everything from this picture came from the usa and we need to stop them posting their
freedom ideas and american shit politics
no one cares about america
I want a Sup Forums without amerifags
Other urls found in this thread:
All that garbage came from here because the kikes know strategy. We are the most powerful nation on Earth and what an achievement it'll be to bring us down. Its like their magnum opus
>most powerful
Hopefully one day things will change
But you Europeans are more cucked than us, at least so it seems. And I can assure you I have no love for this country
You were made the military powerhouse you are to be used as the globalists strong arm.
We will all meet the same fate eventually.
Like it or not its the truth or at least was. All we have now is technology but there's a special and timeless arrogance about the reliability of it. I can see it now, 50 years from the average american solider is going to become a joke
>implying america wasnt built from the groud up by kikes.
most american ancestors are exiles. you were build to be the epitome of globalism. You were made to be the hq of all kike opperations. You had the advantage geograpicly economically and resource wise.
why do you think the most richest and powerfull of them hold their main hqs there? cause its home turf and muricans were grown to be the perfect manipulation mass. Slaves to consumerism with little to no traditions and shallow as fuck nationalism.
>the Jew came from America
I don't think you know what the fuck is what anymore Hans.
i want a planet without germans.
You know all to well what he meant to say you shill.
We'll run you into the ground, right or wrong.
It all seem hopeless doesn't it? ;_;
are you deluded my friend? Merkel has cucked your shitty nation up so bad it's not even funny
you want a planet full of milo's
we are cucked since 1945
America =! Globalists, neocons and Marxists.
>no one cares about america
> makes post about america
leave Sup Forums and go find a german forum. If you don't like a website then just stop using it.
and you all think trump being president will change anything
I'd rather deal with right wing faggots than tanned germans
Your words hurt but there's truth in them ;_; The founding fathers really were the best of us and like fools we threw away their vision and grotesquely manipulated them for selfish, short sighted needs
i use reddit, more civilized people atleast
Who do you think is most powerful then?
China whose whole economy is based on American debt and a massive MASSIVE bubble?
Russia with is 1960s technology and population of drunks and junkies?
So many americans prooving why america is hated. You claim to be the best and the smartest yet you can not see what happens under your (quite jewish) noses. YOU ARE THE CREATION OF THE KIKES. AMERICA WAS CREATED BY KIKES IN AN ALMOST SIMILAR FASHION TO HOW RAPEFUGEES NOW CREATE EUROPISTAN.
Wake the fuck up from the brainwashing and mcdonalds eating. The kikes made you to be used and send you to "defend" your country by attacking others literlay half a globe away from you. You die for their goals all the while you lose freedoms at home for "safety". Kill wallstreet now before they burn the whole world to the ground burgers!
We need more smug marines
Let's be honest, hating on 'merica is childish and pathetic.
>I'm sick of Americans on an American website
Deal with it Mehmed
all americans are europeans
This picture could be epic if a dude on a 240 full kit with a MAGA red helmet and Donald trump's hand on his shoulder reassuring the soldier to go full cyclic.
Thanks, papa
The founding fathers were either let to create something to trick the populance or knew the real plan of the kikes. There was an american girl that managed to prove that most presidents were actually closly related and had a commun ancestor.
All americans are low lvl europeans mostly prissoners and convicts. Just like australians. The first collonists were maybe settlers but then eangland started sending them away.
im sick off "muh trump tweeted something" oh god hillary tweeted something too, thats the only thing i wait for in my life, maybe wake up and
bring up better topics then this shit its getting old
why are you here then?
run back to rebbit
not for this
Meanwhile the bildenberg kikes are gathering in your country and nobody talksa bout it. They are literaly entranched like in a war. With armored vehicles and water cannons and a fuck ton of police for little to no protestors and press.
When will the kike spell on muricans be dispelled?
in every country there are no protesters, maybe a 100 in cuckerica
90% of Sup Forums doesnt know of bilderberg, u would see more than 1 thread a day
Yeah I wouldn't doubt something about the Fathers was esoteric like freemasonry. Still they had a god-tier plan for a nation
Case in point.
Also this thread got slided harder than a fucking car crash victim.
I guess muh trump (the establishment controlled opposition) is more important. And his pathetic roasting war with hillary. Its literlay youtube lvl of drama.
And you wonder why the kikes are winning.
I need to stop posting here and start working like a fucker and get a bit smarter. Gonna join dem jews cause fighting then with this cespool of retardness is useless.
And whats crazy about it is that Alex Jones is the far reaching voice that talks about them daily
>waah people like discussing different things than me
Some say he is controled opposition/ shilled to the ends of the earth as a tinfoil so he has little to no say.
Only decent fucking thread here is the russian anti putin one and even that degenerates to meme spewing.
People claim they are rebels and fight against muh globalist but do nothing but shit post while the kikes literlay plot under their noses.
yea gonna start working again soon too, in school i could go here 10 hours long, luckily i wont be distracted by shit tier threads then while working
I don't consider them Europeans anymore. Constant breeding within the #1 melting pot turned them into something gross that is not to be considered European.
One last bump maybe it will not get drowned by fucking this cesspool.
Go detonate your suicide vest, Ahmed. Your future is bleak.
Also, you're a fucking cuck
>caring about politics
nothing will ever change and posting trump tweets won't stop it