Kenny vs Spenny

Season 7 when?

Other urls found in this thread:

>who can get those most twitter followers
>who can take the best selfie
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I'd watch.

who can kill the most trump supporters

>who is the best shitposter

>Who can get make the best political video for a candidate?

That'd work.

>OP wins every time

That would be "who can be the biggest faggot".

Didn't this show fucking end 10 years ago? How the fuck can people still be hoping for a new season?

Because episodes where they are competing to have the biggest fart is television that is genuinely funny.
Because of shit like this:

I remember seeing the blindfolded contest and the fart episode as my introductions to the series. Fuck those were both 10/10.

They're not all diamonds though.

Like the "who can sit on a cow the longest" one is just boring.

The show only worked because Kenny was such an amazing asshole and Spenny was such a m'lady fedoralord who wants to "compete honestly" and shit.

I watched some episodes long time ago and remember Kenny was an asshole

Kenny is both the best and the worst part of the show by a mile.

Take the blindfolded competition. It was simple, they both put on blindfolds and see who can go the longest without taking it off.

But Kenny, who literally cheats almost every single time, practically ruins any sense of competition by just being a lot more deviously minded than Spenny.

Spenny wants to compete to see who's better, while Kenny just wants to humiliate Spenny on national television.

I really hate the episode were spenny pretends to kill himself and kenny "believes" it.
That shit was so obviously staged.

Yeah didn't Spenny go to a cliff and like sit there pretending he was gonna' jump or some shit? I vaguely remember that.

Like I said it wasn't all gold, but the show had sparkles of pure genius hidden in there.

I don't know if I'd want another season of those two, but I'd love to see another "do stupid competitions"-like show with similar personalities.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the show. Any episode recommendations to reintroduce myself tonshe show?

There are a few iconic ones you should try, and then you can move on to the less iconic ones if you want more. I recommend (in no particular order, just the ones I really liked):

>Who can wear an octopus on their head the longest?
>Who can drink the most beer?
>Who can stay awake the longest?
>Who can smoke the most weed?
>Who can stay handcuffed the longest?

All those are top-tier.

I remember this show, genuinely fun stuff.

>average Sup Forumsirgin


The point was always that Spenny was the real asshole. None of Kenny's jokes would be funny if they were directed at an actual pathetic person.

>Who can stay handcuffed the longest?

This one is shit. It ended with Kenny just lying and saying "okay take it off and it's a draw", but then "lol, I was lying!".