Look, I don't usually make threads here, but I'm fucking perplexed by this "Delete Your Account". How is this witty...

Look, I don't usually make threads here, but I'm fucking perplexed by this "Delete Your Account". How is this witty? I'm I missing some ingredient that makes this funny?

It feels like the matrix is starting to glitch....

Trump destroyed her with his comeback.


Everyone is replying with "and it only took you 2 hours". Why did it take him so long....

None of this adds up, something is going on

Thanks to another user for confirming my suspensions


There's no way Twitter isn't involved with this

Here's the thing - anti-trump "Memes" are artificial and rely not on their own merit, but on them being pointed against Trump. Haters retweet and share them and laugh, but it's a short-term thing that blows out soon enough - remember "Le Drumpf XDDD"? Artificial memery that lost its steam. Same as this - unironically "Delet this". This is extremely artificial - a huge amount of the initial likes and retweets to Killary's tweet were bots and then all internet "Journalists" announce it to be a "burn". Haters jump on, bringing the amount of bot retweets and likes to only maybe 50%, but this is something that is very short-term.
Hill opened herself to attacks on every front, there is zero bants in that tweet and it wasn't even written by her(tweets from her have a -H at the end).
It's a pathetic attack that is already backfiring and will once again prove that You Can't Stump the Trump.

I guess he was busy campaigning? Twitter isn't life, you know :)

Maybe Shillary should delete her bots.

>The debates are on Twitter this year

The comment she made was a dumbed down one calculated to appeal to women. Sort of like "talk to the hand".

Can someone fill me in as to what this shit is about?


Hillary's tweet was another way of saying "kill yourself," or "fuck off," or "go to hell."

Can't even be called banter, it's just sad.


If Trump had said LITERALLY the same thing on his twitter account you'd all be making "Hillary BTFO" threads

Yes, I think this is exactly what happened. I wonder how we can accelerate the backfire, its critical because the mainstream news is going to wash this as being some massive internet win for Hillary.

While we laugh at Bernie cucks, at least they aren't mindless drones, maybe this robotic, synthetic "twitter burn" will pull them on side.

>accepts money
>changes political stance

basically a prostitute?

No, we would be enjoying it purely due to how close it is to "DELET THIS”

>Hillary tweets "Delete your account" to Trump
>MSM tries to turn it into the THE SICKEST BURN EVER
>Trump tweets back with bantz
>the nonbots try and mock him for taking 2 hours or for being salty

Kek proves it, wow

Kek confirms Hillary is a whore

That was my point.

Aw shit nigga


haha! Thank you Ameri-friend

It wasn't. Look at There were tens of thousands of retweets within seconds and it bumped up to a number rarely seen on twitter at lightspeed. It got retweeted by legions of bots and a lot of media sites picked up on it faster than I've ever seen them move.

This was staged as fuck on her end. Endless replies with the same sentence at the same second.

>these quints


So basically, Hillary same fagged like crazy

K wints
K oming from
K ek

I fucking told you guys in an earlier thread, "Relax, Kek got this", got blessed with a nice double dub

And Kek delivers.

I just hope we don't let it slide, this shit needs to be exposed.. Its normie digestible enough atleast

obama supports hillary
she has no legitimate chance
yet the system will pretend to play the game and place her in office anyway.
the end of america very well might be at hand

I visited all of those accounts and they are all confirmed bots

Its depressing as fuck, but I can't see how we can win against this demon, when every platform he have to fight her from, is owned or controlled by her.

Has this ever even happened in history before?

I'm depressed too Kiwibro, so sick of trying to tell everyone I know he isn't a racist