Or are you into other things?
Do you identify with your country and people`
Nah, fuck mature, too many old people in this country. Anal ftw.
Yep. I'm Irish.
>magic dirt
>Blood and your ethnicity
Such a hard choice goys
>implying i am a degenerate
>Big Dick
Full MILF in this one.
Urgh, no
+ kek'd at Brazil
>Category isn't "cuck"
1/10 data
I have a lot of friends from Ecuador. All of them manlets. Is this the norm?
>nobody likes big tits
>niggers I'm forced to share the country with like watching big dicks like the faggots they are
Burn this place down.
What the kek.
Anal > Teen > Milf >>>>> Lesbian
in that order
Also, Kasachstan is officially Europe now.
greece&ireland only motherfuckers in the world
Anal is degeneracy, why put your peepee in the poopoo tube?
I identify with Canada
It's easy because I'm queer and mostly a pacifist
Where my /teen/ bros at????
>Saudi Arabia/MENA
So... they're looking for their wives?
>same favourite category as swedes and poo in loos
dissapointed in my country desu
I am too
Proud negro here.
>Big Dick
I identify more with a bunch of dead white guys that used to be in my country.
No, hentai is best
I just want a girl to love me as much as I love her.
Porn doesn't really do anything to fill that void
Disgusting weebs.
>Germany and Sweden
Makes sense
Must secretly be Russian.
Hell yeah
>not anal
Anglosphere confirmed for least cucked.
Lesbian porn is only acceptable porn.
guess im a #russian now
meah, kinda.
Arab porn is only good because its exotic.
finding a real Arab woman naked is like finding Santa.
the fact that it's so rare makes it hot.
watching the same dumb blond Texan bimbo who's been fucked by 100s of dudes isn't really my thing.
Allahu Snackbar, I guess?
>USA must be Cuckolding
>Lesbian porn is only acceptable porn.
>Arab flag
WTF? Isn't lesbianism haram?
Well I guess my milf fetish is a wholesome part of my heritage then.
No OP, I don't like big dicks.
indeed, contrary to what Sup Forumstards believes the whole world isn't lusting after "muh white womyn"
why is hentai so popular in south america?
Ive masturbated to a lot of things, teens and milfs a like so I guess im in.
>making fun of the US
>being from Switzerland
What the fuck is "babe" porn
How is India not Anal?
My woman is Spanish and unprovoked she started an argument about her ethnicity being white. I don't think I've ever laughed that hard.
It's so much a part of their everyday life that it'd be like Americans searching for arm or leg porn.
>Not embracing your national identity through hentai
C'mon man.
And you wonder why people in America are turning transgender
google "autogynophilia"
>all these degenerates not enjoying lesbian
Fuckers unironically enjoy watching another man fuck women
What sort of category is that supposed to be?
Why are those in separate categories as well?
That's nice.
>using pornhub
lmao I feel bad for you son.
Hentai is better
I used to be only watch lesbian or solo, but these days I watch ladyboys and pov too.
why has nobody noticed this rare
Netherlands take your degeneracy and leave.
“For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit.”
Why are white people so obsessed with lesbians?
>Portugal and Spain
All those pensioners who are a drain on our society and wreck our budgets spend their whole day fapping to old bitches on Pornhub.
My guess is it involves stereotypical, California blonde type girls.
hopefully it's that we have less males using it altogether and so the women are affecting the results more (I remember seeing lesbian as the highest female choice on another of these surveys).
White countries confirmed lesbian lovers.
Does Denmark say hentai lol? we´re so cucked
>Implying they can afford computers
I have always been partial to Nordic males, Danes in particular appeal to me. Don't know why. But my dad did a DNA test and it came back 78% Viking, 15 % British Isles, and 7% Southern European . My lust for only white men is just an outward personification of my desire to return to my roots. Reeee hahaha
Spaniards consider themselves white