Concealed carry is officially dead. I don't own a gun personally, but this is ridiculous

Concealed carry is officially dead. I don't own a gun personally, but this is ridiculous.

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It is? I just got off work and about to go to the grocery store carrying.

Yeah, no

according to what

i don't get how we can call ourselves democracies yet the policies and everything change without any input from the citizens aside from who they see on TV explaining it to them a month after it actually happens

this world is ill

It was something the 9th circuit ruled. Not sure if it applies everywhere though. Either way it's a blatant disregard of the constitution.

When I got my permit there was like 10 other people at the sheriff's office filling out the same ccw papers. At 10am...on a a rural as fuck area.


The 9th district court reaffirmed that states that do not issue CPL to their citizens can continue to do so (like LA county).

Those counties/states that still allow CPL to be issues are not at all affected.

Stupid fucking nigger

The only place it applies to is in California.

you're a fucking moron

>literally following laws to be able to put a gun in your pocket
>paying money for a license to put a gun in your pocket

Why do you even follow these shit laws?

I'm not pay for a fucking license to put my glock in my waistband

Come and take them, you fuckin faggots

I play by my own rules.

This makes me happy to hear..

You can either bite your pride and go through the ropes to getting your concealed carry.

OR, you can be a nigger and just carry it in your waistband, and the day that you get pulled over/frisked will be a shitty one for you, because the police don't fuck around with unlicensed concealed carry niggerspics like yourself.

>hurr durr constitutional right
it is, but in a perfect world we wouldn't have these checks and balances on our rights. Too bad that perfect world is too far gone

yeah the government can blow me. i'll never turn them in.

At least you HAVE guns!

Ruling allows California to restrict carry of firearms outside the home to open-carry only.

Other states are not affected by California's laws.

It does open the door for other liberal states to pass open-carry only laws, however. Laws that will hold up in court.

It'll get fixed when Trump wins and selects a conservative.

>9th Circuit Decision
>SCOTUS hasn't even ruled on it yet

Learn how the fucking court system in this country works instead of just reading headlines and making a comment like some kind of Reddit scum.

>I don't own a gun personally
felon or underage detected, please kill yourself

Where do I need to live to own that?

It does set a dangerous precedent. That's how common law works.

>9th Circuit Court
i guess this is your first rodeo?


this is Sup Forums

yea but you don't want to get fucked in the ass if you ever have to use it or cop happens to come across it

not a valid court decision, it will be overturned.
>The interpretation of the laws is the proper and peculiar province of the courts. A constitution is, in fact, and must be regarded by the judges, as a fundamental law. It therefore belongs to them to ascertain its meaning, as well as the meaning of any particular act proceeding from the legislative body. If there should happen to be an irreconcilable variance between the two, that which has the superior obligation and validity ought, of course, to be preferred; or, in other words, the Constitution ought to be preferred to the statute, the intention of the people to the intention of their agents.

>Nor does this conclusion by any means suppose a superiority of the judicial to the legislative power. It only supposes that the power of the people is superior to both; and that where the will of the legislature, declared in its statutes, stands in opposition to that of the people, declared in the Constitution, the judges ought to be governed by the latter rather than the former. They ought to regulate their decisions by the fundamental laws, rather than by those which are not fundamental.

Same here

>following the law

Lol as long as you're not a retarded nigger that attracts attention to yourself carrying isn't a problem.

This will just make more people Trump after they realize they are literally trying to take our guns away.

9th circuit is the most overturned appeals court in the US. This ruling has close to 0 relevance.

o w t h e e d g e



Certainly hope so

Pity it wasn't a Houston court that made the ruling. I would have liked to see Texas finally purge that city

that tattooist has some skills.

Everyone knows the 9th Circuit is liberal af. Who didn't see this coming?

Thank God I don't live in the 9th Circuit. My circuit said conceal carry is constitutionally protected. I feel bad for the non-California states in the 9th Circuit. They basically get ruled over by a small group of liberal California judges, most of whom are Jews.

We need to ban kritarchy.
A kritarch is a judge who is also an arbitrary, unaccountable ruler, like in the Book of Judges in the Bible.
Judges exist to supervise the court and pass sentence, not to legislate.



I hope Trump disband the 9th circuit to be like based Andy Jackson.

learn the difference between de jure and de facto

Gunless faggot here.

What's the point of concealed carry?

No it isn't you fucking retard.

To shoot niggers who attack you

Republic, not a democracy

To defend yourself wherever you are.

Are you even american?
Do you really prefer to be carried by 6 rather than be judged by 12?

Why would anyone living in America not own a gun?

9th circuit is human garbage

went to law school here

The constitution is just a document. One that was intended to be re-written periodically by the people who wrote it.

One generation should not rule over another, they said. Fearing change to the constitution is un-american.

Only in California, dipfuck.

To keep guns legalized

Why carry a gun, instead of flowers? Love trumps death.

This. Califaggot laws don't apply in freedom zones

Hilldog is already promising that the 2nd Amendment doesn't allow people to have guns.

Actually, the entire jurisdiction of the 9th circuit court, see .

californian here

sucks not living in america

you're right

it was not intended to be changed by the whims of the supreme court, though, now was it, language obsfucator?

Wrong, nigger.

cause open carry is for sperg lords that just wanna show off their new purchase

>230 pounds

Canada, I shot one of those in the Edmonton super mall or w/e it's called in 2004 or some shit.

It's called like a .38 special STI.

>it was not intended to be changed by the whims of the supreme court, though, now was it, language obsfucator?

I don't think they stipulated who should do it, just that it should be torn down and re-written from the ground up at least once per century.

Why are you so afraid? You think you're the only one who's ever been robbed or mugged or held at gunpoint?

Stop being a pussy.

Also, the 9th circuit is fucking giant, easily larger than any other federal jurisdiction (save SCOTUS itself). It needs to be split in half.

So you can bring a concealed firearm in, say, a government building?

Depends on the state and the type of government building.

im not fucking advocating for against conceal carrying. Im telling that other poster to at the least follow the letter of the law when conceal carrying, because otherwise he'll have a lot of trouble down the line if/when the police frisk him and find a firearm in his waistband that he's legally not allowed to have there because hes in public and doesnt have his CPL license.

Id prefer to shoot my way out of trouble, and obviously be judged by 12. Nigga im on your side.

Check the comments:

"I disagree quite strongly with Heller. Scalia was pulling shit out of his ass on that one, in big, big ways to overturn centuries of precedent.

There is NO constitutional right to self protection. None. Its not mentioned or alluded to anywhere, including in the 2nd Amendment. And Scalia hung the entire decision on this nonexistent right.

He basically erased any mention of militias..which is the entire reasoning actually given in the text of the 2nd Amendment.

He rewrote the 2nd Amendment (while claiming to be strict constitutionalist and that the that Constitution is "Dead, dead, dead!") to suit some fantasy version he kept in his head, and in the process created brand new rights out of thin air.

EDIT: And btw, this case wouldn't include Heller,as even in Heller, Scalia quite clearly said that state can and should still regulate guns."

And we're supposed to believe the lie that a complete ban and confiscation is not the end goal? What a farce

he is 6'2, and he could be built pretty well.

but this is Sup Forums, and he's probably quite gelatinous.

The new Virginia cards are now plastic, no more lamination. Here's an example of the new cards.

questions for europeans:
what do you do when you live away from town and the police/ambulance is an hour away? can you at least have a shotgun?

If Hillary is elected president, the liberal justices will just affirm the ruling of the ninth circuit.

Currently, even if they split 4-4, the ruling would still be upheld.

It doesn't really what the Constitution says if the Supreme Court decides to interpret it in a way counter to the meaning.

I'm saying this as a person who things the ninth circuit's decision is a disgrace.

I'm pretty sure only brown people are entitled to self defense. Many eurocuck countries have strict storage rules, including the segregation of ammo.
>Gun in safe
>bolted to floor
>Cable/Trigger lock
>unloaded and ammo in separate and secure location (Exceptions in some countries)

-airsoft master piece.

Geta real gun

I second this. I can't carry anything! And if I use anything in picRelated, I will be most likely charged and jailed.

Get fucked California.

yeah, he's amazing. too bad hes stuck doing edgejobs

can you explain what circuits are?

You realize all the blacked out info is contained in that square Barcode thingy?

You can purchase rifles for hunting purposes.

>tfw Adam Putnam is in favor of OC

Still have the old one, homeboy. It'll get replaced when I renew.

But what if you are attacked by a person, not a bear.

And it's a good thing you don't, because reconstructive surgery on what is left of your already tiny cock isn't gonna be cheap.

>Tfw we have more freedom than Comiefornia.

Are Type-95s any good? Never seen anyone on chan have one of these.

They're courts which oversee an entire region's worth of Appeals courts. Their decisions are precedent for the entire region and can only be overturned by SCOTUS.

you're an idiot

I don't think we even have bears. They shoot at birds mostly.
Also if a hunting rifle works against a bear, surely it will work against a person.

Self Defense?

France are you ok?

those are fake guns dipshit

You can self defend just fine with open carry, can't you?

Yes, but open carry is somewhat more politically complicated thanks to the Black Panthers.

you mean fudds

He's not an idiot. The long-term progressive plan is for the government to dissolve the people and elect another. An ideal Zuckerbergstan of islands of luxury and tech surrounded by favelas of illiterate subhumans would have no trouble with a referendum or second Constitutional convention and complete rewrite. This is the danger which Trump answers.

Honestly I don't see the issue with not being able to conceal carry. Wouldn't you WANT people to know you have a gun on you so they won't fuck with you or anyone near you in the first place?

I know, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, and I'll support concealed carry if someone can explain it to me better. Is it because someone might grab the gun from you?

A lot of cucks still get triggered when they see a firearm. Concealing it allows social interactions to occur as they normally would.

Still gives you the ability to blast uppity scum when needed tho.

this has nothing to do with the incorrect statements he made

Kinda makes you a target as well.

who cares lol

Why are liberals so enraged at legal gun owners?

I really don't get it

Someone's not going to apply for a CC permit just so they can sneak up on you and shoot you