the lines to even volunteer as a Canadian to fight the fire.


On the bright side, Trudeau successfully protected the fire from white privilege.

>What was the plan originally?

To virtue signal on an international scale. Instead they've embarassed the fuck out of themselves while letting the fire continue to spread and cause property damage.

Fucking slavery? Minimum wage is slavery? Do these fucking people know how foreign aid is supposed to work? We should be fucking getting it for free. These niggers were not being fucking underpayed.

5 days = 120 hours
Nigs being payed 1,500$ individually
1,500 divided by 120 = 12.50$ (Literally above minimum wage)


>tell America to fuck off when they offer help
>tell Russia to fuck off when they offer help
>accept help from SA
>they go on strike

Whatever you want to call the real world anons.

Don't forget that they're getting all accommodations and meals paid for, and they're still receiving their usual wage in SA on top of everything else.

They had nothing

They are "firefighters" - literally regular nig nogs taken off the streets of south africa and slapped with a firefighter title and told they're employed now, so be a good boy who dindunuffin or else you lose that pay.

They have no training. They have no equipment. They are worthless. They put out brush fires by beating them down with sticks. They've never even seen a boreal forest fire before.

How this buffoonery got as far as it did I will never understand.

you sound genuinely surprised it was anything else


>they literally put them out with buckets in South Africa
Nope, they used
>fire beating sticks
Until Canada came and showed them the glory of a "Hose"


What a dumb bitch, by that logic Canadian oil workers working offshore Africa should be getting payed as much as the african workers.


In the article, I habeeb it said that when they got back to SA, they were to get $35 an hour Canadian.

So then give me the name of the town with all these peaceful ghetto blacks.


>On the bright side
>bright side
Did you intend to make that pun?

> so many fatties
I thought it was an American thing