Is it kino ?

is it kino ?

This movie has gotten me in so much trouble over the years. Like many of you, I try to emulate the Driver at every opportunity. Unfortunately, I've had to drop the insulting anyone who speaks to me at a diner part because I keep getting punched in the face and I'm not sure how to respond because that does not happen in the film. I still wear masks to pizza parlors and say I Drive and My Hands Are Dirty when I can, but that's about it. I sometimes ask hispanic kids if there are any good sharks too, but I just walk away and don't wait for their response. Also I need to renew my driver license but I can still pretend I'm driving when I'm on the bus.

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

No, it's objectively shit.

It's a movie that panders to autistic sensibilities and so, pretty much all of Sup Forums likes it. Always remember that these are the same people who call the latest comic book movie a "masterpiece", and obsess over movies that star their favorite celebrity actress crush.

99% of the fucks on this board know nothing about Television or film.

Does a fag fall to his knees and fellate the pope while gobbling AIDS filled cum and thinking about an 8 year old boy?

Its kino in its purest form.

Why did Reddit choose this particular movie?

Hey you want a a toothpick?

t. edgelord contrarian beta boi

its pretty good
but the soundtrack makes me fuckin cum desu so good