Let's have this thread.
Sup Forums is elected as the leader of their flag's country. What does Sup Forums do to make their country better?
Pic unrelated.
Let's have this thread.
Sup Forums is elected as the leader of their flag's country. What does Sup Forums do to make their country better?
Pic unrelated.
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Build Wall. Leave EU.
btw any recommendations for 1916 History reading?
The market has been flooded with the anniversary and I have my suspicions that a lot of it is crap.
two chicks at the same time
There is the 1916 papers, which are a collection of newspapers from 1916 to 1923. You can get them in Eason's.
Make political inroads with Russia and China. I know the Chinese president loves Tasmania so I'll utilize that to help bridge the culture gap, Putin should be easy since he's looking for allies. Then I'd announce independence and form a new constitution for the republic similar to America's. Shit like true freedom of speech net neutrality, the right to be armed ect.
I'd tighten up immigration/citizenship and remove certain rights for non-citizens such as owning land which would get all the foreign housing tycoons to fuck off, lowering housing prices by an extreme amount since something like only 60% of bought homes in nice areas are inhabited while the other 40% are just being held onto in order to artificially raise housing prices due to lack of supply. I'd close all tax loopholes and increase taxation for multinational corporations while subsidizing Australian farmers not affliated or owned by large companies. I'd make the switch to green energy or try to renegotiate the prices we pay for coal and gas energy while also finally making them pay up for all the taxes they've been dodging.
If Trump wins the election I'd then try and further Australian-American politics but if Hillary wins I just cut contact completely and side with Putin. I'd remove all forms of affirmative action and disband the racial defamation league or whatever the fuck that stupid organisation that """"""investigated"""""" that uni kid who talked about the Aboriginal only IT room and that dentist who lost his career over saying some abo chick only got endorsed for being black so trying to have any sort of pleasant political atmosphere with Hillary/Europe is out of the question.
Exit the EU immediately.
Pull out of NATO.
Close Eurotunnel.
Trade deals with Russia, China, India.
Leave EU, revoke all the citizenships give to Kebabs.
Throw all the progressives in charge out of helicopters.
Destroy the gibs-me-dat industrial complex and restore the traditional Swedish monarchy.
Also relevant, youtube.com
Continue the course on which we are already on
- Legalize weed (its healthier then alcolhol, fact)
- get rid of all the big corporations and bankers
- everyone must have solar panels
- make illuimunate/ masons activities illegal
- abortions will be legal (in fact, they are mandatory)
- gay rights for everyone
- everyone must have an ID with there familys names
- get rid of guns so that the crimes will go down
- invest in solar panels
- no smoking allowed because its unhealthy
- free medical care for everybody and also a free house or car (you choose the coupon)
- make all of the churhces into solar panels
- no more money just credit cards (they are plastic aka better duration)
- make 1,000,000 more jobs for people to be assistants (follow you around and be a helper even if you dont need one or arent famous)
- no more concrete, use eco friendlies like 3d printed beeswax
- everyones cars will run from solar panels (no gas, sorry cokhe brothers)
- whenever we fight a war we get to keep the money and replace the towns with solar panels so people can live
- hate isillegal
>those shoulders
Nice try.
>expand gun rights, make issued CCW permits valid in all fifty states
>fight two party duopoly
>pledge support to the 51st State, Jefferson
>protect hate speech
>restore Hawaiian monarchy, grant nominal independence
>fifty states again
>court an Anglo Union, maybe a unified currency, open borders for Canadian citizens
>get as many Americans in Cuba as possible, prepare for new 51st state
>let the business of America be buisnees
>reduce military spending, let the Japanese build nuclear weapons
>take canal back from Panama
>annex hati, use it as a penal colony, don't let anyone know it's a penal colony
>replace bald eagle with turkey
>create a presidential award for unbiased journalism, never give it out
>encourage militias on a local level
>disband TSA, NSA
>run my campaigns out of the back of a train
What's my party called Sup Forums?
tranphobia is also illegal in my country every ones shoulders are equal
Deport all chinese, pakis, etc seize all their belongings and all foreign assets in the country
Nationalize the banks
Mandatory military service
Invade Iraq and Syria and kill everything that moves
Legalize marijuana cigarettes
>Privatize health care
>Instil a flat tax on income of 20%
>Eliminate corporate tax
>Cap sales tax (IVA) at 15%
>Shut down public-private partnerships
>Privatize everything but the military, courts, schools and police (but don't abolish private initiatives of these)
>Create a Constitution based on liberty, property rights and free market capitalism
>Cut welfare
>Abolish affirmative action laws
>Abolish "equal treatment" requirement people on private sector
>Deregulate the economy
>Legalize all drugs
>Abolish the need for a license to provide a service (registration is mandatory for eventual prosecutions)
>Physically remove communists (ft. Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe)
>Abolish "right to work" laws
>Abolish child labor laws (everyone can work if it is a voluntary arrangement)
>Education is no longer compulsory
>Economics is taught by Austrians and classical liberals at schools
Make Portugal Great Again!
Deport all of the social justice warriors to Africa.
Expel all Jews and Muslims, live happily ever after.
Crash it. With no survivors!
But that is what Trudeau is doing..
Do nothing as the upper and lower houses VETO my ass faster then a nigger with a bike
>leave EU.
>Implement new border controls. We'll still let hard-working immigrants in. But we'll ship the leeches and parasites back. If we can't do a background check for any reason (they country doesn't keep records, for example) they aren't welcome.
>We'll do our part for asylum seekers. But it will be heavily capped (we have to put ourselves first). We'll give them the bare minimum to survive, and the option to apply for jobs if they want any more than that.
>The asylum seekers would get grouped housing, and are not allowed to move to a new residence for at least 12 months. If anyone decides to rape, kill or something stupid like burning down the housing because they wanted something better, We'll ship ALL OF THEM back and replace them with other refugees.
>This will be after we lock them all up in a room without cameras and name the perpetrators who caused them to get kicked out. They will have to wait without supervision for an hour before deportation. We will have a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy if anyone in these rooms gets hurt during this time.
>When we ship them off, we will hand them directly to whoever they were seeking asylum from.
>This would be our tough but fair strategy. We can be good people, we can also be bad people. How they act is what they get.
>Remove "feminists" as a legally protected group and have them monitored instead as a hate group.
>Allow mass immigration from americans if Shillary wins and fucks your country up. You guys are bro's.
>Ban germans from getting in the country at all - even if it's just for a holiday. We will not let you spread your cuckedness to us.
>close borders
>Give tax benefits for german families that have more than 2 kids (i have to implement something against turkshits)
>Allow gay marriage
>Deport en masse
>Education is no longer compulsory
>If anyone decides to rape,
I meant;
>If anyone in that group residence.
Hahahahaha Germany doesn't have gay marriage? That's a joke right?
Some decent ideas there, but a bunch that would spark a lot of anger. People were meme'd into believing that property is an investment tier asset, and possess it as their only asset.
Additionally, their super funds are also tied up in property.
Now, I want to see the property market crash as much as the next
Australian's who bought property as an investment keep it, it's only people who aren't Australian citizens who lose their right to own land
>legalize drug production and consumption
>gib pension to those parasites on the senate so they dont revolt and assassinate me when I dissolve it
>enact a direct democracy where everything is voted via internet by a simple ID check
>remove direct taxation
>implement voucher system for healthcare and schooling
>set corporate tax at 15% like in HongKong
>remove mandatory school past 9th grade
>main school curriculum includes math, statistics, history and investment education
>retire after 5 years and see how this shithole dominates southamerica
Create second Stalin
Watch it burn
Considerably reduce our NATO involvement. Fuck NAFTA. Denounce the TPP. Use the cost savings from running bases all over the world to subsidize US manufacturing to allow for higher wages with no negative impact to the consumer or producer. Keep the blank check in place for the DOD. Invent cold fusion. Build wall. Nominate a states right judge for the Supreme Court. Push for term limits on congressmen. Legalize it. Let the world fight its own battles for a decade or two.
Not if we have anything to say about it, Junecker.
Repeal nearly every major thing that traitor Pierre Trudeau did, i.e.:
>Amendments to constitution & charter of rights & freedoms are removed
>Multiculturalism is out
>Immigration reform is undone
>No more hate speech laws
>French is no longer our second official language and a requirement for Prime Minister
After that is done, the following will happen:
>Deportation of all citizens of foreign descent whose foreign family immigrated in the past 60 years, aside from special exceptions
>Extermination of all full-blooded natives
>Immigration restricted to Whites, Japanese, Korea; China can stay out
>Cut off all CBC funding
>Ban Islam, no Qurans sold, no mosques built, all converts likewise deported
>Stop the creation of feminists and cuckolds through the education system
>Scaling back of most social programs to not enable leeches
>National effort to increase birthrate of actual Canadians
Taxpayers won't be paying for your failure of a son to go to school forcefully. If you want your brat to get an education (and believe me, education is always a parents' priority) you'll have to convince him to go. Or you can sell him in the free market. After all, he is your property
>legalize weed
>ban smoking
fucking kek
>French is no longer our second official language and a requirement for Prime Minister
Can you kick us out of Canada at least?
>not getting rid of womans suffrage
>no anti-miscegenation laws
>not giving power to the royal family (and not Parliament)
1. Stop letting leeches in
2. Kick every leech out that misbehaves
3. Do my best to take away political power from the EU, try to maintain the free trade area
4. At some point the USA might be annoyed, so I will eventually have to pay more state money for the Bundeswehr
5. Use the money that doesn't goes to leeches anymore to encourage people to found familys, so that the birth rate eventually goes up
6. Try to get open trade with more states, especially Russia for import of ressources, and continue to bully smaller states through superior economy
7. start WW3
Not at all. Back when Merkel was still LARPing as the conservative that we, you know, elected the matter of gay marriage came up and was turned down.
They can have a sort of "citizens' union" that is in many ways treated similarly to a marriage for legal and financial purposes, but they can not get married officially.
Yes, I understand that they keep their investment, but it'll be worth, by your own admission, 60% less. This instantly makes it a shitty investment for the majority of people that have been tricked into making their house an "investment" rather than their home.
Add in all of the people that will suddenly be paying off a $1 million mortgage for 40 years for a house that is now worth $300,000 - all due to government policy - and you've got a tinderbox.
Honestly, not much.
Assuming you go in due to some weird fluke, no one would really listen to you.
I'd do anything within my power to prevent illegals from Mexico, but that's all I'd probably be able to focus on.
I love this one
>destroy a huge portion of the GDP and make everything free, subsidized by faggot sex and pot sales
Deport all muslims to Saudi Arabia, destroy all mosques
Leave EU and encourage other countries to do so as well
Cancel 'special relationship with US'
Become a neutral country like Switzerland
Deport the Windsors back to Germany
Banking secrecy for all
Legalise drugs
Deport traps and feminists to the isle of man
Enact laws protecting freedom of speech and privacy.
Disband parliament and instead hold monthly general and local referendums
Remove all support for Israel, they will have to fend for themselves or be destroyed.
Close borders except for immigration to and from select countries.
Ally with Russia.
Destroy ISIS and the FSA to give Syria back to Assad. Work with Syria and Russia to stabilize the middle east. Stop supporting Saudia Arabia.
Trade almost exclusively with Europe and Japan.
>Abolish "right to work" laws
Huh? I thought this Unions were a commie thing?
>restore neutrality
>cause civil war/race war
>Drive all the dindus and other non-whites from major cities in the northern states and try to get them to the deep south
>nuke NYC
>Fuck New Jersey and it's neighbors
>exterminate all the leftists whites since their black and brown pets have all fled
>live in a white utopia
>implement a syndicalist economy (planned but decentralised)
>leave the EU
>empower trade unions
>withdraw from all overseas occupations, oppose imperialism
>implement a secular republic with full proportional representation
Bring back dueling.
Stand your ground is made a constitutional right.
Deportation of illegals and forfeiture of their property.
All drugs become fully legal, with all proceeds directly going towards rehad for those who wish to quit.
Also, advertisement for drugs is illegal.
Bring back equal time rule.
Abolish any and all government subsidies except for those with extra chromes and shit like that.
Any deformed children who are detected before birth are aborted. (gotta stop these downies)
Enforce the second amendment.
Enact death penalty for any government corruption with intent to profit or assist a foreign nation. (Let's be honest, it's fucking treason.)
Renegotiate trade deals with a very protective based economy.
Deny immigrants who cannot benefit the genetic pool of our nation.
Remove complexities of taxes, and all loop holes.
Remove a shitload of pointless laws that are designed to protect people from themselves.
Like D.U.I, yet if you crash into someone you're a lot more fucked.