Why hasn't she won an Oscar yet?
Why hasn't she won an Oscar yet?
Staring into space and whispering lines isn't acting
Cos she smells of shit and acts like shit.
I want to lick her armpits
Name a performance that she deserves an Oscar for. Hard mode: no memes.
post her tits you wannabes im the president of usa
Because jews run Hollywood
Could the president subpoena an actress for her to deliver nude pics?
bare minimum standards for winning an Oscar still exist
honestly though, I have never seen a movie where she has acted
any recommendations?
(no, not touching Twilight)
Clouds of Sils Maria was great, but not the kind of performance that wins Oscars.
On the Road, Adventureland, Clouds of Sils Maria, Welcome to the Rileys
What is this shit? Where is braaapposter?
20 years from now there will be a scandal where it is revealed that Jodie Foster raped K Stew and turned her into a lesbian
But only if Hollywood eventually drops the gay cabal
armpits don't brrrrrapppp, user
Is it weird that she's my fav actress?
They do if you make them.
Biting your lip will only get you so far in Hollywood.
meant for
Lol she cucked Cara
They both look really malnourished.
Lack of semen intake.
Fatass detected.
>becomes a dyke
>instantly starts looking and dressing like shit
Every time.
Have you ever read Trump's tweets about her? That's why
No category for best mouth breathing while being ugly.
She isn't good.
Even so often she is in a fine movie. Not great movie but fine, and she is always the weakest link, the one player that could be replaced without the movie suffering.
The Oscars are a joke. But she isn't even good enough for that. Or smart enough. You fuck producers for Oscars and you fuck directors for parts, but not after you get the part.
why can't annie just be straight
>Trump slamming her and telling Pattinson not to take her cheating ass back
What a guy, glad I voted for him in spirit.
I'm going to guess because she was probably abused or raped by a man at some point.
This is why she is my waifu.
Good thing she doesn't like niggers.
it hurts inside
She can't act
I don't like them either.
>ywn feel the satisfaction of making a girl cum
Fuck off nigger.
Only autist Kstew makes that disgusted face while being kissed by Julianne Moore.
Best girl
Fools. Those things only rages my boner moar.
Because you're a bottom of the barrel beta male and the uglier she looks the more attainable she seems to you.
>ywn feel the satisfaction of making a girl cum
I did.
She squirted. Shit was so cash
Woah there mr. Freud next you're gonna tell me I want to crawl back to my mom's vagina and kill my father or something.
Truly great actors never get oscars
your hand squirted?
That movie where she played an soldier/prison guard and tortured muslims was quite good