Other urls found in this thread:


ebin :DDDD



>back to jail tomorrow

Lmao last day of freedom



Vepsian and Hungarian.



dead thread

Years ago, I thought this was supposed to be a joke.

So much trap potential wasted with Putin.

>tfw no Vepsian bf

You mean Vepsian agent gf with a feminine benis :D:D:D

what r u fuggers (:DDDD) doing tonight?

re-reading SSSS

I think u know it my fugga

Will watch some shitty videostreams about games

what's that?
how many days in a row?
what games do you play?

I'm not a real man, I only drink on weekends. More of a weed guy really.
>tfw no weed

post-apocalyptic webcomic about the Nordic countries. It has many elements of Nordic and Finnic mythology and paganism

>what's that?
Stand Still Stay Silent maybe.

>what games do you play?
I prefer ARMA III and DayZ, some PUBG also.

we wuzz shaman n shiet.

You wuzz we stayed




Does the mage use a raddel or an arborist's climbing claws?


suomi on paras :-DDDDDDDD


Eesti is besti

Need Estonian bf right now.

Do you want a big Eesti cock in your mouth?

How are my dearest anons this evening?


fine, thanks for asking, hungary.


>Finnish nature

What does /fug/ think of pic related?

I can see similarities between the Finnic languages, does that make me a trained linguist?

Hungarian viewpoint is understandable. All of us have been living under a foreign power and majority still is. It's kinda sad how the most glorious period of Finnish history is the Winter war.

I can see similarities between Finnish (and dialects like Livvin-Karelian) and Estonian. Other Fugs are completely unintellgible except for some words (in Mari song Lum veleš --- lum = lumi - snow)... I can't understand anything from Sámi news on television except the words that are borrowed from elsewhere.

Beesti, do you have a way to refer to bad/broken English spoken by some Estonians? I was curious, since Finns refers to their as "Rally English"
>Inb4 no such thing
>Estonia was occupied long time but we got freedom in 1991
>Next 10 years was not easy. We needed build up all what occupatsion was destroied

the Thirty Years War was also glorious, but Sweden got all the credit.

shut up reindeer herder

shut up you mämmi mongler


no you get out

tartu peded palun abi.

raadi kant. seal oli varem ok seeni ja lsd teha. mis seal nüüd toimub?

mm joo


joon. ära muretse

pierustus hyh haise


>tibla :D

>That pic
Man, Finns are weird

The ones who aren't weird take the "fug it all" way.


That can't be right

Please tell me that isn't right

y u in jail

No I just told a poor joke in order to share that link.

I meant the link. Are we genetic failures?

There is place for both



I think that our rates of suicide can be explained by social factors (some people explain it with the dark winters and stuff...)

From the link:
>Mari and Udmurts have been found to have a three times higher suicide rate than Finns and Hungarians.

This claim doesn't have a source but is it even a miracle that someone kills himself in a country like russia especially as a part of some minority culture.

According to a Washington post map north africans are more depressed than we but suicide isn't as common there. Could it be because their religion (islam) sends people who do suicides right to hell so that people are discouraged from ending themselves?

Icelanders have a gene that keeps them from getting depressed by the darkness, I'm wondering if some of us have it too?

And yes you make a good point, if I lived in Russia I'd probably kill myself too

There is also good sides in Uralic genetics

Like what? Give us an example.

When it comes to getting through major difficult incidents, we can handle it better westerners

Someone said that the most glorious part in our history was the Winter War

But in fact the Finnish people have home through plenty hard core stuff, we just don't keep mentioning it ("the miracle of Winter War" was made by British newspaper, without that, how much less would it be known?)

Estonians were slaves for 700 years but now they don't demand anything for that


Sisu is real

better than westerners*

have gone through*

And when we have it good for a few centuries, picrelated happens.

Proof that we're a slave race and thrive on misery.


shit's contagious, yo

All countries have people like that

I said the Winter War thing meaning that when looked trough international perspective it's the best thing that has happened to us. Due to our history we don't really have any old documented accomplishments.

It's true that we have survived a lot as a people and have done quite well when we take into consideration what we have been and how new our country is. Still it might be just me but I don't usually mention survival in hard conditions as an accomplishment because that's what all kinds of people have gone trough.

If Estonians decide to demand something I doubt it will be given to them because we apparently turn White instantly when preparations are mentioned.

Irish people have also went trough a lot. So have gypsies and jews (both of whom have managed to get themselves kicked out of every country in the world) but I guess that you have a point. It is truly a characteristic for our people to keep on going no matter how bad we are doing.

>It is truly a characteristic for our people to keep on going no matter how bad we are doing.


How distant are the Volga Finnic languages from one another?

feminine benis :D:D:D



>If Estonians decide to demand something I doubt it will be given to them because we apparently turn White instantly when preparations are mentioned.
>we apparently turn White
I don't understand, are you saying you all aren't white? Asian jokes aside, it sounds like you're saying this seriously


Good night fug

Good night, chap!

where are all the fuggers at?

I don't but to be honest Finns treated as non whites has happened

we may look white on the outside but are 100% mongolian on the inside

I am a hunter-gatherer. I fish for pike and harvest cranberries. Blessed be Toorum for fresh chanterelles.


This is a popular Estonian version of a famous Hungarian song. The original was about "my great grandfather", the Estonian version is a about a "the last horse":


>Our results suggest that the ancestral Saami population 1500 years ago, inhabited a larger region than today, extending as far south as Levänluhta. Such a scenario is also supported by linguistic evidence suggesting most of Finland to have been speaking Saami languages before 1000 AD. We also observe genetic differences between modern Saami and our ancient samples, which are likely to have arisen due to admixture with Finnish people during the last 1500 years.

Pay reparations for stolen land asshole Finn.

This one is great!

Finno-Ugrics have always been a minority no matter where they are.
Finns are surrounded by Russia and Sweden.
Estonians are surrounded by balts and Russia.
Hungarians are surrounded by slavs and germans
Others are fucked in the ass in the middle of Russia and are dying.

We have never been with friends.



Sounds like some nazi site. Im not gonna read it.

What are u drinking 2day?

a lot of Red Bull

When Europeans conquered areas that were populated by native Americans the conquerors where from a completely different culture. The natives were dying in wars against the conquerors and due to illnesses they didn't have immunity against. A foreign group of people who had superior technology conquered and stole land from primitive natives.

The situation with Sámi people and Finns is different because we are from same race, we share similar culture and if there was a war, somewhere in our pre-history, about who get's to conquer Finland it was fought by people who had equal technology and shared culture.

Finnish people have never been living under one nation before our independence. We were divided into different tribes, there is no point in looking into which tribe was first that came to Finland.

"Aikaisemmin ajateltiin, että saamelaiset olivat Suomen alkuperäisasukkaita, jotka joutuivat vetäytymään pohjoiseen suomalaisten tieltä. Tämä tulkinta ei kuitenkaan saa tukea geneettisestä aineistosta.
Jos Etelä-Suomen saamelaiset olisivat olleet samaa porukkaa kuin nykyajan saamelaiset, tämän pitäisi näkyä saamelaisvaikutuksena suomalaisten geeneissä, mutta sellaista ei ole.

Saarikivi myös muistuttaa, että suullisessa perinteessä näitä ”saamelaisia” kuvataan kaskiviljelijöiksi. Tämä viittaa siihen, että he harjoittivat toisenlaista kulttuuria kuin pohjoisen saamelaiset.

Tämä yhtälö ei jätä paljon vaihtoehtoja. Todennäköisin selitys on, että etelän saamenpuhujat olivat eräs niistä etnisistä ryhmistä, joista tämän päivän suomalaiset on tehty, ja että ryhmä jossakin vaiheessa vaihtoi kielensä. Toinen mahdollisuus on, että nämä ihmiset hävitettiin, ennen kuin he ehtivät sekoittua muuhun väestöön. Niin tai näin, jossakin vaiheessa he ennättivät siirtää kielensä geneettisille saamelaisille."


your people would have been deported to Siberia by Stalin if Finns hadn't defended the entire country.

This new study says that people living in Levänluhta Ostrobothnia 1500 years ago were actually more purely Sámi than present day Sámi in Lapland.

