>alt right literally worships a coal burning, kike loving homosexual attentionwhore
what a bunch of fucking cucks who don't realize the alt right is just controlled opposition.
>alt right literally worships a coal burning, kike loving homosexual attentionwhore
what a bunch of fucking cucks who don't realize the alt right is just controlled opposition.
Other urls found in this thread:
He can't make happa babies, so it's all good.
he's exactly what the alt right needs though. who better to give us a voice than a gay man? liberals immediately run out of 60% of their comebacks aimed towards the right when we have a gay man in the front. I don't love the guy and sometimes he's embarrassingly wrong, but he's necessary.
>Hahaha were not cucks that's why we carry a homosexual nigger-loving jew around on a golden seat, ahahah your the cuck
t. Alt-right
>the alt-right needs a minority to stand up for them because they're too scared to do it themselves
Eurocucks just don't get it
>coal burning, kike loving homosexual attentionwhore
ignoring all that, he's still a shitty journalist.....basically a professional troll
your post is like some cuck prepping his bull to inseminate his wife with. jesus christ.
Is this you?
God, you alt-right Sup Forumstists are absolute faggots
implying the same people say both of those things. dumb frog poster
There's supporting faggots and then there's literally carrying him around on a golden chair
What the fuck. These people should be ashamed. This doesn't even seem like an ironic attempt at humor--it's just pathetic.
Are most millennial Trump supporters literal cucks for this guy?
t. i want to post le epic pole mems on le reddit but i dont want ppl 2 think im an ebil nazi
>Are most millennial Trump supporters literal cucks for this guy?
Kill yourself, liberal faggot.
The worship Milo because they have no balls of their own
it's funny you say that. I'm a real rightwinger, not a cuck alt-right fag.
Who is true leader of the alt right movement?
>who is the true leader of the cuck movement
what does it matter?
daily colgatefag ranting about milo. just tweet him and suck his dick already.
Richard Spencer.
Is alt-right actually a thing?
I just hear lefty cucks call people that when they aren't comparing them to Hitler.
Why do Americucks white knight for Milo so much?
alt-right is made to split the rightwing and inject it with liberal degeneracy, like homosexuality and race mixing (and kike loving) like Milo promotes.
Hillary Clinton
Because Israel is their best ally and not liking fags or race mixing is a crime there
It's not an actual thing. Faggots like Milo just want it to be so college Republicans think they're joining a new cause and Milo can fashion himself as their leader. He's just an attention whoring nigger loving kike whose playing college kids for fools
You don't know what coal burning is, retard.
You're a faggot cuck.
Wow, a white dude fucked a black dude. Good thing I'm not gay or else I'd be real mad about this race traitor.
Gay sex is already a purely hedonistic act, it serves no purpose but pleasure so why the fuck would you care?
No thanks, I don't "identify" myself under leftist made terms meant to divide and conquer.
>literally every Milocuck is a 'murican
You dont have to be lonely, at shitskinsonly.country
I unfollowed him on Twitter... I like his effort against SJWism ... But he's a try-hard shit-lord and I'm getting some faggot social engineering vibes from his constant fag display... Experiencing gay lifestyle is damaging to the human spirit
I am an American, but I don't see your point. If you're straight there's really no issue to take up with that.
Not really, the alt-right is made to split from neocons and cuckservatives.
>People like Trump just want it to be so regular Republicans think they're joining a new cause and Trump can fashion himself as their leader. He's just a self-aggrandising populist whose playing most Americans for fools
I know right? It's current year after all
degeneracy is disgusting & immoral & you fundamentally cannot be conservative or right wing while being a queer jew
top kek
Still not coal burning.
can he have any more of a weak fucking jaw? jesus
Hitler was just a little drummer boy for big business at first, too
Retarded Britbong.
It's because the alt-right will get silenced and dismissed if they're heterosexual white males. Here's a gay Jew fuckwit nigger lover who's speaking for the alt-right, therefore won't get shutdown and will be heard.
On today's episode of Dude Weed yurope version,
Every guy that follows something from a group of ideologies has to follow some idiotic homosexual shitlord because I say so.
Stick to drug selling and getting flooded, not politics
>meanwhile there are 10 pro alt-cuck threads at the same time
>dude do not generalize people
>on pol
you know the concept of "irony"?
I do, but what you're doing fits more into the shitty shitposting definition.
Who's also a pedophile.
oh, but if I posted a thread saying: ayy lmao all brown people are muslims and all muslims are rapists, pol would have no problem with generalization, right?
well, homosexuality is already normalized, and trannies are being normalized (nearing completion) so pedo shit is next.
alt right does not worship milo
reddit worships milo
Well, when their holy book says that raping and marrying children and genital mutilation is legal, they are either rapists or rape apologists.
>Discussing Islam
>Sup Forums
This is a politics board, not religion.
>when their holy book says that raping and marrying children
it doesn't
>genital mutilation
it doesn't.
The pedo meme is in a book separate from the koran. genital mutilation is a kike scheme, all americans do it as well, so nothing special about the koran here.
Why even wake up bro.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: we don't worship Milo. We respect the guy for having the balls to say what needs to be said, and bring attention to issues that need attention, and is in the perfect position to do so, because he should fit the liberal narrative to a T, except he doesn't follow their narrative.
Respect does not equate to worship. We're not trying to become Milo. We don't go out and get fucked in the ass by niggers because he's fighting against liberals. We don't slick back our hair and act like a fairy in public because Milo does it.
We respect the guy for what he does and it's our duty as people who love our country to bring attention to what he says and does because they directly conflict with our country's natural enemy.
Shouldn't you be busy crying over not owning Belgium?
lol, have you ever been to belgium? I'd cry if my tax money would have been wasted on maintaining that shithole.
>american """"education""""
another "divide and conquer" faggot who STILL doesn't understand Sup Forums let alone Sup Forums
alt-right is here to divide the right you retard. neo-pol is just jidf training ground
>Having not been to Belgium is evidence of a lack of education
Yeah, ok.
it is when you make an objectively false statement about belgium with complete lack knowledge
Milo's great m8. Do you need help finding your safe space or something?
He's done more to draw attention to the marxist rot destroying our universities than everyone else put together. And he's somehow managed to make it entertaining and very funny.
Fuck off reddit cunt
>He's done more to draw attention
to himself. like the attentionwhoring faggot he is
#1: He is Juden. Therefore he's not white, and you can't be a coalburner if you aren't white. He is definitely a degenerate, coke-snorting faggot.
#2: /pol doesn't worship him, he worships /pol.
I agree with you but why the fuck would you correct your post over this pity shit. You know the guy you're replying through is literally ordering Milo fanmerch right now to get a retweet or kiss from him?
tell that to Ernst Rohm, cuckboi
And used it to take away attention from the jews. I know he agrees with you Sup Forumsedditors but you all just aren't welcome here.
All nice fitting boards for you. Just leave Sup Forums
how long before milo makes a mold of his penis and sells them "authentic Milo dildos"?
Ben Garrison shoops where he's looking right at the camera always get me
Are you upset? They have safe spaces setup for you.
>le mad meme
explain to me, what part of my post made you uncomfortable enough to make you think I was upset.
Haha, why are you so angry though Ahmed?
>Be Dutch
>Get hit by a bike
alt-right fags literally confirmed redditmemers
I don't, All these fuckers on Sup Forums gave me a ration when I refused to get on the Benji train. Look where that train went, you fuckers. Told you so, dumbasses.
>Hey guys, let's just ignore all our base rules, and love Benji.
Fucking dumbasses.
Every Milo thread ever:
Half the posts: We don't worship him
Most times by the exact same people. Fuck reddit
So do you slide your bike seat into your asshole when you ride it or do you just let your balls rub it for pleasure?
literally who?
It reminds me of that Russian Jew agent. "The Chinese and Japan have martial arts, they can't stop the blow, they just move the direction in which it's going to suit them". This is what they've done with the alt right. It's a joke now.
Weak shilling m8, 4/10 for effort
trips of truth
This nigga.
2pac also knew that the kikes are stirring race shit between people to divide them. which is also what trump is doing