And here I always thought pedophilia was going to be first.
And here I always thought pedophilia was going to be first.
>Sex acts with animals are legal in Canada, so long as there is no penetration involved, according to a surprise ruling issued by the Supreme Court.
does this mean that dogs can fuck women, but men can't fuck dogs?
are you getting cucked by dogs now?
cool, but pedophillia is never going to be considered the norm alex jones isn't always right
Who is this boner condoner
>pleasing furfags instead of pedofags
I don't know if I should be happy or mad
>There are dogs out there pounding human vagina while i remain a virgin
here in France bestiality is not illegal as long as there's no harm to the animal
sad but true
Pig pussy = best pussy
Canada confirmed for new middle east
You were the first degenerates anyway, nothing to be proud about. You fiddled them darkies the first day a boat hit african shore.
Everyone expects this kind of thing from France though. And French-Canadians.
Us upstanding Anglo-Canadians are repulsed by such behaviour though.
A gurl having sex with dogs is a free spirit exploring her sexuality
A man is a perverted animal abuser
Child-love is part of my IDENTITY shitlord.
STOP with you're PEDOPHOBIA!!!!!
I was BORN this way!
Do something about your shitty life.
No results without work, kid.
Dogs are still allowed to kill people.
You are not.
hammm, relly makes yoo think
Slippery slope isn't real you fucking bigots.
>And here I always thought pedophilia was going to be first.
It's a matter of months now. I'm so grateful to be alive. Seems like it was the right decision not to kill myself.
wew lad
Plz. No pictures of Fort Mack. lost my dog.
Never been the religious type but I'm starting to buy into the idea that morals can't exist without religion.
that is a pretty handsome pupper though let's not fuck about, I bet he's a really pussy hound :^)
gassing degenerates is part of my culture
soon you will be enriched
what's your name again, dude?
sauce on img op
>morals can't exist without religion.
Welcome to what philosophers and theologians knew 500+ years ago.
>First World
remember the 6 maplelions
Canada, yes
after everybody has been made into animals (goyim) they'll all be so perverted they wont care
we aren't there yet though. it will take another few decades of heavy indoctrination.
sorry to hear that leafbro
>Sup Forums
>even cucked by dogs now
lmao, gold. Looks like everyone fucks white women except Sup Forums.
feet is okay, but pedophilia is gonna take a while dan "hold her tighter she's a fighter" scheneider
And here for a moment I thought that ruling was to allow for the culture and lifestyles of the goat fucking refugees they're letting in. But nope, guess it's more traditional cuckoldry, as per usual.
Pedophilia is only ever going to be okay for women and boys.
Hell, if you look at current standards of punishment for the crime, it kinda already is.
Who is she?
Did anyone read the entire article ?
>Representatives for Animal Justice, who brought the case to the Supreme Court, said the ruling should encourage Parliament to act on changing "outdated" laws that fail to protect the country's animals.
A man was acquitted of the bestiality count because of this outdated law. That's why they want to change it.
To be honest, one is just more palpatable to society in its current state
Give it time user
they can but not with degenerate liberal society, you need strength and discipline for the plebs to look upon and model after.
What were they thinking?!
"No, gay marriage isn't a slipper flope! There's no WAY we'd ever let bestiality be legal!"
"IT'S 2016"
"Okay, sucking dogs off is legal"
has been legal here since the 70s
>Canada is now prepping literal bulls
Can't make this shit up.
>there is no slippery slope
I've typed it before.
Connect with God, use any means necessary.
You'll know it when you get it.
Oh sure, just because we're grooming children and mutilating them, and having sex with animals, you think pedophilia will be next.
You conservashits and your slippery slopes.
ITT people who have not read the article and start spewing nonsense about gorillions
sauce on image
this ->
who is this semen demon?
>Justice Rosalie Abella was the lone dissenter, and had suggested that the court deny the appeal.
>“Acts with animals that have a sexual purpose are inherently exploitative whether or not penetration occurs,” she wrote.
literally only one sane judge
Well the thing is that this is indeed a slippery slope, happened with gays, drugs, trans and now beastiality. Is the same process over and over again
someone gotta edit that, switch pedo and beast
also attach to pics to OP link, would be an useful image
the ultimate goal of jews
The "muh children muh consent" response is simply too powerful. It's still a long ways off.
What a glorious day it will be though. Finally I will be recognized as a member of the most persecuted group on the planet and liberals will have to put up with all my shit.
Common filth is going to throw a shit fit
pls respond
>And here I always thought pedophilia was going to be first.
Nah, women like fucking dogs too much to let kiddiefuckers get first dibs
In your country it would have; this is Canada.
Have fun getting shot you piece of shit
Hebe is okay but pedo gets blasted
This is an exciting time to be at the bottom of the slippery slope.
why now, of all times??
Time to take up arms as a militant lolicon brother
But girls on the brink of puberty are perhaps even more beautiful than the ones who are blooming. I won't go any younger than 7 though, that's just gross.
We can finally marry natives then?
Canada will legalize literally anything before allowing free speech
Colonial kek
>cucked by dogs now?
No, I'm fine with this.
I hope it's legalized, I want to know who the degenerates are so I can avoid them.
Spic land, a land of Spics. Literally third world.
Canada used to seem quite sensible.
A bit boring, but solidly centred in a cheerful sort of way.
Now it's all dog fucking feminism and collapsing currency.
>Reading the actual article,
what do you think this is?
No penetration probably goes for both the human and the animal mate
>You fiddled them darkies the first day a boat hit african shore.
So did the English senpai
>Implying leftists can comprehend morality
Who the fuck has the time and the stupidity to make shit like this illegal in the first place?
Gotta make sure interracial relationships are protect, fampai.
>Call others degenerates
>Likes whales
Kill yourself hypocrite
>there are Canadian dogs that have legally fucked more women than I have
Seeing how the Canadian supreme court is, do you think they'll listen to them or favor beastiality rights advocates?
You're one to talk brev
Yea so "Peanutbutter on my balls, let the dog lick it"
is the only thing that will occur from this.
Well if pedo shit is ever actually legal I will call for the mass gassings
Once we've accepted that premises that
>12 year-olds need to be taught about sex
>"love is love"
it's pretty hard to see how it won't eventually be legal.
Which came first, the chicken or the Canadian?
>So it begins
No, now it ends.
“I was in me Ruddy Hall, with only a cask o’ mead to keep me company and nothing to do but drink it. The more I drank, the more I got thinking about this woman lived close by, a fine strong woman with the biggest pair of teats you ever saw. She had a temper on her that one, but oh, she could we warm too, and in the deep of winter a man needs his warmth.
“The more I drank, the more I thought about her, and the more I thought the harder me member got, till I couldn’t suffer it no more. Fool that I was I bundled meself up in furs from head to heels, wrapped a winding wool aroud me face, and set off to find her. The snow was coming down so hard I got turned around once or twice, and the wind blew right through me and froze me bones, but finally I come on her, all bundled up like I was.
“The woman had a terrible temper, and she put up quite the fight when I laid hands on her. It was all I could do to carry her home and get her out o’ them furs, but when I did, oh, she was hotter than even I remembered, and we had a fine old time, and then I went to sleep. Next morning when I woke the snow had stopped and the sun was shining, but I was in no fit state to enjoy it. All ripped and torn I was, and had me member bit right off, and there on me floor was a she-bear’s pelt. And soon enough the free folk were telling tales of this bald bear seen in the woods, with the queerest pair o’ cubs behind her. Har!” He slapped his meaty thigh. “Would that I could find her again. She was fine to lay with, that bear. Never was a woman give me such a fight, nor such strong sons neither.”
it means no dong in hole
u kinda just rub onto it and molest it lul
oral is exception tho
its special hole
im from syria srry 4 bad english berry excite to be here
Pedophilia probably never but hebophilia will definitely be legal soon.
Oh fuck off.
Your supreme Court ruled the following a few years ago.
>"truthful statements can be presented in a manner that would meet the definition of hate speech, and not all truthful statements must be free from restriction."
Based Tyson Fury warned us of this
I am ashamed