How are you fighting the evil forces of fascism Sup Forums?

How are you fighting the evil forces of fascism Sup Forums?



Svrige, Ja !

>appropriating nigger talk-during-sample "songs"

What were they trying to accomplish?

Was that part of her plan?

So brave. Rmytdi


What fascists? Seriously are the left on Sweden this delusional that they make up enemies to fight?


"taking on sweden's fascists"
>wow ur so brave for """fighting against"""" a small silent minority in this cuck colony

It makes me feel sad that there are people who are this fucking dumb and mentally weak.
It has to be genetic.

>How are you fighting the evil forces of fascism Sup Forums?

Voting for Trump and keeping myself armed and fit.

It's funny because libtards/feminists/social justice jihadis are the actual real life fascists.

>its a first world countries think they are oppressed enough to rap about the system that "oppress" them and is responsible that they live in a country with amazing hdi ,economic growth and freedom of speech

Isn't Sweden about as written off as America these days?

The only places that are not corrupted are the place that are either too remote for the Money Printers to bother with just yet or are the rich areas that are connected to the Money Printers and thus exempt from most of the degeneracy.

You probably know more swedish than most people living in sweden

Yes, go against the guys that are NOT defending the people advocating throwing you off a rooftop. That will surely show everyone.

She's an immigrant and her last name is "Imam"

Did she come from a Muslim country? Has she commented on how Muslim countries fit into her Queer Feminist viewpoints?


b-but i just fapped
*unzips dick*

>google her
>she was named Homo of the Year at QX Gaygalan 2015
>homo of the year
homo of the year
>homo of the year
homo of the year
>homo of the year

I don't even.

I wonder what she did to get that award

Oh I'll finish her alright.

By donating my money to an old jewish socialist so he can live a good life while people like me live in poverty. #smashcapitalism

>homo if the year



Whatll ya give me next berenstain?

The fuck happened with VICE?