Its not a meme anymore. Hillary LEGIT has thousands of bots on Twitter, and probably Kikebook too, that are simply ignored by normies and MSM.
Are we really just going to sit around as she gets to do this without retaliation?
Kill yourself Trumpcuck
Kill this guy Trumpbro.
Jesus Christ it's not even hard to have shilled her tweet to over 100k people. You can pay companies to get your tweet out. The thing that scares me most about a Clinton presidency is her and all those around her have an utter lack of understanding technology
Bumping and what the fuck. I was wondering what was going on when I looked at the tweet very shortly after it happened and it had about 100k. I've never seen anything move remotely that fast on twitter.
I hope Breitbart picks this up.
$0.05 has been deposited in your account.
Who cares about emails? I mean, sure, maybe some top secret information integral to the stability and security of our nation may be accidentally leaked out and lead to massive social/political unrest but its not like Clinton made this mistake before, right? That's just another conservative lie because Adam Sandler told me so.
Found the cuckies
we're really getting under your skin now
how come?
LOL hillary btfo.
Delete your Accounts, hillary.
Delete this post
>Using our insults against us
Must be lost.
So do I need a referral to get into this change the record thing or what? You can trust me.
Unrelated but how long until trump starts using the families of the people killed in Benghazi in his commercials to start pushing her buttons?
No one is being payed to shill for Hillary. It's a meme made up to discredit her.
Does the use of bots go against twitters tos in any way?
No one is being payed to shill for Hillary. It's a meme made up to discredit her.
It's spreading!
God we need to do something about these shills. This shit Just energizes me to do more for Trump. Keep shitposting dirtbag.
delete this!
Your mom is spreading her ass cheeks. Trump missle coming in hot.
No one is being payed to shill for Hillary. It's a meme made up to discredit her.
Nice bait. Kill yourself please.
Thanks for bumping.
its because she hid her emails from the public, theres no FOIA or backups and she deleted 13,000 which is illegal
Hillary is a criminal and everyone knows it. She's the white OJ
Trump 2016
Soon... without too much memeing why will Hillary be bad? I mean at worst, she'll be a little corrupt, but probably not at an extent that will shake america to it's foundations.
She seems very much the "business as usual" candidate, which to me seems like she'll avoid rocking the boat. But this is purely an outsiders perspective.
Why should anyone care? Do these boys vote for shillary? No? Ok than shut the fuck up
When you're headed for a complete dystopia status quo amounts to foundational destruction.
Look at the extreme anal pounding the Hillary shills are taking on Sup Forums
Look at it and laugh.
Good job OP
send a tip to breitbart
I'm for trump but fuck those cum guzzling weeb awoo faggots.
Hillary is starting to believe in meme magic and she wants a part of it. kek.
Notice how they're all attractive model tier women.
bot found
queen will overcome this
Hillary just destroyed her chances with this shit.
I guess I'm #TeamTrump now
leftist males (i won't say men) are thirsty as fuck. their bitches are all hyperfeminist knitted-sweater wearing cunts. but they can follow some make-believe twitter thot nice and quiet and look at her tits on their phone when the real man of the relationship aint looking
Delete your account
It's hardly an insult, so over played it's mainstream.
There's literally nobody shilling for Hillary Clinton, it's just a Republican-funded lie to smear her campaign.
You've been dealing with shills too long user, you can't even tell actual satire from shill anymore. Take a break
I visited all of those accounts & they're all bots.
>I don't know much about Twitter, but are you able to report bot accounts?
Sorry friend.
Sadly we need the autism fuel the animefags use on the twitter front.
Weaponized autism is unbeatable.
Holy shit, all these accounts have been sending the exact same bullshit links, Hilldawg is grade A evil
Don't they regularly go on purging campaigns? I don't use social media but I heard on the news one time they got rid of several hundred thousand accounts once
I dunno. Probably. But I ain't got time fo that shit. Besides, there's literally thousands.
clinton will be the next president, unfortunately.. trump really doesn't have the brain to go in to depth about any topic.
>He doesn't smear obama as a war criminal or how his legacy is war, merely let's people search themselves on all fronts, which most probably don't.
>doesn't call out and threaten the federal reserve, saying how he'll audit it, and that the big bad men will tear down the global economy if he tries to dissolve it, or say how the US runs on fiat money.
>his ads are pathetically weak
>doesn't point out and get people to vote on for an alternative clinton prosecuter, so many options!
he won't win, because he's simply put.. a retard.
They have probably just become a hivemind
Why are these neckbeards popping up lately? Are the redditt servers down?
fuck off Tripfags are always cunts
and no i'm not a bot
and btw : This notion that Obama doesn't know what he's doing is just not true, he knows exactly what he's doing
We need to use this for redpilling on a massive scale, we've caught them with their pants down here, rare opportunity
Berhard (((Gutman))) lost the nomination so his fankids come over here to shitpost
its nothing but a vast rightwing conspiracy
Not a trump supporter, but you ate wrong. Trumps whole game is having people underestimate him. That's how he won the primary, and how he'll win the general. Don't fall for his shit
They are just fucking likes on twitter, it's not like they can vote.
we saw in austria how they can VOTE
underestimate or not, he could have been FAR more effective, there is no real movement, just a loudmouth. While he can talk truth, he can be hypocritical and such.. it's obvious his head is in his ass about a lot of problems, realities, and if he wanted to he could shut a lot of these people up, even going as far as making hillary/obama look so bad, that they'd never think of endorsing each other, trump just doesn't have that appeal.
An alternative candidate could have ran and absolutely raised the fucking roof, like jessie ventura/ron paul.
youre right!!!
im a #hilldog now!!!!
omg i hate trump
youre right!!!
im a #hilldog now!!!!
omg i hate trump
She'll do too feminism what Obama did to race. She has insane notions of "listen and belive" rape laws, muh wage gap and other feminist shit
>Delete your Accounts, hillary.
It's simple really. Copy and paste the message then add "vote for her you dumb jigaboos" or something like that
She is super corrupt globalist war loving kike sucking feminist
She is one head of that Hydra that has been destroying the West for decades now.