Mexico Sees First Gay TV Commercial

Sup Forums is losing the culture war.

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Can someone wake me up? ;_;

Looks like the Conquistadores have to make a reappearence.

You need 4 months to cross the Atlantic, and not a single women

They buttfucked themselves like turks

All the gay shit aside, did they just pronounce colgate the way they did. Fucking degenerates


I thought you cunts were one of the last bastions of Catholicism.

>Gay TV Commercial
What does that even mean? Why do gays need commercials?

how is moving furniture at all related to teeth and dental hygiene?

just fuck my country up senpai

They have gay marriage




What goes around comes around dirty spic


>Mexico talking shit about US being the land of fags

Enjoy the cancer spreading lads

I guess these are the White Mexicans I keep hearing about

That's what cabin boys were for

i wish i was born in the middle ages

Who gives a fuck mate. If two men love eachother and don't harm anybody you shouldn't care nigga, it doesn't affect you

no, you did it once and look what you did.

I don't care about the third world.

No homo

Commercial with a gay couple in it.

He was happy to smile

One nice explanation of PRI losing so much states in last sunday's elections is because Peña wanted to legalize gay marriage everywhere and people got upset. It really says a lot about our society.

I did you. You happened.

>My country
>American flag

Get the fuck out of my country then you dirty villager

reeeeee lewaki

Just marketing, now everybody is talking about the polemic commercial.
Best strategy is to ignore it and boycott the product.


At least the are white. In Burgerland there would be a good portion of niggers in it

I thought it was legalized or recognized in your capital a long time before anywhere in the US.
It's nice to see one of the most consistently powerful political organizations in the hemisphere bump into reality, though.
People really need to get past this "monolithic Mexican" notion. The compelling fact of Mexican society is patrones and elites doing whatever they want (and they are standard liberal-progressive globalists), supported by nominally moral but intimidated peasants (whose values effectively do not matter because they can never contradict or criticize their masters).

Colgate Total was de GOAT toothpaste, what the fuck

> Caring about the fags.
I mean it's a little disturbing, but they likely think the same of all the hetero shit. Just let them have their advert.

You dont understand amigo.

Mexico, China, and a few other notable countries are some of the few countries uncucked by liberal propaganda.

Mexico is against this kind of shit. We need to stop this cancer right here before it begins to spread even further.

Mexico is perhaps the last non American country that isn't cucked to hell and back.

If we fall there will be nowhere else to run.

>Mexico is against this kind of shit

it sure doesn't look like it

>Mexico, China, and a few other notable countries are some of the few countries uncucked by liberal propaganda.
see And China too, it's happening


nice try Nigel Bongstan

Having looked out the window for five seconds, I must say, there is something very gay afoot here.

I'll be in the shed, loading my rifle.

Was this something the people wanted, or something that was forced on them by the elites? It seems like There's been a concentrated effort to get traditional countries to accept this shit.

But the fags lost the case.

they've been ruled by anti-clerical governments before

Mexico has been controlled by the Freemasons since the revolution.

>Sup Forums is losing the culture war.
We were never winning. Hell, never competing.

At least they're not ugly. Mexicans know what they're doing and are pretty based. Mangiacakes wouldn't understand

>Mexico, China, and a few other notable countries are some of the few countries uncucked by liberal propaganda

lel D.F. is one of the biggest liberal shitholes on the continent

>Supports fags
>calls others "mangina"

This is the only video out of Mexico worth watching.

I've seen a couple of commercials that were blatant fag propaganda that barely (if at all) had anything to do with the product being advertised.

They're not even being subtle about it anymore.

That picture just describes policy. It allows gays to marry. Thats absolutely fine. Let gay men mary, but dont allow them to push it down my throat.

Im talking about the gay pride bullshit you see at parades where they force their "gay pride" bullshit.

>But the fags lost the case.
But read the article, the Chinese people are getting to know gay people. What happened to change minds in the US was for people to have gay friends and family come out to them.

I wonder who could be behind this?

Mangina? The fuck are you talking about? You need new glasses Mr Magoo

Associated Press is owned by the Rothschilds. This is just propaganda to make it sound like the gays are winning in China.

Such as?

>Even Mexico is cucked.

The western world is completely lost.

I wouldn't mind being the meat in their sandwich.

Save some of that hate for the Money Printers. They are the ones who push degeneracy behind the scenes in order to keep the population fighting the symptoms and not the disease that is their world control scheme.

WHAT !? How am i supposed to know that this commercial is about A FUCKING TOOTHPASTE.

Well, we just lost the last bit of hope that kept this shitty country going. Now we're fucked by narcos, corrupt politicians AND tumblerinas.

Shit just ain't fair. Just end it already.

This tbqh

I'm gay and that commercial is cute 2bh

>products aimed at families including some families in their ads

Beaners confirmed for white ahahaha cuck putos

You should see the ad agency that made the Honey Maid commercial.

I'm 30 years old. Lived here all my life. Growing up was great because everyone had a sense of humor. I didn't know what a feminazi was until I was in university, and most women liked the idea of being housewifes or getting married, having kids, bla bla the traditional gender roles. The whole SJW movement wasn't even a thing because racism isn't that much of an issue here; classism is. Most people were tolerant towards gays and they took the banter pretty well. Acting gay used to be something you did to make people laugh, and actually being gay wasn't a big deal.

Needless to say, as the days go by I see more and more SJW bullshit slowly creeping into this country. Despite having a plethora of problems, I liked the idea that we were free to do many things. It all began with banning smoking in many places like bars and restaurants. Fine, I'll smoke outside, no big deal, I get that some people dislike cigarette smoke. Then minor things like complaining over certain "racist" commercials or brands (like Negrito Bimbo changing their name to Nito), or with the development of social media, more and more women speaking up. That's cool I thought, Mexico is a very 'machista' country. I'm all for equality.

Then it slowly began getting worse. Females are more entitled and get more benefits and attention. People started celebrating gay culture like it's a trend. All genders showing public displays of affection. Tumblerina shit growing ever so strong here. Human right's movements that end up protecting criminals instead of actual victims. Politicians and mainstream media taking advantage at all this progressive over-the-top shit. And it only seems to be getting worse.



>I'm all for equality.

That was your mistake.


Those guys aren't even gay they are just bff

Wake up famalam, we're infected with tumblr just like the US. It's all ogre.

The moors did your country

As a dentist I can tell you colgate is shit, most of toothpastes are shit but I would recommend GlaxoSmithKlein Sensodyne-series.
>receives 10$ from GSK.

Honestly thou, just accept that sonner or later sexuality will become irrelevant. I mean the technological advancesi in medicine and gentics, might soon make whole sex&sexuality thingie irrelevant. I simply don't care anymore.

I really wish all fags would die.

I honestly utterly, completely, absolutely fucking detest how you can't have camaraderie with other men anymore, because someone will go "lol are you gay bro".

I hope they all hang.

They need to make a dance battle between this and Dr Simi

Equality might be the wrong word, but I believe that while men and woman are different, we both deserve the same rights and value as human beings.

Honestly I don't mind gays, if that isn't what solely fucking defines you as a person.

Those femmy queens that have an urge to tell you they love cock?

Fuck off with that awkward shit.

Thank God for this.
Maybe the spread of homosexualism will curb Mexicans from breeding like cockroaches.

Well, it's better than the gay murders in Mexico in the 80s.

Mexico is a very homophobic country, not the sjw buzzword but, you know, the kind of let's kill that puto.

Poland. One of the only non-cucked countries in Europe.

Keep it up, user.


I actually get majorly butthurt when people say the relationship between Frodo and Sam in LOTR is homosexual.

>>Sup Forums is losing the culture war.
Well, then maybe Sup Forums ought to stop backing the wrong horses. Why does Sup Forums care so much about what people do with their genitals anyway?

The right as a whole is only getting fucked by retards who can't into freedom. That's really the reason why the left keeps winning. All the right has is good economic policies, but all centered around one religious truth that takes freedom away.

This is what you get for border hopping and voting democrats

Enjoy your Jewish subversion Paco.


ps: build it

There was a group of people in my town in the late 70s and 80s that used to prosecute gays and superglue their assholes shut.

People are indifferent here about gays meanwhile they dont bother them.

They are mostly anti-gay.

Also now im switching to fucking arm and hammer paste.

It was only a matter of time before it would spread to you. Now you are the Goy, heir of the Whites

Is that Maisie williams?


But we dont want to turn into France...


That 50-50 gender quota in politics tho

Forget the Wall

Nuke us

This would make our lives instantly better 2bh

1 tv commercial about toothpaste vs thousands of tv shows, movies, books, commecials, etc. wewlad

That's how it always begins.

mexicans, if you exterminate gays, consider the wall debt satisfied

>mexico taking a brunt of liberal bullshit

We're going to force it all south, then put up a wall.

>Equality might be the wrong word, but I believe that while men and woman are different, we both deserve the same rights and value as human beings.

Nevermind then, that's actually the true, non-politicized definition of equality.

Have friend that goes to school part time in Tijuana and tells me all the guys are fags. Blow off comments as he repeats them every weekend. Finally they are having a party with his class mates and he ask me to come and check out some of the chicks. Head out for the weekend and to party with one of his classes.

I would estimate that about half of the guys in his class were flaming faggots. Shameless fags have their boyfriends come over to the party. About 45 minutes into the party I can not take it anymore, leave with chick for a night of drinking and sex. Never would have believed it if I had not seen it