>physically humans are becoming more slender and the faces become friendlier. Men are loosing their masculine features (extended brow ridges)
>People with lower levels of testosterone are less likely to be reactively or spontaneously violent, and therefore this enhanced social tolerance
>the “dimorphism” between the sexes is shrinking (men become more female, women more male)
>studies of the Gebusi tribe in Papua New Guinea by Bruce Knauft showed significant levels of male mortality due to the tribe deciding that an individual’s behavior is so intolerable that for the good of the tribe they must be killed. (killing of high testosterone males)
>This process combined with female mating choices over thousands of years could have selected for males with lower testosterone and more feminine features, which leads to a much more gender-equal society and the start of our cumulative culture.
Humans are becoming more feminine
Yes. The ayy lmaos have boipussy.
It's Confirmed: Ayy lmaos are humans from the future.
there is nothing wrong with being a feminine male
our modern liberal society selects for slender, compassionate, non-aggressive males
lifting is basically useless
>our modern liberal society selects for slender, compassionate, non-aggressive males
>posted from my wife's son's ipad
I lift so I can be strong enough to defend my self and want to take Jiu Jitzu and learn to grapple
I think this is bollocks because its only in the last 150 years WESTERN society has become more liberal. Other societies haven't at all barring a few outliers in Asia. Also, the Romans and Greeks valued fair treatment and a gentle demenor. Read Marcus Aurielus, that guy was placid as fuck.
I wish liberal society liked fat neets. Tfw both sides hate me.
Asians have been this way for a long time (that's why Asians make such good traps) and they seem to be doing just fine
Zoey deschanel/8
you're looking at too small of a time scale. if you graphed this out in X and Y, everything you described is small up and down jitters on an overall downward trend over XX,XXX or even XXX,XXX years, not X,XXX years.
0/10 slut
not a boy
i can tell because i'm attracted, and i'm not a faggot.
So the age of traps finally begins.
I dunno had a friend (guy) who looked just like that when his hair grew out.
oh vey
I am not so sure about that
Asians are highly authoritarian and hierarchical
The are a more feminine race with low dimorphism though
still, something isn't right
It's not that the features are becoming more female, it's that they're becoming more neotenistic
If the males are losing those features then aren't those features by definition no longer masculine?
did you fuck him in the ass?
>men are better at being women than women
It's amazing, isn't it?
it's more that humans went from hunter-gatherers to farmers
>male of female
>looking at pic, I seem to not even care.
This is worse than I thought...
am i feminine?
That's maybe true in primitve human tribes, where dimorphism is reduced. The weakest sexual dimorphism is in paedomorphic or foetalized races like the South East Asians. Africans vary, Europeans clearly show the most dimorphism, so lack of dimorphism doesn't mean good.
Females are super hierarchical and authoritarian. Did you ever hang out with a female clique?
dimorphism decreasing somehow translates to men becoming more feminine in their eyes.
I don't know why anyone expects anything but incoherent ranting from the media. Reporters are almost always not experts, at any level whether it's major news or someone's wordpress.
>listening to non-experts on a subject
this makes you more ignorant than when you started.
Then you will lose feminine features.
Femininity comes from a lack of adversity
You look like a wider version of Jessie Pinkman.
>Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.
Luke 18:16
Even if this research is accurate, the industrial revolution basically thew a wrench in existing evolutionary patterns. Anyone know if there's been any research on natural selection in the modern era? I'd imagine strong religious beliefs are a highly favorable trait.
What if women used to look like dwarves too?
Is femininity itself a part of the conspiracy?
maybe this trend is changing - look at /fit/ - men trying to maximise their own dimorphism by lifting and making "high-test" threads about women with exaggeratedly feminine features.
>tfw thin frame
Feels bad man
If that's true, why aren't the birth rates exploding for feminized / gender neutral whites if femboys are the preferred choice of females?
Muslims are about as "masculine," violent, and patriarchal as it gets and their birth rates are off the charts. White women are even preferring black and Muslim men over white men in some places.
so if ia fuck a pinoy it isnt gay because he is femenine?
What is he saying anyway ?
what I'm thinking is that individually there's always a pull towards dimorphism, like I pointed out here but at a population level it's kept down.
it isn't like Muslims have successful societies next to Europeans (birth-rates aside).
Hmm, is the new testament a spiritual instruction to breed a new infantilized human life form?
inb4 feminine penis
There is a certain threshold, and it is already reached. We ll see a correction just like at the stock market. And the retards that shill here will most likely not survive. In one way or another.
I very much doubt its about female mating choices, its about young high test males going off and getting themselves twatted at 17 before they can have children.
When was slenderness a feminine trait? Genuinely curious, because I think women are usually wider than men
Fuck all this shit. Men need to start being more masculine again. Test levels need to go back up. Too many bitch boy nu males walking around. Man the fuck up. Vote trump. Let's take our country back. Never ever let a woman tell you what to do.
Marcus wrote after the Mediterranean civilization had declined a significant amount. Read the Iliad to see true manhood
i hate this shit that fucking anthropologist due
>some tribe in buttfuck no where does this one super weird thing
>its super advanced and clearly this is how the entire world works
No, stop that.
Who is this? Any more?
so the lanket meme is true
well for christian fanatics this is how the master-race looks like
>low demorphism between the sexes
>very progressive features though
Am I feminine?
Pretty sure its just NEONATALIZATION, which happens to all donesticated animsls
Well even though you are retarded or pretending you are retarded you are correct. IN most civilications where women take over political duties the country goes to shit. I would advise them to take a step backwards, otherwise they ll feel unpleasant. And their statsi dogs will be put down aswell. I guess they are family men, at least i hope that.
>women are usually wider than men
only the hips, overall they are narrower with thinner bones and less mass.
I agree.
Since the Roman Empire (hell, even in Ancient Persia and Sumeria), the male head of a household had to give permission for a suitor to marry his daughter. It never was about female mating choices because up until recently, they never had one. They still do this in most Muslim countries.
Now that they do, they *still* choose manly, alpha men (chads) over the nerds and dweebs even though the beta Shlomos and Lesbians in Hollywood desperately try to convince them to do otherwise.
>tfw extended brow ridge
I always thought I was just ugly. Turns out I'm a primitive high test alpha male.
The main difference between the races.
What's wrong isn't slenderness. It's the fact that white people look ugly when slender.
Japanese boy bands are handsome
True, Nietszche said that the west made a fatal mistake shortly after the Illiad
the supposed Jesus also looks very slender
are you a slav ?
looks like a fucking helmet
Japanese boy bands thread?
something something black something black something
Be a man now and you will drown in pussy
Testoesterone is literally a nigger-tier chemical.
Wont happen, it will hit a certain point and all the retards that tried to maintain this situation will more or less politely get asked to put it down. To put it really in a polite way.
>Achilles sitting on a beach crying and refusing to fight because Agamemnon disrespected him
you might be sort of right, though - although I'd say Rome at some points had a more masculine culture from what I've read, where everything was about conquering and dominance.
"virtue" from the Roman is from the root "vir" meaning man.
>enhanced social tolerance
>enhanced social tolerance
>enhanced social tolerance
Is that the discovery of agriculture
If you look like this anyway. Any more?
Caused some human population groups to self-domesticate.
For your country it is. BUt then again your country should be nuked or enslaved because your PM is the epitome of an semi educated retard that wouldnt survive for half a generation if it wouldnt be for the protection of the guillable.
Leave your basement Hanz, beta-males don't get pussy, the broken women who preach that they want pansies who "check their white-priviledge" and don't "man-splain" never practise what they preach and go and get fucked by alphas.
>tfw you will never be a pretty Japanese boy
you can't conclude a lot from two people.
Shut up German boy. Your ass got handed to you on a silver platter in WW2.
it makes sense though
>non violent faggots are naturally selected
>mostly in yurop
>now they're complete cucks
it's all a coincidence I bet
i hope someone enslaves you and your family
sort yourself out
I guess Nihei was right about the future of humanity, we're all going to become gender-neutral hermaphrodites.
I mean it already happened, evolutionarily the fastest way to get cooperation and friendliness is neonatalization
Actually, this Brazilian became a chink femboi through eye surgery.
How is being compassionate bad? That's the basis of any harmonious society. Also get fit from doing physical work like your ancestors, not being cooped up in a sterile modern gym.
>just had myself a giggle m8
the more and more I learn how what is happening to us and has been happening to us, the more I am convinced the "greys" are just humans from the future.
>all look like the same androgynous creature
>big eyes
>grey skin from years and years of low UV exposure and race mixing
>all are simply mindless drones who do the bidding of their master(s) without complaints
the way we're being treated by governments, the way society is pushing towards less confrontation, the rise of female supremacy, the direction technology is headed: it all points to most of us becoming mindless grey goys for whom ever is in charge when the paradigm shift happens
that or the little black girls theory where we all end up like black women: stupid, impulsive, easily controlled via media/education, and unable to do anything in the realm of physical violence
We ll i have the beats, and i ll rip you and your retarded idol into shreads as much as i like it. You little fuck. And i have 0 respect for you, remember that, i d rather trade a dog for your life you fedora wearing faggot. You are replaceable and the dog isnt.
>chad is manly
he isn't that high on the spectrum of manliness - look at mma fighters (middleweight and heavyweight esp.) to see the high end of the spectrum.
his eyes look like those plastic pussies fags get from surgery
Why is it that every time a decent looking woman gets posted around for a while, everyone becomes convinced that it's a dude?
I still don't get it. This person is female. Anzu is also female, albeit a female cockroach.
it triggers people easily
its a meme ok
I don't think that it has to do with testosterone (people being stupidly violent for no reason) just with low intelligence
People can be very violent in very non-direct ways, like our jidish friends who go around stirring up the race war, you know what i mean Sup Forums
I guess the compassionate part of Christianity (love your neighbor) in our modern liberal society select for neotenistic people (pre adolescent features)
But before altruism becomes submission there needs to be justice (the christian judgment selects for masculinity)
The difficulty is to find a balance between these two concepts
Shit, you're right.