
britannia edition

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imagine he'd won



the emotion tonight


Chip would actually bury Bugzy in a 1v1 boxing match

buried him lyrically, can bury him in the ring too



>It's not like communists are arguing there shouldn't be iPhones
fuck off idiot
why would iPhones exist at all in a "proper" comunist society? they are luxury goods of no real value or use over other options

having a cell phone/smart phone is one thing, but there are plenty of options available besides iPhone, you choosing to own one shows that deep down you couldn't care less about what you claim to believe and simply fall back on the shit non-argument that "oh well when communism happens everything will be perfect but right now conspicuous consumption is ok for me because I'm special"

what the actual fuck lmao

cute lads x

can't tell if you're arguing for or against communism

he was having a little too much fun making this website

could knock this runt on his back with a single punch

They might not literally be iPhones, but there's no reason not to make something of exactly the same functionality, and frankly it doesn't matter whether or not they stick a fucking fruit on it.

virus, shan;t

oh shit
that nigger got verbally knocked the fuck out


What english is hardest to understand

boys in skirts

>the cars bounce when you hover over them
how ling



Rural meme irish
No idea what they are saying ngl

which one of you embarrassing faggots was this

>when you visit your birds twitter and there's a million other dudes liking all her vapid nonsense tweets

probably some obscure irish and rural black


irish and american ghetto black

>you choosing to own one shows that deep down you couldn't care less about what you claim to believe
was it your pointed hat or your slanty little eyes that prevented you from being able to read the thread and realize the one person there arguing for iPhone ownership had stated multiple times that they weren't a communist?

>being a moralist


swallowed a french man's nut last night
feels like I've let my country down 2bh

ahh I miss being a cute twink teenager and taking lots of pictures of me crossdressing them and posting them on the internet

shame puberty hit me like a truck at 20 and I got all fat and manly

what's the point of non famous twitter accounts

but there already are other options with the same or better functionality, options which are much more respecting both of workers and of the user.
there wouldn't be an "iphone" like I said because why would there be? what reason does iPhone have to exist at all besides as a luxury brand option with a closed garden like OS?
without capitalism there is no iPhone and no reason for there ever to be one.

this is all beside the point because this hypothetical communist utopia is a fantasy, but right now you make choices which directly counter your supposed beliefs.


can someone explain this person's existence?

if europeans are superior then how come muslims nearly took over europe fucking lmao

it's literally one guy who continuously posts bradley. sometimes others join in but it's mainly him

>when you need to fuck off normie twat



wwew post one

because people think they're important and their opinions matter, they don't.

Why do humans get philosophical and shit at night?



ah yes the gf's being harassed by some indian on facebook again

"Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first."

-Steve Irwin

more like fucking captcha aha x

post his profile, I'll put him out of business

haha nice one mate top stuff

then why are you arguing?
I think its fine to own an iPhone, just when these socialist runts have their whole Macbook suite and yet groan on about the plight of the plebs its massively hypocritical

>but there already are other options with the same or better functionality, options which are much more respecting both of workers and of the user.
So slap a fruit on it, that's your iPhone under communism, but I didn't come here to argue that people should become communists to fight for better fucking iPhones. My point was purely about ethical consumption being a meme.

stingrays are the hardest

I haven't seen Whiplash cause I don't get how I would like it
the 'dit constanty wanks to it but how would a movie about le eccentric coach teaching white, dull looking drummer be kino?

love me some twitter, gotta keep the world updated in my bowel movements, I mean my opinions on lobe island

most of /brit/ uses them you fucking spastic

post pics x
you think people are harder you should check my willy atm

It seems that not even PR is safe from 'but REDDIT likes it'
Your loss


people occasionally do but it's most one autist


Greater London

its just 1 autist


post boobs pls thx

are you me?

it's not the fact that reddit wanks to it that puts me off, in fact that's what piqued my interest as first, it's the premise
is there more to it?

love her

kick out cenk and have her run the show, it would improve tenfold

it is a good movie, maybe not kino
not everything reddit likes is reddit but everything that's reddit is liked by reddit

its a meme because you say its a meme because of a load of nebulous rhetoric which means very little in reality.
but even if you have an issue with all consumption being unethical, how does that make going to the exact opposite corner and splurging of flashy luxuries somehow not hypocritical?
your argument is basically that "everything is bad so that means I can act completely contrary to how I say you should act and its ok" as opposed to taking real steps to try and resolve these issues?

*removes your cladding*

Just watch the movie and decide whether you like it or not you wank

People nowadays always needing others to form opinions for them

don't think so

at first*
made me think

>CNN's last effort to plug its sharply declining viewers.webm

>not basing your opinion of a movie on the Youtube comments of an movie reviewer

didn't think so, so don't butt into my conversation okay sweaty x

lot of big words there chang

this country was born out of us swallowing a french man's nut, you are a true patriot son

>your argument is basically that "everything is bad so that means I can act completely contrary to how I say you should act and its ok" as opposed to taking real steps to try and resolve these issues?
No, my argument is that whether I partake in that consumption or not is irrelevant to whether I'm taking real steps to resolve these issues, because the real solution isn't "don't buy it."

If I'm a politician concerned about the welfare of coal miners, I can do a damn sight more work drafting a bill on mandatory gas alarms and hard hats in my coal-heated house then I can do shivering like a pauper while having a wank to my own piousness.

*removes your pants*

Card is in the post


*presses dick against your willing face*

do you reckon pepperoni was invented to be the perfect pizza topping or was it a happy concidence?

oh so she didn't drop out and become a bog cleaner at tesco?

me at the bottom with zero (0) thumbs up

boys in tights

why are you still posting your tweets here

Fake news

>pepperoni on pizza
bluepilled as fuck

just lost the internet, christ on a cracker

*touch precum with tongue through pants*

do you reckon christ was invented to be the perfect cracker topping or was it a happy concidence?

*gets my bits out*
