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Wow, really makes you think
I love how this is becoming the new "not an argument"
> suicidal people and children can never kill themselves with a knife/sword/improvised weapon.
anyway, yes, there are irresponsible gun owners. that shit is unfortunate, but to my knowledge, gun right activists and organizations do involve themselves in safety education.
>bad things happen so you dont deserve this object
k ban cars
Why is it okay for him to spout all that bullshit without posting sources? I swear to god, journalistic integrity reaches new lows every fucking day.
Like, I know it's just a shitty political cartoon, but if he's going to make assertions like that, he better damn well have the research to back them up.
This is why I'm now a #OrangeTipMissile
you can't just come in here dump shit memes and expect people are going to care about you or what you think. Stupid newfag.
the burden of proof doesn't lie upon the accuser anymore user.
This is "muh freedom of speech" now. However if it doesn't fit the narrative it's hate speech.
>cars kill people
>trees kill people
>meteorites kill people
>police kill people
>people kill people
If someone wants to kill themselves via firearm why not let them?
Look up how Constitution-opponent Dr Richard Petit gunlessly dealt with two men who invaded his home and attacked his wife and daughter.
>guns increase the chances of being killed by guns
I don't understand these people. It just sounds like they would willingly die if someone broke into their house.
>the burden of proof doesn't lie upon the accuser anymore user.
Sort of.
These are very well-documented, widely accepted statistics. That there is a tiny fringe element of people who want to contest them does not mean that anyone relying on them is obligated to defend them. It only means they're obligated to defend them if they care strongly about the beliefs of the tiny fringe who want to contest them. Thing is, though? That tiny fringe is just-as aware of them as everyone else, but seeks to argue that the information does not count as factual. And the vast majority, who rely on it because it is factual? They don't care about the tiny fringe enough to be bothered by their "you have to provide a source that I will argue with until you stop talking, so that I can proclaim myself the winner."
I wonder how many of those stats are from black gun owners.
user did you know that firearms are the number one cause of death by firearms?
>i'm with her now
175% of 0.0000000000001% is not statistically relevant. Lrn2math, scrub.
>Citing a "study" from 20 odd years ago that was so badly done it was debunked before the ink dried
When I get in my truck every morning to drive to work, my risk of dying goes up 22 times
wow really makes you think
Word salad m8. Tidy that up a bit.
>These are very well-documented, widely accepted statistics.
No they aren't.
Correlation =/= causation.
I have never seen anyone use these stats to establish causality.
Perhaps the tripled murder rate is because people who live in dangerous areas buy guns for protection. Perhaps the increased suicide rate is because people buy guns specifically with the intent of suicide. These blank statistics don't say anything unless context and causation is established.
Well in South African home invasions, nice white peoples children are being gang raped, hips broken and dunked in boiling water after their faces are ironed. Then onto the wife and husband with brooms and boiling oil..
Good thing they don't have gins cause guns iz bad...
fucking liberals.
>wearing a helmet increases the risk of traumatic head injury by over 300%
I wonder how many of those stats are coming from gun owners with a previous history of violence or mental illness.
That's it. I'm now a #JebHead.
I think there's an unearned feeling of comfort/invincibility white American liberals feel when nothing bad happens to them in a few years.
It'll never happen to them, so out of sight out of mind. Nobody needs a self defense weapon because they've never needed one and they're smart! And yes they are, smart to live in gated communities, with people who look like them and work in the same industries as them.
Kind of like women who want to get rid of "guilty until proven innocent" because women never ever ever commit crimes.
My rights aren't subject to to crime, accident and suicide statistics.
Me giving up my firearms will not make criminals stop breaking the law, accidents or suicides.
Now that being said, explain to me why I should turn in my firearms.
Has a meteor ever actually killed some one? Is there an actual documented fact? Cause that's one unlucky son a bitch!
non-whites force me to own a gun
Taken out of context.
>a gun in the home increases the chance of being killed by firearms"
People have guns in their homes because they live in bad neighborhoods where they get robbed at gunpoint.
>"A gun in the home triples the risk of a homicide"
Killing a burglar is homicide.
>What are suicides
I'm not planning on shooting myself and I don't have kids running around who can access my firearms, so I'll keep 'em, thanks.
Really makes you think...
>I have never seen anyone use these stats to establish causality
Kellermans "study" is a laughing stock.
Not only did he not do as you say he deliberately refused to control for extremely important variables.
Anyone who has taken highschool stats101 could immediately debunk this joke.
Which is what happened.
The fact that antigunners still try to use it just shows how disingenuous and uncaring for legitimate rational discussion they are.
Imagine that.
Literally Noguns: The Comic
>Remove guns
>People start using knives
>Remove knives
>People start using blunt instruments
If someone wants to kill someone they don't need a gun.
>Mfw an AR can easily shoot 1moa groups and 556 is banned from hunting deer in most all places because it is too weak
This kind of willful ignorance is why antigunners should just be openly laughed at.
>Jamal has gun
>Gang shoots him
>hurr having a gun increases the chances of being killed
literally none of these affect me.
I'm don't have kids, im not going to kill anyone or myself, i don't abuse family etc. So why should i be restricted because other people might use it wrong?
What group is more likely to commit suicide?
What group is more likely to commit homicide?
I'll take my nobel prize now.
I like how these people are completely ignorant on a topic they feel so strongly about
and also, dying to a knife or a hammer is 10x worse than being shot...
Because liberals and gungrabbers rely on feelings and not facts.
If they relied on facts, they'd no longer be liberals and gungrabbers.
The higher risk of homicides and shit is due to basketball Americans shooting each other over stupid shit and skewing the data
I think that one's a meeeem
Yea it is but I was referring to the original.
>These are very well-documented, widely accepted statistics.
That's not an objective statement. It's entirely subjective to say what is and what is not "widely accepted."
Widely accepted by who?
Well-documented by what standard?
What constitutes a "tiny fringe element"?
Your post is a prime example of the sort of manipulation of objectivity that "journalists" and political cartoonists such as the one in OP are using to push their narratives.
>That's not an objective statement
It isn't even subjective it is dead wrong
Kellerman is a hack and a laughing stock.
His criteria for "successful defense with a firearm" only counted justified homicide with a firearm.
Which makes up a very miniscule percentage of defensive gun uses.
For a dramatic example gif related would not be counted as successful defense with a firearm in the kellerman """study"""
I will only concentrate on the image involving the deer for the duration of this post.
A: no one wants to bite into their venison and taste lead.
B: You can only hunt with a 5 round mag in most places
C: 5.56 (which is the normal round for the scary black rifle) is inhumane to use. 300 blk is decent, but plz no. .22lr good fucking luck killing even a cat with that shit. .308 rem is the only common round people would recommend to use for large game, and it is $1 a bullet, with most AR platforms in this caliber going for more than two grand, and holding only 20 rounds in a full-body mag.
Conclusion: No one wants to spend $30 on in-state tags ($300 out of state for a tag), only to chunkify their deer, wasting 19 rounds of .308 rem, in clear violation of the law by hunting with a full-body mag.
It's almost like whoever drew this comic has no idea about hunting or guns whatsoever and is just parroting what their liberal fanbase believes or something.
>AR chambered in 30MM
So don't keep a gun in your house if it makes you feel unsafe.
These are good arguments against making gun ownership mandatory.
They are shit tier arguments against the 2nd amendment, because they don't adress the reason the amendment was created.
>.308 rem(Winchester*) is the only common round people would recommend to use for large game, and it is $1 a bullet
>Not buying ZQI online for 50¢ a round
checked. Also this nigger gets it.
"not an argument" was never a thing - only some shitty forced faggotry that started like 3 days ago
you can't be serious
I have traveled all over the globe. Not once did I walk the streets of a foreign country in the middle of the night with any fears. People of all race, creeds, colors and class walking the streets peacefully. In this"civilized country"? No fucking way. Sure we have our "freedoms"... but gunnuts keep us reasonable people in chains. Chains of fear of being shot.
Will I live to see the day when "Well regulated militia" is defined as "National Guard?"
I buy .308 online pretty steadily for 31 cents a round
Unfortunately I am, Nip. I might have under-exaggerated the timeframe but only faggots that follow that other faggot on faggoty media ever thought it was funny to use.
For the sake of argument against commies, I will only accept match grade, hand-loaded only.
>muh unreasonable gunnut interpretation
And the Supremes can rule as they see fit. Slavery used to be legal and accepted in America, too, and their 'votes' cast by their 'masters' were worth a percentage of a white vote. That idiocy was enshrined in law, too. Didn't make it right, didn't make it sensible, didn't make it reflective of our values as a nation.
Maybe we can get over this dumbass gun culture. That's MY hope. It should be at least as hard to qualify to get a gun as it is to get a driver's license. Frankly, I'd like to see it be a bit harder.
I'm tired of children being gunned down. A kid was murdered in front of a local high school yesterday, and a couple others wounded, by someone driving by. The kid was the baby of the family, a "stay home" type, a good student, and he had the bad luck to be in front of his own school to catch some lead during a fire drill.
Sick of this crap. I've had enough.
I'm not alone, either.
I've always been skeptical of mass gun ownership and always thought that the situation in the UK is preferable. I maintain the second part of that view but in the case of US I firmly
believe that the best situation is the status quo.
After reading about that draw mohammed thing in Texas where two islamic terrorists were shot before they even reached the door it's really convinced me that I'd definitely feel safer in a room with a load of gun owners than in a room without them. Good on you guys.
"An abused women is 6 times more likely to be murdered with a gun in her home"
Sounds like an abused women needed to stop running her fucking mouth after the first 5 times.
That's all you can ask for really. Morons are morons, I'd say why hold responsible people accountable for irresponsible people but this seems to be how normie society operates. It's funny how their individuals when this shit logic gets tossed on them. Black people commit more crimes but that's NOT ALL black people, but gun owners have accidents and now all the sudden its ALL guns/gun owners.
You sound exactly like them. Good work.
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
(Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 14; Pub. L. 85–861, §1(7), Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1439; Pub. L. 103–160, div. A, title V, §524(a), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1656.)
Suck it.
>tumblr filename
>le national Guard XD
3/10 b8
Stay mad, faggot.
More conclusions from actual studies:
>A well-armed populace does not deter murders
>Higher ownership of guns in a state mean more armed robberies
>Higher ownership of guns in a state means more homicides
>There is no scientific data that supports the theory that a well-armed population would reduce violent crime, but plenty that shows the opposite
>Firearm assaults are 6.8 times more frequent in states with highest rates of gun ownership than states with the lowest
>Gun ownership correlates with higher rates of all homicides, not just homicide with a gun.
>Increases in gun ownership precede increases in violent crime.
>Where more people own guns, the homicide rate of friends and family increases.
>The presence of a gun in a home increases the rate of suicide.
- At least one Congressman has admitted he doesn't care what the data has to say.
Who will it be?
I guarantee I have traveled more than you...
50 years old over 100 countries. Lived in 23.
Try Cambodia at 2 in the morning down by the docks in Sihanoukville.
Try Johannesburg City Central at 11 pm at night.
Try Haarare, Zim suburbs at 2 in the morning.
Try the South Bronx alone at 2 in the morning, if you are white..
What a crock of shit.
The right to bear arms is ALREADY “infringed” for many, and for very good reason. Here’s a short list of things that could easily happen if we were to give you your way, remove all “infringements,” and completely deregulate the Second Amendment:
>A career felon could walk out of prison, and purchase a full-auto AK-47 from Walmart
>Your psycho ex could buy a sniper rifle and silencer from “some guy” for $100
>A mentally handicapped child could get a pistol from a vending machine
>Known terrorists and those with terrorist affiliations could easily purchase Stinger missile launchers to shoot down airliners, and RPGs to blow up your Hummer
>Any nutjob could walk out of the asylum, buy a grenade launcher and flamethrower, and visit your kids at school.
what the hell...
he didn't shoot him, was the gun jammed or something?
Sounds s-s-scary...
>1 MOA gun and silencer for $100
How, where? Sounds like a steal
You forgot that any convicted felon can legally own a tactical nuke. THANKS OBAMA!
the issue that needs to be addressed nationally soon is whether we have the right to defend ourselves outside of our homes
Sounds like paradise tbqhwy pajamalam.
Israel was convicted?
Sounds good to me.
>work for state secretary
>process conceal carry and firearm license permits
>throw half the stack of applicants in the trash
Unlucky people shouldnt own guns
Of course not, are you a nazi?
>correlation=causation: the cartoon
This is bait, but i'll bite.
Those things don't happen. Even with fairly loose gun control school shooting are extremely rare, and criminals will just ignore gun laws (that's why they're criminals).
In the 60's you could basically mail order fully automatic machine guns and there wasn't pandemonium. Use some actual arguments instead of flawed liberal axioms and fairy tale situations.
Terrorists are given MANPADs for free, courtesy of the CIA. Flamethrowers are completely unregulated and can be purchased without any sort of legal paperwork. Never have I heard of terrorists shooting down American airliners, never have I heard of a "nut job" going to a school with a flamethrower.
n-n-no s-sen-p-pai desu
Why don't you do your job properly and just throw out the black sounding names.
All that cartoon filled me with was a desire to go out and purchase a Browning Hi Power
its sure the stones fault
inb4 high capacity assault stones
leftwanking hypocrats