is richard spencer Sup Forums in the flesh? he's a deviant weirdo with snob tastes in film and talks movies with his like-minded friends via the internet. Spergs out over Kubrick.
White nationalist movie discussions
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Where did this guy come from? How did he just spring into the media fully-armored like Athena from Zeus?
you know, spencer is an average looking guy, but in this pic he's quite handsome.
no homo
people respond viscerally to certain images, when that hail-trump + sperg in audience do the roman salute + smart editing to make the 4 nazi saluters seem like a dozen or more.....
well then you have a viral video.
>jonah hill with a nu-male haircut
Top kek
I'm still confused about his "white homeland" ethno-state concept.
where is his jaw
its only numale if its paired with a beard
>Implying nu-males can grow a beard
False flag Boogeyman made up by the msm because theyre in full blown damage control mode
>Spergs out over Kubrick.
So he's a tasteless pleb faggot?
Because he literally did a Nazi salute and shouted HEIL TRUMP while dozens of people in the audience saluted back
they get that haircut
then they pair it with a patchy beard to hide their lack of jawline
He's literally CIA
Was getting caught heiling on camera part of his plan?
basically sort of israel for white europeans and european-americans on the north american continent. sort of post-USA white utopia.
how the hell he's going to convince blacks and latinos to move out of a certain geographical area is beyond me. you can discourage, pay people to leave... but what to do with the last taht remain? essentially same problem jews have with arabs still in israel....
This is why the real plan consists of leaving for space then returning the next 300 years to hurl space rocks on the earth to cleanse it.
who's going to do all the low pay manual labor in this ethno-state?
mmm, so the discussion about david lynch's dune on the radix podcast contains parts of the alt right vision huh?
What did he mean by this?
only the most delusional LARPers actually think there will be a pure white ethnostate in north america. most white nationalists would be fine with around 90% white america as long as the remaining muds are kept in check and the immigration law is such that brown countries are heavily restricted and white countries are heavily favored (which is how immigration law used to work here anyways)
Kubrick was a self-hating jew, he literally said Hitler was right.
will they be made in Mexico?
Yeah, that's why he spent years working on developing a WWII movie but dropped it because he thought he couldn't properly portray the horrors of the holocaust.
nobody can portray the horrors of the holocaust because it never happened
I've known of him for a few years now. Trump's election, the rise of the alt-right, and the gook pornstar sieg heiling has propelled him into the public eye.
Personally I respect him the recent NPI conference was unbelievably naive.