Concealed Carry is not a Constitutional Right
>In a decision upholding Yolo County’s restrictions on concealed weapons permits, a federal appeals court said Thursday that there is no Second Amendment right to carry concealed weapons.

>The decision by an 11-member panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals means counties in California may require individuals to prove they have “good cause” such as a threat to their safety before they are issued a concealed weapons permit.

This will get taken up by the Supreme Court, right?

Other urls found in this thread: sessions03

>state is majority mexican
There is your good cause


Well, I'm not an expert, but it isn't.

> the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

Nothing here about concealed or not. What is the point about concealed carry anyway, why not just carry openly?


>9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Implying the most liberal of the US Courts of Appeal would rule any differently. Blue/Cuck states like California won't even recognize a valid out-of-state CWP.

California banned open carry of firearms because seeing guns scared them.

>#YOLO county

this desu

>concealed carry is not a constitutional right

so why do they call it constitutional carry, then?

checkmate libturds

well in that case it's obviously bullshit. they have to allow either one or the other.

I don't recall anywhere in the Constitution that is stated how one was allowed to bear arms. Only that they had the right. Being a country supposedly ruled by law we must follow the law AS WRITTEN. If the founding fathers didn't want us to carry arms in any particular way I'm sure they would have mentioned it. They didn't. Hence the words "not infringed".

>Concealed Carry is not a Constitutional Right
But fag marriage is apparently.

Fuck Courts and the patrician judges who lord over them.

not even once


One of the great things about CC is that criminals don't know who's packing, so they are less likely to fuck with people in general. If there's only OC then they know who to avoid and who's fair game.

>Yolo County



>USA has a county called YOLO



>Nothing here about concealed or not. What is the point about concealed carry anyway, why not just carry openly?
The current case law has mandated that a State has to allow either open carry of firearms of concealed.
Banning both is a direct and clear cut inarguable case of infringement on the bearing of arms.
Considering this goes against current case law it should be overturned.


>Be Commifornian
>Approached at night by a couple future business leaders of America
>They kindly ask for a donation to their startup and imply that it would be disadvantageous to your future stock holdings if you choose to not invest
>you tell them to hold on one moment while you are there in the street at 1am
>you call the courthouse and ask if they can issue you a concealed carry license and a firearm since you want to protect your investments
>they do not answer since it is 1am
>too bad, looks like your stock portfolio is going to take a few hits tonight

this is glorious, please continue Cali, you make Florida look sane

>yolo county
ayyy we #nogunz because #yolo 100 tears ok ok ok 100


Yolo county resident here. This county has some of the most bullshit gun laws, and CCLs are never approved. My town also has a massive beaner problem, everywhere in Yolo has a Mexican majority, it's terrible. California in general is a shithole, but the land here in the Central Valley is beautiful and agriculture makes a shitton of money. It's like a trap you can't get out of.

>YOLO County

This is a joke, right?

This is only for states under the ninth circuit currently.

>the 9th circuit court of appeals is less well versed on legal precedence than the average 4channer

D.C vs Heller
Caetano v. Massachusetts
McDonald v. Chicago

are they retarded? of fucking course the second amendment applies to concealed carry. how the fuck else would it work?

Too bad Big Tony isn't around anymore. He would slap the shit out of this ruling.

Again, all this means is open carry is required now, right?

>trying to enforce gun laws

That's what the guns are for

You shouldn't want that, they are leaving the cost and bringing their sorry policies with them. Just look at Texas.

>Shabbos Goys
Pick one, Muhammad.

Open carry is illegal in California, so if they try and ban concealed carry as well, it will be a clear violation of the second amendment, and get overturned. They can't enforce that ruling, it's beyond stupid.

>literally "The right to carry arms shall not be infringed
>somehow twist logic in their minds to say a certain type of carrying is wrong

It's fucking California, what did they expect? If this goes up to the Supreme Court and they don't rule it down then the states will lose their shit, look how they reacted over the tranny thing and the refugee thing then magnify it times 100. California is the most corrupt state in the Union. They imported millions of spics to guarantee it would remain a one party state. Corruption is commonplace.

That's what I thought.

Oh they're well versed alright. They just don't give a fuck about people's rights.

Yea, you have to be able to carry,
at your house
in the outside world

You can either carry in the open, or concealed, you need one of them, or both

There should just be laws against making laws about gun ownership and ownership of pretty much everything, thats when we started going wrong is banning ownership of negros and alcohol

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump tried to pass a wording change in the 2nd amendment to guarantee people can't infringe on gun rights again. Really, a simple change of "Well regulated" to "properly functioning" or something to that effect. Or he could just have the DoJ sue California, which is what the DoJ is SUPPOSED to be used for. Checks and balances. If Trump and the Congress repeal the 17th amendment its automatically the greatest Presidency ever.

I love this shit. Any imposition on the buying or owning of guns and ammo is limited by the constitution, and needs to be amended with a 2/3 vote.

But then we surrendered to fear in the era of prohibition, where we deemed it necessary to ban machine guns. That was the beginning of the end.

And now I sit, in the peoples' republic of kommiestan, where ARs require bullet buttons and 10 round mags. Pistols need a loaded chamber indicator, a magazine lockout, and are also limited to ten rounds. .50 BMG is banned, AR10s (but not other ars chambered in .308) are banned, due to muh scary .308 armalite.

One way to spot a moron is to see if they agree with California gun control laws.

Watch this for a good laugh

California politicians are 110% retarded. It's no surprise that the gun laws reflect that.

>this will get taken up by the supreme court
Yeah, and they know it. They are just trying to delay it as much as possible.

What they're hoping for is a Clinton presidency and a liberal supreme court justice replacement for Scalia.

Then they can push this shit to every state.

California is a living meme

Stop sending everything to the fucking federal level.
Let the states decide how fucking retarded they want to be.
Then let all the retards live there.
Fucks sake.





This was what I sounded like in spanish class in high school, trying to give a report on some shit. Broken spanish, incoherent and seemingly retarded.

But this man is preaching his bullshit at the legislative level in his native tongue. I weep for the future of humanity, as we regress towards the lowest common denominator.

>'a pin to be inserted to make shoot fully automatic; mass destruction, think of the chilluns'

No, nigger, we are talking about a bullet button. From the bill: "This bill would define “detachable magazine” to mean an ammunition feeding device that can be removed readily from the firearm without disassembly of the firearm action, including an ammunition feeding device that can be removed readily from the firearm with the use of a tool." Banning the bullet button, to make you remove the entire lower receiver to reload the 10 round mag.

Some space lizard ghost-wrote this bill for this moron, and he is up there, fumbling in his feeble attempt to reconcile with his own stupidity.

>tfw I go to school in Yolo county sessions03

Same, what school my #YOLO nigga?

The 9th Circuit is literally famous for shitty agenda driven rulings that fly in the face of precedents and get overturned on appeal - that's why their nickname is the 9th Circus.

>meme county in a meme state has a court that gives a meme ruling


>McDonald v. Chicago

>District of Columbia v. Heller

fucking trolled hard