>"Being French is wrong" -- Al Bundy
Was France a mistake?
>"Being French is wrong" -- Al Bundy
Was France a mistake?
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allowing any human to live is a mistake.
>allowing any human to live is a mistake.
The French are safe, then.
Germany pls, you know what country is the biggest fuckup in Europe.
France is a disgrace
Duly noted.
What's your opinion on France, though?
French are Romanized Celtic-German cucks.
It's your fault that Northern France is not called Franken today, you fucking cucks.
Is this the most redpilled documentary on France?
Is it your informed opinion that Frogfags put the "Franken" in "Frankenstein's monster"?
please censor like this: fr*nce
its very disgusting word
remove baguette
France was a mistake
Good point, duly noted.
Do you believe Hitler was too soft on France?
Also, why didn't France fight back when they were invaded by Germany?
They pretty much sat out WW2, let America do the heavy lifting and piggybacked on their victories.
Vichy was a mistake, should have just occupied the entire country in 40
I'm glad Hitler didn't level Paris as originally planned, though.
Ahhhhh, being French is so great
>being French is so great
Indeed :^)
average fr*nch/w*llonian architecture
Why does this stupid board even hate us ?
>East Germany
And nothing of value was lost.
>fighting on ramadan
Yeah, they're going to hell.
>embarrassing things
Terrorists have a great sense of humor
Where is this? I need to know, looks like a good reference for a CS:GO map.
Y-you have Quebec's support senpai
m-merci copains
for making me learn French in elementary, Quebec, and the counter enlightenment
The fact that everyone hates France makes me love it even more
>oh no, thanks to you I have access to the most based literature in the history of everything
What is this thing around his neck ?
Also fuck you all faggots
Things to thank the French for
>hot chicks
>the Statue of Liberty
>American freedom
>all Western fucking Civilization
>all these butthurt krauts&cie
Feels good
Your mother tongue is literally French, btw
Germany is more of a mistake.
I do like Dumas, Hugo, Balzac and some others, though I would take the English writers over the French anyday
Amis Français, pourquoi vous répondez en langue étrangère?
Depuis François 1er, la langue de la France est le Français!
That's because you're an idiot.
>hot chicks
Lmao. Burger education.
Allons Enfants de la Patriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeee
Le Jour de Gloire est arrivééééé
france might be cucks..they may be surrender monkeys...they may be garlic munching baguette up the bum lovers but we like them more than germany mate
For choosing 1st rates over 3rd rates?
I don't believe you.
you lost in the long run m8
we stuck him on an island
Pêh, l'unité s'est vraiment faite avec ces bâtards de révolutionnaires
The Eternal Franc is satanic in origin, and always insists on stepping all over those they deem lesser. REMOVE CROISSANT.
france is our arch rival...only they can rival us in europe
every other european country is irrelevant
You should try more modern books like Camus or Céline
You know you can't be so bad when Krauts, Anglos and other vile creatures are butthurt at you.
Baise ouais !
The eternal Frank is honorable, brave and sexy
For withdrawing support of Maximilian's Mexican Empire :(