Listen, I'm tired of this sexism crap towards women in Hollywood. I don't care who plays the lead - give me a great movie and I'm satisfied. Rogue One looks like it's shaping up to be great, and I for one am excited as all heck!
Listen, I'm tired of this sexism crap towards women in Hollywood...
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nobody cares about who plays the lead. it's feminazis and sjws who bring it up constantly.
Anyone else forcing themselves to be excited for this? I don't want to watch it but all my friends and family do so I will no doubt be dragged to the theater.
>just say no
I can't without making people fucking angry. They are that cucked by movies.
I wonder who could be behind this marketing gimmick...
>I can't without making people fucking angry
you need to be over 18 to post on this website
I don't care about whether or not it's a female lead. I'm just not interested in the premise of the movie.
Give me a spaghetti western-style Boba Fett movie, or a Ganja Klub movie.
think of it this way, the lead is always going to be the least likable person of the main cast. This is because teenaged girls are supposed to identify with her and leaving her vacant of characters traits is the best way to do this, so really having a female lead only means the male characters can be more interesting.
What is wrong about what I said? When I said I didn't like TFA my friends shouted at me. Should I kill myself because I leave my house unlike you?
That guy should play a young Stannis
I think he's trying to pretend to be a Disney-paid shill.
t. gareth edwards
I'm upset because she's the only female main cast member and they're probably gonna make her the most badass one in the team, while the others will probably act like a bunch of retards
your friends getting mad about movie preferences is full blown aspergers middle school-tier
>excited as all heck
Come on man, at least post some effort into your shitposting.
>in a world...DOMINATED by WOMAN decides to rise against it
>Hollywood tood Kyle Katarn from us
let that sink in
Diversity hordes fight against the white man. grim. will pirate.
Literally who? I don't even remember the fag from that N64 shooter. Even KOTOR had a shitty plot.
>being over 20
>watching Star Wars
Not watching Star Wars is un-American. Are you implying you're under 20?
At least they turned him into a hot chick instead of another Rey.
Life's too short for crappy manchild movies you're gonna complain about anyway, senpai. Six fucking movies wasn't enough? You're gonna swallow everything Jewsney shoots at you, like a good slut?
>'wow. she truly is a Rogue One, huh?'
>crappy manchild movies
You're the manchild for not watching Star Wars, kid. Stop being an uppity queer when you're posting on Sup Forums of all places.
shit, nigga. you're cool.
Sup Forums needs to be purged from marlel/dc/disney shills and its consumers that mostly come from reddit
darth ominous
death star
space ships
>$0.10 has been deposited into your Disney shill account
rogue 1 will be shit. sjw crap has ruined disney
the old ones with shitty special effects and bad dialog are better
nigga, just close your're are eyes