Why didn't he open his eyes?
Why didn't he open his eyes?
He just didn't.
He just didn't.
He just didn't
Isn't it
"He just wouldn't."?
He do what he don't.
He just wouldn't.
His eyes were bloodshot, and he didn't want the white man knowing he was using medicinal marijuana to manage internal stress and anxiety during the production of Blade 3
God, that was one of the best threads I've ever seen on this board.
He Just Didn't
The man simply would not.
I just didn't
Remember when memes were fads and only losers on ytmnd liked them?
Scriptfag tho
what did he mean by this
>"He wouldn't come out of his trailer and he would smoke weed all day", recalls Oswalt. "Then I remember one day on the set- they let everyone pick their own clothes - there was one black actor who was also kind of a club kid. And he wore this shirt with the word 'Garbage' on it in big stylish letters. It was his shirt. And Wesley came down to the set, which he only did for close-ups. Everything else was done by his stand-in. I only did one scene with him. But he comes on and goes, 'There’s only one other black guy in the movie, and you make him wear a shirt that says ‘Garbage?’ You racist mothefucker!' And he tried to strangle the director, David Goyer".
He was referencing Kubrick because his eyes are wide shut
Snipes is good value
They were a little dirty
>Scriptfag tho
whats that
satan trips
sort of makes me feel bad for never voting even though im white
>And he tried to strangle the director, David Goyer
If only he had finished the job.
I assume it means he uses a script to post (and guarantee trips)
Like this?
wtf HOW ???
shooting had already wrapped up when they needed this scene
People died for your right to vote too. Every democracy on earth has people who died for it. Revolutionary War, Glorious Revolution, Revolutions of 1848, French Revolution, etc.
man fuck oswalt for not making a commentary track and uploading it somewhere.
>is bankrupt and hasn't been in a movie for years
That's what you get for being a nigger