Geroge Soros sells stock and doubles down on GOLD, Lame Stream/Main Stream media continues Donald Trump hit-pieces, Obama meet with Bernie Sanders (Obama endorses Hillary Clinton), appeals says States can restrict concealed weapons, Supreme Court rules a jury can be called back after it's dismissed (welcome to the new Liberal Judical Branch), Beijing vows to ignore The Hauge tribunal's ruling on South China Sea, Saudi Arabia says it will cut United Nations funding for blacklisting a Saudi-led coalition that has killed children in Yemen and former PM's John Major & Tony Blair claim Brexit will cause Ireland to lose it's border. Ghost oges off on Canada, where it's not legal to perfrom sex acts with animals (Not A Joke!). Your calls, Twitter shoutouts and Radio Graffiti!
Now then, what will the future of my Fimfic account be holding? Well, I decided I will no longer do padded fics. This was a tough, and I MEAN, A TOUGH, decision, but it's for the best for my account. What will be coming? I decided to make normal fics. For Example revive my original serious, the Nyx Chronicles, right normal Twidash stuff, and possibly a new Scootadopt. For Future fics, they will no longer be Padded Pony related. For example, I might do a Cupcakes Alternate Ending, I will do crossovers, hell, I might do a MLP RVB or a MLP RWBY crossover, and maybe try to write Fan-quels/Fan Sequels of popular stories or comics, like Seeds of Darkness, or Fallout Equestria (that is if I do read it, even though I know nothing about Fallout).
Wyatt Richardson
I wonder what pampers boy is up to.
Gavin Young
The fuck. Who wrote that? Masked autist?
Anthony Fisher
>be Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer >have to enforce no penetration law >knock on every 5th door for courtesy call >door opens >see this Wat do?
Daily reminder that ghost has been exposed as an nwo shill multiple times.
Kayden Torres
I listened to yesterdays show earlier today and.... it was pretty pathetic 2bh... hes like some angry grandpa sometimes
Ethan Price
Cameron Anderson
Liam Johnson
Ethan Nguyen
>not legal to perfrom sex acts with animals (Not A Joke!) >not now legal to perfrom sex acts with animals (Not A Joke!) oh man that fucks up the whole description
Despite all the shouting, swearing and can flinging, he is actually quite interesting.
Jacob Harris
Mason Turner
He tries to pretend he's a real talk radio show
Julian Scott
>Obama could actually fix inequality
Jose Lopez
thats a typo
in canada it is NOW legal to fuck animals
Tyler Sullivan
>canada made it legal to fuck templeton
Ryan Hughes
Guys, please, PLEASE, don't try and troll ghost today. I'm begging of you not to try and make him rage anymore. I just want to listen to his show and you guys are making it extremely hard and worrysome not knowing if there's going to be a show or not tomorrow
Parker Reed
>Starving your kids to give money to a Jew
Justin Green
How much longer until self induced cans
Ryan Hughes
Hi Teutonic Plague!
Cameron Jenkins
why does this shittu never work
John Price
Not the real NBF
Jaxon Bennett
> starved my daughter for bernie.
White america everyone. Best goy ever tbqh
Asher White
Trolling Ghost is a tradition. Without RG and trolls TCR would not exist.
Jace Ramirez
Masked Pony, fuck off you tard.
Ayden Brooks
The stream? You on mobile? Click embed and preview and it will work
Lucas Wright
> knows what buttcrack smells like
Adam Watson
Levi Moore
>hes never smelt his own buttcrack
Ayden Rivera
he's gonna say my twitter handle on the radio today again tee hee.
Charles White
Jayden Russell
There's no broadcast?
Kayden Butler
> Giant economic bubble > Great Recession
Thank Obama
Ghost, you're an idiot.
Aaron Wood
Bentley Davis
Loving every laugh.
Easton Rivera
How much is 128kbfps per hour?
Bentley Walker
James Johnson
Reagan > Iran-Contra
W. Bush > Lied about intel to get us into war with Iraq to make Halliburton et. al. money
But Obama is the most treasonous president; yep, 100% right Ghost.
Asher Walker
ask him about the bilderbugs
Gabriel Green
I wonder what Ghost has to say about the Bilderburgers