Mashable tackles body positivity

21 years old. Check out them legs. Hhhnnnnnggggg


Fucking delete this!

>Lesley Miller was tired of feeling ashamed of her body.

>So when the 21-year-old shared a photo of herself in her first bikini with the popular Facebook page Love What Matters, the image — and the story she submitted alongside it — resonated with thousands of people.


I was eating asshole.

Why does she look like she's melting at 21 years of age?

um wtf is wrong with her body?

I would fuck her


I hope she's a burn victim cuz she's some fucked up.

Because, most likely, she was obese as hell from a young age into adulthood. She finally got off her ass and worked out or maybe got a gastric bypass at the tender age of 16-17.

Now she's shed her pounds but the skin remains. She's slowly learning that her fucked up body is never going to be beautiful. Still, she sees herself as skinny and thus better than many other women, which gives her the needed confidence to post this. Unfortunately, there is no remedy for the skin and it will never go back to normal. The only way to prevent this is by losing your obese girth very slowly, which she didn't do. I'd say it's very likely she got her stomach stapled because I seriously doubt she just decided to stop eating one day. Her options now are to leave it, or get extensive skin removal surgeries which will leave her skin scarred to all hell and almost more disgusting.

Never get fat, kids. If you do, it's almost better to stay that way. I'd rather look like a walking blimp than a melting freak show.


Only hope she can keep it up and not revert to being a hambeast in 5 years time.

>covering belly button
just fat people things

You need to discover punctuation because from your post it makes it sound like you were eating someone's asshole.

what a shame. if she just started running in like two months she'd look okay, but instead shes just gonna keep getting fatter and grosser cause "i'm always beautiful!!"


Delete your account

Women strip down to make a point, over and over again. Do women not have any imagination? It must be ingrained in their dna to take off their clothing.

I can honestly believe that someone was literally eating a bowl of assholes and THAT IMAGE is what made them sick.


Do fat and ugly women not understand that the whole point of a bikini is to be desirable for men? This is why they push so hard for fat acceptance because they want to 'feel good in a bikini' aka attract men without putting in any effort into physical fitness.

You can't force this fetishization of obesity on men.

(((thin privelege)))